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Lillia Build Guide by Salmon Kid



Updated on July 27, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Salmon Kid Build Guide By Salmon Kid 46 4 49,700 Views 12 Comments
46 4 49,700 Views 12 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Salmon Kid Lillia Build Guide By Salmon Kid Updated on July 27, 2022
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Runes: Conqueror: Unflinching

1 2 3
Legend: Tenacity
Coup de Grace


+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Red Smite
LoL Summoner Spell: Challenging Smite

Challenging Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide


By Salmon Kid
Do you want to become a 1v9 demon king on Lillia? Well look no further, welcome to the ultimate Conqueror RiftMaker Lillia guide, THE TRUE WAY TO PLAY LILLIA! Abandon the heretics preaching the ways of dark harvet and liandrys and become a true 1v9 demon on Lillia with this guide.

Let's begin by breaking down the latest changes that have impacted this build...

Patch 12.14 Red Smite Changes

This change is very substantial for Conqueror RiftMaker Lillia because Red Smite is the strongest tool in allowing Lillia to deal with melee champs with moderate cc like Hecarim, Jarvan 4, Xin Zhao, Wukong, etc. In light of these changes, you need to be more concious of the fights you take and be smarter in how you peel the enemy with the reduced damage resistance.

Patch 12.14 Conditioning Changes

Although sad, this change isn't all that problematic for this build. Percentage reductions on stat boosts are more impactful the larger the amount of that value gets, so in this cae, if you only build 1 tank item, you aren't as impacted by the conditioning changes. This change is felt the most when you go both Frozen and Force while building Mejai's, but it's not the end of the world.

Patch 12.14 Unlfinching Changes

This, in my opinion, is the hardest nerf to this build from the most recent patch. Lillia's hardest counter is crowd control, and with reduction as low as 5% at max health, it greatly increases the value of overgrowth in this build as the primary second keystone from resolve.

Patch 12.13 Liandry's and Demonic Embrace Changes

In short, these changes make it so that multiple AP champions can build Liandry's and Demonic Embrace without getting punished. Although this helps Dark Harvest Liandry's Lillia arguments when you have AP mid, the changes do not justify that build over Conqueror Riftmaker as the strenths of Conqueror Riftmaker FAR OUTWEIGH the benefit gained from these changes (see Conqueror Riftmaker verse Dark Harvest Liandry's for more information)

Patch 12.11 Lillia Nerfs

The health changes are completely irrelevant, these mainly impact lane Lillia. You can tank one less Krug or Gromp auto when clearing, that's about the relevance of this change. The passive changes are a percent of AP. This build does not lean into building AP like the disgusting Dark Harvest build does, so it is barely impacted by this change (only relevant to the AP of Zhonya's, Cosmic, and/or Demonic).

12.10 Lillia Nerfs

To the untrained or uneducated eye, the Lillia changes would seem substantial. While there is no denying this is a nerf, the Conqueror RiftMaker build leans way less into building AP than any other heritic Dark Harvest build. Because of this, most of the reduced healing comes by way of level rather than AP. Even so, Lillia has plenty of itemization options to cope with this nerf.

12.10 Conditioning Nerfs

Arguably the most substantial of all the nerfs, Conditioning was absurdly overpowered in this build as items like Frozen Heart would nearly double in value because of the rune. Although this rune is still Lillia's best option in resolve, there is no denything that the nerfs are pretty substantial however, this nerf impacts tank builds exponentially. Because Lillia only opts for 1-2 tank items a game, she isn't hurt as bad by this change as normal tanks.

12.10 Conqueror Nerfs

The conqueror changes are bad, but conqueror heals off of post mitigation damage. This means that both the effects of Lillia passive, RiftMaker, and ap in items is taken into account when calculating the omnivamp she gets from fully stacked conqueror. Because of how easily Lillia stacks conqueror and how the bonus AP was untouched, the rune is still Lillia's best option for this build and is significantly stronger than Dark Harvest even with the nerfs.

12.10 Triumph Nerfs

Only including this because it pertains to the runes Lillia takes. Lillia only takes triumph because you don't need pressence of mind on jungle Lillia as smite item passive and blue buff help to mitigate Lillia's mana problem with good mana management (this is why we don't use e while clearing). This nerf is a non-factor and does not change the build.

12.10 RiftMaker Nerfs

1% omnivamp is a nerf, but again very unsubstantial. Combined with all the healing nerfs however, you can definitly feel the difference. This is why revitalize is no longer universally the best option as the healing in this build is not nuclear and instead is just good now.


