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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard Runes
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Threats & Synergies
If Tristana was real, she'd have Corona. She never social distances and always jumps on you, very toxic. Would not recommend.
You root, he shoot. He gain extra gold from kills. He snowball. He go 20-0. You gain 20 LP.
You root, he shoot. He gain extra gold from kills. He snowball. He go 20-0. You gain 20 LP.
Champion Build Guide
Main Tree
First Strike

As the most important rune, there are several important things to remember when taking First Strike
The slow on your

You have to damage an enemy champion within 0.25 seconds of starting combat. Basically if you get hit you hit straight back.
You have 3 seconds after the first hit to pump any and all champions you see. These 3 seconds will give you a 10% damage buff, use it whilst you can.
After the 3 seconds 70% of the increased damage you did is turned into gold. This stacks up quickly. For example, if you hit a 3 man ultimate for 1.2k damage. You'll do 120 bonus damage equating to 84 bonus gold. From your ultimate alone, you still have 3 seconds after that to do damage.
Early game you definitely should try to keep the rune on cooldown as each hit is at least 6-7 gold, more if you get an attack off proccing your passive. It does mean you should watch for jungle ganks, if your jungler is coming in, hold off on using First Strike until you can burst whilst going for the kill.



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Gives a bunch of AP for you to clap cheeks, gives you vision for your teammates to ignore, gives you an excuse to get aggressive and poke, it's the perfect support item. |
Health Potion
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Riot haven't broken the game enough to have spell lifesteal yet so you're going to need these for sustain, you can only start dying in the mid game. |
Liandry's Anguish
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Mercury's Treads
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If the enemy have a lot of CC, it can be worth picking these bad boys up letting you get at least 1 ability off before you die. |
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The be-all and end-all of AP items. Everyone who has one loves it, everyone who doesn't hates it, it'll save your life more times than you can count and it'll save the enemy stuck in your Q more times than you want it to. Plus it's 250g cheaper the the rune ![]() |
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You want your enemies to be 0 HP. They regen HP. This prevents 60% of HP regen. Therefore this is the most OP item in the game. Sometimes you should settle for just the ![]() |
Horizon Focus
Void Staff
Cosmic Drive
Demonic Embrace
Rabadon's Deathcap
Banshee's Veil
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One of the new items that came with the 11.23 patch, Shadowflame provides a lot of nice bonuses. You gain 10-20 magic penetration depending on the HP of the enemy champion (Max bonus gained at 1000HP or below) and also if the enemy has recently been affected by a shield you also gain the maximum of 20 magic penetration. Helps you chunk through Lockets, Karma's, Seraphines, and Morgana's ![]() |
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More AP, more mana regen, and some cheeky true damage. Oof that's a nice potion. You can also buy this if you're defending/ending the game and don't have the money or room to buy a component |
If you have any questions or tips, feel free to leave a comment below or join the Discord where I'm constantly available :) https://discord.gg/HK3P8gvKsr
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