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Heimerdinger Build Guide by RVanisHed

Support [12.15] Supp****er's take on the ****

Support [12.15] Supp****er's take on the ****

Updated on August 10, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RVanisHed Build Guide By RVanisHed 10 2 12,317 Views 0 Comments
10 2 12,317 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author RVanisHed Heimerdinger Build Guide By RVanisHed Updated on August 10, 2022
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Runes: Standard Comet

1 2 3
Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band
Absolute Focus

Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[12.15] Supp****er's take on the ****

By RVanisHed
Hey Guys, apparently its good to introduce yourself so yeah. Im a EU East pisslow, that Peaked Master 253lp this season, and that is all thanks to abusing Heimerdinger Support. Oh yeah, I also occasionally stream on Twitch, so do come by, drop a follow.. Or something?
Why Heimer Support
While it might seem like a weird pick (mostly due to his H-28G Evolution Turret "stealing" farm from ADCs) this pick actually has a lot of potential that doesnt require much practice.

First of all, you can make your ADC's life way easier, thanks to sheer amount of pressure you can put on enemy laners. While your H-28G Evolution Turret might seem like inconvenience, in reality it allow you to contest all 3 bushes rather easily. When you place H-28G Evolution Turret close to walls, it'll be mostly out of minion's range, so it shouldn't screw up with your ADC farm ALL THAT MUCH. (Hey, Im not gonna lie that it wont take a few. It happens)

Due to hyper aggresion you are capable of, I tend to upgrade my support item around 6th-7th minute of the game, which helps with getting extra vision advantage around the botside of the map, as well as make your enemies even more annoyed thanks to rapid Sweeping Lens

And the most important part of this pick. Its actually super fun, to nuke enemy ADC, Support or sometimes even Jungler and see them cry on all chat. People malding about Heimerdinger being overpowered makes me laugh all game long.

Oh yeah, I nearly forgot about it. I said I'll explain Starting 550g trick later into the guide. Let's say that now is the time.

All you have to do, is type "Please walk up mid /w me" followed with 2 assist ping on midlane. Works 95% of times. Then just place first H-28G Evolution Turret in Turret's range, wait for Turret attack animation, throw H-28G Evolution Turret auto H-28G Evolution Turret and walk back. With a bit of practice you should be able to pull it off with getting hit once or twice. Sometimes if it seems safe, dying to Turret is actually okay, becasue it shortens time for your recall. Just dont get hit by an enemy, or you'll get flamed for inting! And remember, its better to get Spellthief's Edge + 2 Health Potion, than int 400g and get 60g for Refillable Potion!
Im not gonna be one of those "Hey, Heimerdinger's passive grants you free 20% mov speed so use it to.. and..". Nah, fq that. I bet my arse, that you managed to read spell description so you wont need that type of uselessness.

So let's talk about REAL stuff, shall we?

You probably alredy know, that Q places turrets, and they hit hard. What you most likely DONT know, is principle behind turret's aggro. And its actually really simple. H-28G Evolution Turret will target closest enemy. UNLESS you designate target with Autoattack, Hextech Micro-Rockets or CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade. After hitting enemy Champion with any of those sources, they will be marked for 6-ish seconds, and will be priority targets for your H-28G Evolution Turret. Oh right. The beam stuff. Your H-28G Evolution Turret will charge a beam each 180seconds. Each one of 5 Hextech Micro-Rockets that deals damage to enemy champion, gives 20% of progress towards beam (land all 5, and you get yourself a free beam!) and CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade progresses beam by full 100% after hitting enemy champion. Pretty cool stuff huh?