Lillia has been nerfed a multitude of times, but Riot is unable to diminish the power of the unkillable demon warrior's strongest build. The biggest change is that revitalize is not as frequently the correct secondary resolve rune as it was before. Instead, unflinching and overgrowth outvalue it in many situations. Look at the rune notes for each page or later in this guide to determine how to choose your runes. This build is still undoubtedly the best Lillia build and will continue to be so unless Lillia's AP ratio's are changed substantially.

To always be up to date on Lillia changes and ask any questions, we are live at 10 AM EST every day at
Hi my name is Salmon Kid, aka Sam.

I am a Master tier jungle main, content creator, and avid Lillia enjoyer. I have been playing League seriously for two years now and I have been a jungle main for a year and a half. I have been able to reach 100 LP Masters playing Lillia and I am one of the best Lillia's on the North American server.

I created this guide because there is still a clear lack of correct information regarding Lillia. Every guide I've seen from other high elo players advises players to go Dark Harvest Liandry's on Lillia. THIS BUILD IS NOT THE BEST AND IT CANNOT 1V9! Conqueror RiftMaker Lillia is the way of the truly enlightened and once you adopt the path you too will find plentiful LP gains. This build is a summary of my knowledge on Lillia and all of my insight for playing the champion.

If you have any questions feel free to come to my stream every day at 10 AM EST for 6-8 hours!

Lillia is a really strong champion right now, but she has her ups and downs. Here is what I've identified as her strong and weak points.

1. Insane ability to 1v9
2. Great mid and late game scaling
3. Deceptively high early game damage
4. Really high movement speed
5. Great at kiting/skill expressive movement
6. Really good healing
7. High build flexibility
8. Insane teamfighting ult
9. Good full clear

1. Weak Early game tempo
2. Susceptible to early invades
3. Can get out paced early
4. Mainly needs to full clear first two clears
5. Countered by point and click hard cc insanely badly
6. Generally bad against slows, stuns, etc.
7. Mediocre pre-6 ganks

A lot of Lillia's cons are compensated for by the Conqueror RiftMaker build. The potency of CC is way less tragic in this build compared to the terrible Dark Harvest RiftMaker build. You are the 1v9 king, this build is meant to carry so knowing these strengths and weaknesses are important to lean into as a means to get the most out of Lillia.

So many people are undereducated on the travesty that is taking Dark Harvest over Conqueror. Let's do a short analysis as to why Conqueror Resolve outvalues Dark Harvest Sorcery

Dark Harvest goes against the fundamentals of Lillia's kit. Dark Harvest is a rune for champions that do high damage in short bursts, Lillia's damage is done over time through cycling spells and weaving in and out of range. When Lillia players take dark harvest, they go all in with their abilities and end up dying because of how little sustain the Dark Harvest build has. Alternatively, Conqueror synergizes with Lillia's core mechanics much better. By popping in and out of range with spells and cycling your damage, Conqueror gives Lillia sustain, bonus damage that she needs with this build, and better rune options for her build. The only sub-rune that Dark Harvest has that outvalues the Conqueror is Ultimate Hunter, but by being frugal with your ultimate you can invalidate the benefits that this rune gives as more engage opportunities does not translate to more fights because Dark Harvest does not have the tools to survive like Conqueror does.

Conqueror Resolve also has multiple tenacity runes, something that is essential to carry on Lillia. When you get cc'd on Dark Harvest Lillia, you are dead 99% of the time. Tenacity on Lillia opens up her ability to kite way better, gives her more engage opportunity, more cycled spells, and overall more damage in practice even though on paper Dark Harvest would allegedly do more damage. This is the most critical point in proving Conqueror is better than Dark Harvest. Conqueror lets Lillia 1v9 because she can heal herself, has great rune options, a much better build path, and deals more damage as a result of survivability. Dark Harvest cannot compete with the current jungle meta and only outvalues Conqueror 0.00001% of drafts which is insignificant in determining your rune page. The clear answer is the 1v9 demon king Conqueror Resolve rune page.

Itemization was discussed very thoroughly in the notes section at the beginning of the items section. However, I will briefly reiterate how to determine when to build Lillia's core items.

I will not discuss Lucidity Boots, RiftMaker, or Zhonyas in this section. These are always your first 3 items 99.99% of the time and therefore there is no need to explain when to build them.


