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Nunu & Willump Build Guide by SnowballBarrage

Jungle Snowball's Rank 1 Full AP Nunu Guide High Aura (Jg/Mid) NEW PATCH

Jungle Snowball's Rank 1 Full AP Nunu Guide High Aura (Jg/Mid) NEW PATCH

Updated on February 20, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SnowballBarrage Build Guide By SnowballBarrage 724 27 1,028,841 Views 37 Comments
724 27 1,028,841 Views 37 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SnowballBarrage Nunu & Willump Build Guide By SnowballBarrage Updated on February 20, 2025
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Runes: My style (Phase Rush)

1 2 3
Phase Rush
Axiom Arcanist
Gathering Storm

Ultimate Hunter
Cheap Shot

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2
Blue Almost Always
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Gustwalker Smite

Gustwalker Smite

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Snowball's Rank 1 Full AP Nunu Guide High Aura (Jg/Mid) NEW PATCH

By SnowballBarrage
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Hey guys I'm snowball and I am the best full AP Nunu player on NA. I am a Twitch Streamer currently on a mission to Twitch Partner. If you feel like tapping into a livestream and asking questions or just watching/chilling then click dat shi!

I am Snowball. You may recognize me from the YouTube channel Synapse here and there, or have just seen me on the rift. I hover Grandmasters elo playing nunu Nunu & Willump. I hit challenger once I decided to try, peaking Rank 40 something and 760LP ish. Though I had to have a big delay on stream and didn't look at chat to focus so I like to focus on entertainment and hover a lower elo like Master-GM. This page is an in depth guide on how to play full AP Nunu with high aura, including what items to build and when, counters and how to play relevant matchups, and runes or pathing as well.

My Twitch stream will also be embedded into my guide, so if you have any questions that aren’t answered here, feel free to ask me in my Twitch chat

🡆 Extremely High Damage
🡆 Heal a lot (on minions/monsters)
🡆 S tier ganking
🡆 Rarely lose a smite-off
🡆 High CC
🡆 High Aura
🡆 No DPS(Damage per Second)
🡆 No dashes or immediate mobility
🡆 Reliance on teammates
🡆 Ult easily canceled
🡆 Average Clear Speed
🡆 Easiest champ to kill (besides Yuumi)
🡆 Very Easily Punished
STANDARD 12.24 Mid
This is the standard build you can go every match in mid lane for any rank. Lane Nunu has really bad mana problems, so you build Synchronized Soulsto recall fast between waves, get mana back and speed back to lane with W. The reason you do this instead of building a lost chapter item or ROA is because the flat AP items synergize more with AP Nunu's burst and let you hit powerspikes faster. It'll take some getting used to since you really run out of mana super fast if you're not paying attention, but along with using the plants in the river to regen mana, along with the recalling I already mentioned, you will ascend as a Nunu Mid player. This also feels great post-14 minutes because you can recall super fast from anywhere on the map and reposition instantly by combining W with the homeguard speed boost you get for leaving base. In the later stage of games, nunu W being able to bring you to halfway across the map is insanely broken and isn't something that people know is possible until super high elo so you can get insane picks/engages as well!

You also want to always buy Dark Seal early. I don't put it in the core build because sometimes you don't stack it up enough to buy Mejai's but it also helps you learn how to not die as much. Rush the void boots immediatly and rush dark seal as well. If you have 1100 gold on your next reset, you should get alternator before dark seal. You should only build Void Staffor Cryptbloom if the enemy team built Magic Resist.
AP Nunu JG

If the enemy team has a lot of AP poke, build Banshee's Veil and if they have a lot of healing build Morellonomicon

You typically start whichever buff is opposite side of the lane you want to play around. For example, if you have a draven/leona on your team you should usually play towards them. So you can start on the buff opposite from bot lane and path in that direction! Sometimes you can level 2 gank, or full clear one side and then gank.

🡆 🡆 🡆 🡆 🡆

Start Q and clear Red Buff, Level W and roll to Raptors, roll your snowball from the exit of the jungle to the Wolf camp, then roll to blue buff after. After clearing blue,go for gromp(smite this), then look to grab the scuttle crab on the side you finished blue. After clearing scuttle (Consume + Smite) stand on top of the speed boost ring and look to gank either lane next to you.

🡆 🡆 🡆 🡆 🡆

Start Q and clear Blue Buff, then go E second (its a faster clear than W on this side)and attack gromp. After, walk over to wolves and clear them, level up W in the middle of the lane after kiting wolves and roll to raptors. Clear them and gank or take scuttle after grabbing red buff.

🡆 🡆

This clear is the fastest way to get level 3 on Nunu. In my opinion it's the most optimal nunu clear. No leash so the enemy isn't able to track you right away. Start Q, auto the Red Buff once, then Q, then once your Q is up, wait until you can execute with Q+Smite, then level W and roll into the raptor camp. Kite towards the bush as you finish the camp, and then once you enter the blue side jungle, start your next W, roll into gromp. After killing it, level up E, and look for any ganks. If you wanted to path for the lane that is the opposite side from your gromp, you can take blue right after gromp and go play for the scuttle on that side.


The way a Jungler knows if a lane is gankable is through 4 main factors.

1. Is the enemy mobile?

2. Does your teammate have good follow up in their kit?

3. Is the lane pushed towards you or the enemy?

4. Do you know where the enemy’s teammates are?

The more mobile the enemy is, the harder to gank.

The better follow up your teammate has, the easier to gank. (Any type of CCs or burst damage)

If the lane is pushed towards the enemy, the lane is generally ungankable. If the lane is pushed towards your teammate, the lane is generally gankable. There are some exceptions to these rules though.

If an enemy is by their turret, they are susceptible to a tower dive. However, they are only vulnerable to this strategy if they are low on mana, behind in levels (compared to your laner) or if you have an extra teammate with you.

If the lane is pushed towards your teammate but there is a large crowd of enemy minions built up, this lane is typically ungankable. This rule applies to early game (levels 1-6) and also varies depending on the matchup of each laner. Try to follow this rule until you understand matchups more.

Counter-Ganking is as simple as it sounds. If your teammates lane seems gankable, you could shadow the lane and wait for the enemy jungler. Like any other, there are issues with this strategy. You could sit in your teammates lane doing nothing to potentially waste a lot of time for nothing. Setting up a counter gank is a high risk, high reward strategy. Doing this is fully rewarded once you learn how to start tracking the enemy jungler. Once you learn how to do this, you will have more justified, educated guesses based on your knowledge of timing and pathing.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SnowballBarrage
SnowballBarrage Nunu & Willump Guide
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Snowball's Rank 1 Full AP Nunu Guide High Aura (Jg/Mid) NEW PATCH

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