W itself is rather selfexplanatory. You shoot 5 rockets and they deal massive damage. That's your main tool for poke, and your important piece of burst combo. BUT. Because there has to be a BUT. First rocket hit, deals full damage. Each other deals only 20% of damage. That's exactly why skilled Heimerdinger players will cast Hextech Micro-Rockets BETWEEN themselves and enemies, so those quirky little things split, and hit with 2-3 of them. I know, I know. Its not "huge damage" of hitting all 5. But believe me, 2-3 hits will hurt way more than fully missed W

Ah yes. The E. Crème de la Crème of Heimerdinger's kit. Soo, you throw grenade, inner circle Stuns, outer circle Slows. Both deal damage and procs 100% of your H-28G Evolution Turret's Beam. What? You expected more? Welp. There is nothing more, just hit the damn ability, and score a kill.

Ugh, time for R. I already can see the wall of text I'll type.. Okay I'll try to keep it simple. You probably already read, but it empoweres your next ability. It REQUIRES your Hextech Rocket Swarm and CH-3X Lightning Grenade cooldowns, to cast their empowered versions, but it doesnt need H-28Q Apex Turret's stack. (because it wouldnt be complicated enough I guess?) Generally speaking, using this spell with Hextech Rocket Swarm is suboptimal most of times, because of your W max priority. H-28Q Apex Turret is great for teamfight DPS, or slight selfpeel with slow, while CH-3X Lightning Grenade is awesome engage tool, especially so you max E last, and on top of increasing damage, it bounces 3 times AND increse slow/stun circles, making it way easier to hit.

Item Sequence

Liandry's Torment 3000
Sorcerer's Shoes 1100
Demonic Embrace 3000
Rylai's Crystal Scepter 2600
Void Staff 3000
Rabadon's Deathcap 3600

Core Items

As of 12.13 Liandry's Torment seems to be most impactful mythic item for Heimerdinger. If we take into consideration consistant DPS coming from H-28G Evolution Turret, Durability Patch that dropped on us like a Nuke (which is especialy funny, because Nuke'ing people in league got harder hehe). On top of that, we just got sweet ability to stack Liandry's burns with allies, so yeah, have fun!

Sorcerer's Shoes are clearly the most "standard" boots for mages. Obviously, it doesnt mean you can't go Plated Steelcaps into full AD or Mercury's Treads into AP/CC heavy teamcomps. Its just that 18 Magic Pen is REAL (is it just me, or am I abusing that word?) huge for bursting squishy enemies, so its rarely changed.

Demonic Embrace is such a great item, especially after Durability Patch. Many champions buys it for various reasons, but for Heimerdinger both Burn and HP into AP transformation works like a charm. I honestly can't find a reason to not play double burn at the moment.

Lots of AP, Extra Health for survivality and Demonic Embrace, and 30% slow that helps with landing your CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade stun. What not to love about Rylai's Crystal Scepter.

Do I really have to explain? Durability Patch? 40 Magic Pen? Poor MR stacking enemies, not only they'll be burning for lots of health, they also wasted all that money on defence. Not even sorry for them.

Usually last of my items, but when ahead why not get Rabadon's Deathcap earlier? Sheer amount of AP that boosts your damage over a roof? Hell yeah!

Tech Items

Shadowflame is great optional item, to swap for Void Staff when enemies doesnt have MR stacking champs. Even better if they got shielding ardents (which is most likely in current meta).

Great deffensive item. But there is a catch. When enemies can't hit you, they can hit your H-28G Evolution Turret, and that's big hit for your damage. Personaly not biggest fan of Zhonya's Hourglass but against some Karthus, Zed or Rengar certainly usefull.

Another item, im not a huge fan of as of right now. In my opinion, Grevious Wounds got absolutely slaughtered, and are not worth your item slot. But hey, if they got 3-4 healling champs in team.. You gotta do what you gotta do.

Highly underrated item. And I believe its great as a swap for Void Staff or even Rabadon's Deathcap itself. 15CDR, 150HP, Extra Stealth Ward and Control Ward on the map. On top of that, 12% boost to bonus AP, CDR and HP (remember Demonic Embrace?). Its absolutely huge, especially it costs laughable 1100gold.