Cosmic Drive is built primarily 4th or 5th (Lucids 1st, Rift 2nd, Zhonyas 3rd). You build Cosmic Drive when you are building damage for squishy opponents. You build Cosmic Drive 4th when you need damage more and you build Cosmic Drive 5th when you need tankiness more. These are champs that have lower health, lower resistance, and middle to high damage. If the majority of the opponents are not building hp, armor, or magic resist items, Cosmic Drive is the correct damage item. You can build Cosmic Drive 3rd 1% of the time. The only time you would build this item 3rd over zhonyas is if you are insanely fed and want to carry without needing an out for hard cc/dangerous spells that zhonyas provides.


Demonic Embrace is built primarily 4th or 5th (Lucids 1st, Rift 2nd, Zhonyas 3rd). You build Demonic Embrace when you are building damage for hp stacking/tank opponents. You build Demonic Embrace 4th when you need damage more and you build Demonic Embrace 5th when you need tankiness more. These are champs that have higher health, higher resistance, and low to middle damage. If the majority of the opponents are building hp, armor, or magic resist items, Demonic Embrace is the correct damage item. You can build Demonic Embrace 3rd 1% of the time. The only time you would build this item 3rd over zhonyas is if you are insanely fed and want to carry without needing an out for hard cc/dangerous spells that zhonyas provides.


Frozen Heart is built primarily 4th or 5th (Lucids 1st, Rift 2nd, Zhonyas 3rd). You build Frozen Heart when you are building tankiness for AD opponents. You build Frozen Heart 4th when you need tankiness more and you build Frozen Heart 5th when you need damage more. This is good against champs that have high AD, melee range, and high damage. If the majority of the opponents are building AD, crit, or on hit items, Frozen Heart is the correct tank item. You can build Frozen Heart 3rd 1% of the time. The only time you would build this item 3rd over zhonyas is if you really need to be tanky against melee AD champs that are fed without needing an out for hard cc/dangerous spells that zhonyas provides.


Force of Nature is built primarily 4th or 5th (Lucids 1st, Rift 2nd, Zhonyas 3rd). You build Force of Nature when you are building tankiness for AP opponents. You build Force of Nature 4th when you need tankiness more and you build Force of Nature 5th when you need damage more. This is good against champs that have high AP, spell casters, and high damage. If the majority of the opponents are building AP, Force of Nature is the correct tank item. You can build Force of Nature 3rd 1% of the time. The only time you would build this item 3rd over zhonyas is if you really need to be tanky against a full AP team that are fed without needing an out for hard cc/dangerous spells that zhonyas provides.

Lillia's clear is not normally complicated. The best option is always to full clear and then reclear as her level 6 spike is essential to getting strong. However, there are some instances where adapting your clear might be important. This section will review Lillia's clearing options and how to perform them properly.


Full clearing on Lillia is always the best option unless there is a reason to adapt it which will be explained in the later clear option. You should perform a botside full clear on Lillia when you want to play for/fight with your mid top side in the early game. You have to clear towards top side for your first two clears, after this you can reset your clear for bot if stacking dragons or playing for bot becomes more important. When you full clear from bot side, you need to clear your blue and gromp at the same time and your red and chickens at the same time.

During your first clear, you have two ways to clear your blue and gromp at the same time. First, if you get a leash where your buff is BELOW 1K HP , you can start kiting towards your gromp and smite it when your Blue buff is around 600 health and your Q is off cooldown so you can Q them both at the same time. You are autoing blue buff the entire time while leashing both camps until the blue is within death of one Q. Second, if you get a leash where your buff is ABOVE 1K HP , you will pull your blue to your gromp and auto it as soon as it spawns. Then, you will q both camps and smite your blue as soon as it falls within smite kill damage threshold.

During this clear you will also need to clear your Red and chickens at the same time. To do this, clear your chickens traditionally until, while kiting the chickens to red, you are able to kill all the remaining chickens with one Q. At this point, bring them to red while autoing Red, then Q both the chickens and the red at the same time.

This clear is great for strong top/mid 2v2's to fight for top scuddle or be ready to counter gank your lanes. Early ganks aren't a target for Lillia unless they are obvious, so being on the same side as your lanes that will be ganked early is good as Lillia pairs well with a lot of mid/top laners for good 2v2's.


