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Runes: Coin Collector Corki
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Standard Ability Max
Hextech Munitions (PASSIVE)
Corki Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Akshan is a total monstrosity that corki cannot beat. There's just nothing you can do to akshan if you aren't an early game champion or if you don't have your jungler around constantly. I suggest perma banning Akshan if you're gonna play corki.
His ultimate combined with your Package W makes for one of the deadliest damage combos I've ever experienced. an AP malphite + Package W will delete everyone that isn't a FULL tank. A well timed combination of these abilities is unstoppable.
His ultimate combined with your Package W makes for one of the deadliest damage combos I've ever experienced. an AP malphite + Package W will delete everyone that isn't a FULL tank. A well timed combination of these abilities is unstoppable.
Champion Build Guide
Amazing Objective Control- Corki's W along with this build make for an extremely deadly fire trail that you can use to block off baron and dragon pits, zone enemies so they can't run away, or just delay them so you can take an inhib, or finish baron and get out.
MONEY- With Cull and First Strike you get that MONEY. We want our items as soon as possible to try and push through early game so it's great to have cull and First Strike.
Weak Early Game- Corki has a really bad early game, and there's a decent amount of matchups where he can struggle to find a lead or stay even. His mana costs are pretty high and he lacks proper damage until mid game.
Coin Collector Corki
First Strike is the newest rune on the rift, and so far has been a pretty solid keystone for champions who know how to abuse it. Corki can make solid use of it, and since we're already getting a cull, I figure we might as well double down on the money train. You're not going to get a ton of use out of it early, but once you get past lane phase you can get 200-300 gold per fight easily, maybe even more if you're ahead. -
It's essentially a free stopwatch, which will be great to avoid inting in the early game, and can even win some trades if used well. -
Biscuit Delivery is a good source of sustain in the early game and pairs with Perfect Timing to help us avoid inting the lane away. -
Cosmic Insight lowers your summoner spell cooldowns and gives some item haste so we can get sheen cooldown lowered a bit and have the ability to abuse it more. -
Manaflow Band will give some permanent mana in the early game and make your resources more sustainable throughout the match. -
Gathering Storm is a solid scaling rune that will fit in with Corki's kit perfectly as he can use the AD or the AP and regardless of which damage type he receives it'll bring a lot of impact to this kit and increase his damage as the game progresses.
Zoom Zoom Corki
Predator will be great for roaming or just making your package W more effective whether you're trying to win a teamfight, contest objectives, or get a quick kill. -
Sudden Impact is going to pair with package W to give you some added penetration after the initial W. -
Eyeball Collection will give some added adaptive power because why not. -
Even though it got nerfed a bit late into the season, I still like having Ravenous Hunter as a sustain option to avoid being completely lacking healing. -
Manaflow Band will give some permanent mana in the early game and make your resources more sustainable throughout the match. -
Gathering Storm is a solid scaling rune that will fit in with Corki's kit perfectly as he can use the AD or the AP and regardless of which damage type he receives it'll bring a lot of impact to this kit and increase his damage as the game progresses.

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