Primary Runes

Heimerdinger fits role of a Poke Support, with Burst Potential, so the best thing we can do for him, is to gift him Arcane Comet. Stable extra damage on W poke is great way to harass enemy carry. You might also opt into First Strike for slight burst increase + gold, or Electrocute for even bigger burst increase. Though Double Burn build doesnt really BURST all that much.

There is nothing to say about it really. You can stack it with H-28G Evolution Turret for 20 mana, and you will definitely need it - Because your main burst piece CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade costs whooping 85mana. You might opt into Nullifying Orb into heavy AP enemies, but I dont believe its all that worth it.

Absolute Focus is a hidden gem for Heimerdinger. It all comes down to way your H-28G Evolution Turret works really. When you place it, while benefiting from Absolute Focus, 30AP increase will stay on H-28G Evolution Turret untill its death. Pretty tricky, huh?

Some might say, that Gathering Storm is better. And Im not gonna say its not. BUT. You are playing a Poke Support. Your job is to harass enemy early on, and that's exactly job for a Scorch. If you expect to play longer game, or have a hunch that your laning might be on rather passive side - Dont hesitate to pick up Gathering Storm, it does scale way better into the lategame.

Secondary Runes

Since changes in Domination tree, such as swapping Ravenous Hunter with Treasure Hunter, I found out that Inspiration worth rather well with support Heimerdinger. Saving 300g on Boots helps with getting towards your powerspikes earlier. If you know, that you'll be building Zhonya's Hourglass you might reconsider taking Perfect Timing. As I mentioned earlier, Im not huge fan of this item, so I'm better off playing Magical Footwear

Extra healing and Mana from Biscuit Delivery works like a charm, while heavy trading in lane. You can also swap this rune with Cosmic Insight if you fancy playing Zhonya's Hourglass and having shorter cooldowns on your Flash and Ignite. Although Biscuit Delivery really does great job at keeping you healthy while laning.
Laning Strategies
So yeah, I spent a lot of time explaining things you can learn from others. It's time to spend a little time talking about support exclusive things. The thing that Heimerdinger Support is good at, is:

-Annoying enemy ADC
-Controling vision in bushes
-Maintaining self-sufficiency while laning.

And all of those things are achived thanks to our glorious H-28G Evolution Turret. While its damage early on is not amazing, its most certainly a great tool. Another thing that's works in your favour is fact, that enemies will most certainly neglect your damage. Because hey, you're only a support.

When it comes to H-28G Evolution Turret, you have to remember one thing. They WILL focus minions, if placed in their range. That's why you have to work around bushes, and place your lovely turrets near walls. Once you secure yourself bush control, look for opportunities to land CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade while in Fog of War. That's your best shot to stomp enemy laner into the ground.


Once you grasp basics of Heimerdinger there are not many "difficult" combos to practice, so It'd feel like a waste to crete new Chapter, thus I'll keep it quick and clean.

Your Burst comes from Beam attack of your H-28G Evolution Turret, as well as from your maxed Hextech Micro-Rockets. At the same time, your Beam enabling tool CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade travels slowly enough, to give you time for H-28G Evolution Turret placement. Thus burst combo without ulty will be looking somewhere like this:

> > >

You can also work your way around UPGRADE!!! variations with both Hextech Rocket Swarm

> >

And longer distance engage with CH-3X Lightning Grenade

> > >
The End
I really hope you've survived till the end, I belive it could have been problematic. It's my first that type of comprehensive guide, but I believe that Heimerdinger and especially its Support variation, deserves that kind of work. If you have any extra questions, dont be afraid to leave comments, I'll try to answer each and every question. If you have any sugestions, or any ideas yourselves - Also do leave a note. We're all here to learn after all, right?

I wish you all the best while grinding that sweet, sweet LP. And hopefully, someday. See you in the Rift!

Dont forget to drop by my stream sometimes!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RVanisHed
RVanisHed Heimerdinger Guide
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[12.15] Supp****er's take on the ****

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