Full clearing on Lillia is always the best option unless there is a reason to adapt it which will be explained in the later clear option. You should perform a topside full clear on Lillia when you want to play for/fight with your mid bot side in the early game or you have a heavy focus on stacking dragons as a win condition. You have to clear towards bot side for your first two clears, after this you can reset your clear for top if getting rift or playing for top becomes more important. When you full clear from top side, you need to clear your red and krugz, wolves and blue, and blue and gromp at the same time.

During your first clear, you have two ways to clear your red and krugz at the same time. First, if you get a leash where your buff is BELOW 1K HP , you can start kiting red towards your krugz when it is within one q of dying. As you kite up, smite the krugz as soon as it comes in vision. Then, Q both the krugz and the red at the same time where the Q kills the red and hits both the big and small Krug. Second, if you get a leash where your buff is ABOVE 1K HP , you will pull your red to your krugz while autoing it. As red falls within a Q+smite execute threshold, run to your krugz and auto it once. As the krugz walks towards you, Q the krugz and red plus smite the red all at once such that the red dies and both krugz get hit by the q.

During this clear you will also need to clear your wolves and blue at the same time. To do this, clear your wolves traditionally until, while kiting the wolves to blue, you are able to kill all the remaining wolves with one Q. At this point, bring them to blue while autoing the big wolf, then Q both the wolves and the blue at the same time such that all the wolves die and blue gets hit by the Q. Your W may also be coming off cooldown at this time. If you are advanced at clearing, you can combined your W and Q to make it so you can pull wolves to Blue at an earlier time and kill them faster with the combined damage.

During this clear you will also need to clear your gromp and blue at the same time. To do this, begin pulling your blue towards gromp at 1k HP. Then, smite gromp to have it walk towards you and Q both gromp and blue at the same time. After this, pull both camps up mildly such that your W sweet spot will hit both of them at the same time. Finally, continue clearing the camps until both of them die.


Full clearing is always Lillia's best option as getting 6 is essential on her and her full clear is very healthy and strong in a meta that promotes farming. Alternatively, there are situations where a 5 camp is relevant. To start, use the same side determination conventions from the previous clears to determine whether or not you will start top or bot. Then, decide on a 5 camp if the enemy jungler is a high tempo jungler that isn't likely to invade you, but is clearing in the same direction with the intention of also 5 camping. In this scenario, a 5 camp is still only relevant if you have a mid/bot side that can get prio and effectively 2v2 and 3v3. If this is not the case, I would opt for a full clear even if it means you have to repath to the opposite side of the map for scuddle crab. The same conventions regarding clearing blue and gromp, red and chickens, red and krugz, and wolves and blue at the same time apply in this pathing (see top/bot side full clear for explanation).


Exact same logic from TOP SIDE START 5 CAMP applies here (see top side 5 camp for details). The only change is that now you are pathing to mid/top if you can 2v2 with them rather than mid/bot. Jungler must still be pathing same way as you and is not likely to invade. The same conventions regarding clearing blue and gromp, red and chickens, red and krugz, and wolves and blue at the same time apply in this pathing (see top/bot side full clear for explanation).


What I like to refer to as the forbidden clear on Lillia, this is the least optimal clear for this champion as it gives her no reclearing options and stuns her strongest early game spikes. However, this clear does have use against high tempo gurantee invade junglers that you need to be healthy and reactive against on the map. Champs like Kindred and Jarvan will always put a pace on you that you actively need to react to. The reason we do red->chickens->gromp instead of blue->gromp->red is because it is faster and healthier at hitting level 3 while giving you a better ability to clear back the opposite direction given you made a mistake in judgment. An example of this would be you mistakenly determined you would be invaded and you are at gromp. Now you can do blue->wolves and then look for scuddle, or if you know the enemy jungler is on the same side of the map you can do krugz/look for a counter gank or collapse onto scuddle if your lanes have priority. I would STRONGLY advise against this clear if you are new to Lillia or not experienced at jungling as it involved a lot of inference and game knowledge you may not have avaliable to you when making decisions.
This guide will be updated every single patch so you are always up to date on the latest Lillia changes. STRAY FROM THE HARSH GRASP OF THE HERITICS THAT PROMOTE DARK HARVEST LILLIA AND ENLIGHTEN YOURSELF WITH THE DEMONIC 1V9 CONQUEROR RIFTMAKER LILLIA BUILD!

Any tips or comments for me? Leave them in the comment section and please leave a like on the guide if this helped you!

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