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Karma Build Guide by iSkyi

12.20 THE First Strike Karma Build

12.20 THE First Strike Karma Build

Updated on October 22, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author iSkyi Build Guide By iSkyi 12 0 22,550 Views 0 Comments
12 0 22,550 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author iSkyi Karma Build Guide By iSkyi Updated on October 22, 2022
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Runes: Always

First Strike
Magical Footwear
Future's Market
Cosmic Insight

Manaflow Band


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

12.20 THE First Strike Karma Build

By iSkyi
About Me
I am constantly improving and updating this guide!!

I make content on TikTok and YouTube.
I stream at Twitch.

I'm Sky. I've played League since the end of Season 4, which was when I first picked up Karma. I'm a Master support player. As of this patch, Karma is my most played for Season 12.
Basic Idea
The basic idea behind this build is to frontload as much damage into the brief first strike window as possible. This is why our build path is as follows:

Hextech Alternator > Night Harvester + Sorcerer's Shoes (building shoes first is fine if you are going to roam a lot) -> Hextech Alternator (We sit on this one)

You proc both Night Harvester and Alternator on Mantra Q & get a massive first strike proc. Try to aim for multiple targets. By mid game, I am often bringing in 1/3 the value of a kill in gold per first strike.
Some important things to note about playing this build:
  • The default keybind for self-cast is Alt+(Ability). Practice self-casting Inspire with Alt-E, it's very important. For Karma, you will almost always Alt+E to run at your target, and you'll want your mouse already on your target for the Mantra+ Inner Flame.
  • Avoid this playstyle into champions that can very easily hit you before you can hit them, such as Zyra and Miss Fortune. This champions have abilities that can disable your first strike without the chance to just dodge.
  • Every ability hit lowers the cooldown of your Mantra by 5 seconds, this includes the empowered Mantra ability. At core build (described above) and level 11+, landing a Soulflare against one target leaves your Mantra CD at 22 seconds, thus three targets would be 11 seconds. The pop from Soulflare also lowers your Mantra CD.
  • Because of the previous tip, you will often use a normal Inner Flame to remove the remaining cooldown of your Mantra so you can cast Renewal to save yourself in a sticky situation.
  • This may seem like an off-meta build, but this is my preferred Karma playstyle in Master+ games. With that said, remember that it has it's limits. You must play to be flexible. Often as the game goes later, it's best to start playing as traditional Karma, using Defiance. You will have to learn to be adaptive. This situation often occurs if the enemy is too MR heavy for your damage to be significant.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author iSkyi
iSkyi Karma Guide
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12.20 THE First Strike Karma Build

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