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shaco 14.13!

shaco 14.13!

Updated on September 17, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author shacolovesyou Build Guide By shacolovesyou 7 1 26,050 Views 2 Comments
7 1 26,050 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author shacolovesyou Build Guide By shacolovesyou Updated on September 17, 2024
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Runes: 1v9shaco

Hail of Blades
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter

Coup de Grace
Legend: Alacrity

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


smite ignite
LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Unleashed Smite

Unleashed Smite

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

shaco 14.13!

By shacolovesyou
+ probably the best gank in the game
+ best early game jungler imo
+ set up traps and outplay potential
+ excellent duelist
+ boxes can protect teammates in teamfights
+ tilt enemies
+ fun to play especially if u master it
+ good vs squishy enemies

- suffer against armor
- Q dependent
- vulnerable to oracle lens and early invades
- hard to play in high elo
- really useless if behind
- so squishy, every champ just oneshot u
tips and things to keep in mind
>the first thing u need to do when the game starts is put a box for prevent or delay a invade, then put boxes in :50 to start ur clear

>i do not recommend invade level 1 with shaco bcs we need W to farm and this makes u useless in fights, btw if u want invade start with Q and abuse backstab that has insane damage and u can chase an enemy who uses flash

>u have the best early game imo so gank and destroy them!

>its important where u put ur box while ganking a lane, keep in mind that allies who has cc allows u to put a free box fear

>boxes can be multifuctional, can be used as wards, to bring vision in a bush u don't want to facecheck, to gain objetive control with boxes, in lane to avoid ganks or roams, to set up a trap for enemies, to block skillshots or just outplay them

im not going to talk about mechanics bcs there are many videos about it on the internet, but maybe one day! i recommend to learn R mechanics and Q jumps bcs are so useful tricks
shaco runes
this build helped me the most in soloq since its the one who bring the most snowball imo

good for burst enemies faster and then execute them, also clone can use this rune infinitely

bonus damage on Q backstab combo

u only need damage!

u need tons of gold!

even more damage on early game

even more damage on early and the entire game

in resume this shaco build have all the tools to hard snowball a game, our game plan is simply destroy them!
shaco build

gives u even more damage, we chose it instead of blue smite because u already have movement with swiftness boots


rush this bcs of his clear and bonus damage on Q+tiamat

u need to be everywhere faster


best option for shaco rn, u can use this item for close a gap of distance to Q backstab an enemy


u can reach the enemy easier, youmuu's ghostblade gives u this advantage but if u want it earlier u can choose this option

u can kite and constantly slow the enemy, this gives u more damage and utility


more damage on Q backstab combo

gives you a better chance of reaching the enemy and Q backstab him

this as second item, slow allows u to burst enemies easier and the bonus damage has good synergy with Q backstab combo

just more damage to burst and a little faster in fights


consider buying it against enemies who hard abuse shields

if enemies is building armor or high hp

good against squishy enemies and specific enemies like ekko or tryndamere, consider buying it

if enemies have so much ap burst consider buying it in early

provides insane survability

consider buying this if enemies has high hp champions
summoner spells
ignite provides that extra damage u need to kill or execute an enemy with E, also is good against enemies who abuse healing
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League of Legends Build Guide Author shacolovesyou
shacolovesyou Guide
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shaco 14.13!

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