Fight him early but mid-game you can't do anything at all. All tanks outscale you.
Depends on the amummu, fight him early to get a lead, later on like any tank he beats you.
Only a threat if she gets ahead.
Don't let her charge her W on you and you will win any fight. You see her during your R.
If you fight him in the jungle he has to run. If he jumps on you with R first you will still most likely kill him if theres a bush near by and hes not ahead.
If the graves is good he can be a nigth mare, if u fight him in jungle fight him where theres more than 1 bush as he can use his W on your bush and it will hurt you a lot. If the graves is semi-bad you should win easily.
Early is yours. Go to his jungle and try to find him when hes going to gank and take him out.
He is your nemesis, fair fight if equal in gold. Whoever jumps in first wins.
Jarvan IV
You can fight him pre 6, once he is lv 6 ha can R you and kill you or you flash.
If he sees you coming then he will use his E and negate most of your dmg (Q) and proceed to whoop your *** after u got stunned.
Master Yi
Perma ban in lower elo - as thats where he is played the most. He dissaperas using his Q which can cancel all your dmg and if you do get the jump on him he can just W and recude a huge amounts of damage. Then all your skills are on cooldown and he AA's you to death.
Invade her at all times of the game, she has a bad clear early so if u find her in jg ealry she will be most likely below 50% hp to one shot her in early.
His W is very hard to read and can be hard to play against. Both tank and assassin nocturne is a pain. Try to get out of his fear with your empowered W.
Nunu & Willump
Use your empowered W wisely as he has 2 CCS and if hes not ahead mid game u win rest of the game.
Only jump on her if you know her W is down otherwise she will have enough dmg and Hp to beat you
Kindred is very squishy so she wouldnt be a problem, after 6 she can R herself after you used all of your abilites and retaliate and probably kill you. So try to fight her early, Also remember that part of her kit requires her to invade you - so you can sometimes stay in bush and wait for her to come to you.
Rammus. Don't jump on him if you know that he might have a teammate around because then its insta death. Not much you can do against him. Try to be where he is and 2vs2 or 3vs3 on ganks.
Tank reksai and assassin are both hard to deal with as her burrow (W) is very stong against you as she can see where you are on your (R) and once you jump on her she knocks you up to deal seroius damage. She can also get away easily with her tunnels.
Even match up, don't fight him if hes ahead.
Never lost against him in jungle, try to follow him early and mess his jungle up and you are sure to win on your first item.
Go to her jungle, jump on her. She can only run from you and not very well as she has no cc to slow you down. I don't see how you could lose.
A good Vi will counter your jumps with her (Q) and she will have sufficient dmg to punish you so dont fight her alone. You can't cancel her Ult btw.
Xin Zhao
Fight with only with 4 ferocity stacks.
He is a speedy boi with dmg reduction and heavy healing and a hard CC which he heals with.
Red kayn is harder to play as he can W you when u jump and then you might not have enough dmg to outscale his healing, get anti-heal vs red kayn. Blue kayn (more common in S12) is easier to play with as he can be one shotted. if he E's over a wall you can jump to him if theres a bush.
Lee Sin
Pre 6 Lee sin isn't much of a problem as he has nothing too much to kill you, save your empowered W to heal yourself if he hits you with Q but you should win most fights. After 6 it gets harder because if he kicks you he is almost 100% going to land his Q on you and deal serious damage.
Yummi is very strong with almost any character in the game, if shes on your side the two kittys are unstopable.
Yummi is very strong with almost any character in the game, if shes on your side the two kittys are unstopable.
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