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Runes: Normal
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Threats & Synergies
Pretty tanky with magic shield
Dodge her charm with your E, and you win lane
Dodge her charm with your E, and you win lane
Champion Build Guide
Q+AA+W (+ E out/in) - This is a standard laning trade combo which can easily proc electrocute. You can use your E to run away but it's not nessessary
E+AA+W(+Q)- Early trading combo, but do this in caution as you may get punished for using this
AA+W+Q(+E) - This is another laning trade combo which can proc electrocute. This is when you are very up close in them. Use E to run away, if nessessary.
R+Q+AA+W+E or R+E+AA+W+Q- This is an all in combos that can be used to assassinate your opponent.
E+Flash - E+Flash can be used to do damage with your E if they are too far but also keeping the radius of your E. If building protobelt, you can E+Protobelt which will do the same effect.
Ult+Flash - Hide Ult animation
Q+Ult - Q a minion and Ult will hide the animation of ult which makes it harder to predict.
Q+Flash - Press Q and Flash into them.
Q+Zhonya - If you are low, use this combo to finish them off. Your Q and passive will go through.
After shoving wave, Fizz is a great roamer. You can escape from any dangerous situation with his E and Q. You can also jump thin walls (like Baron/Dragon pit)and deny turret shots with your E which also makes you a very good diver. Applying more pressure to other lanes can make you even stronger (gold + dark seal) and let your teammates get ahead.
After laning phase, side laning is good to get towers and solo exp. When you're joining teamfights for dragon/baron or other objectives, focus on the ADC or any squishies since you are an assassin
- Fizz has a strong snowballing potential
- Carry games
- Heavily reliant on snowballing
- Laning phase can be hard until Lvl 3 which gives room to get poked to death
- E cost a lot of mana early game
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