Snowball's Rank 1 Full AP Nunu Guide High Aura (Jg/Mid) NEW PATCH

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Recommended Items
Runes: My style (Phase Rush)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Gustwalker Smite
Ability Order Abilities
Call of the Freljord (PASSIVE)
Nunu & Willump Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Rengar is AP Nunu's top 1-2 biggest counters in the jungle and right now (14.24) he's insanely broken PERMA BAN. His empowered W cleanses all of your cc, and heals all of your burst, he oneshots you and has too much mobility. Way too hard.
Champion Build Guide
Hey guys I'm snowball and I am the best full AP Nunu player on NA. I am a Twitch Streamer currently on a mission to Twitch Partner. If you feel like tapping into a livestream and asking questions or just watching/chilling then click dat shi!
I am Snowball. You may recognize me from the YouTube channel Synapse here and there, or have just seen me on the rift. I hover Grandmasters elo playing nunu ![]() My Twitch stream will also be embedded into my guide, so if you have any questions that aren’t answered here, feel free to ask me in my Twitch chat |
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PRO’S 🡆 Extremely High Damage 🡆 Heal a lot (on minions/monsters) 🡆 S tier ganking 🡆 Rarely lose a smite-off 🡆 High CC 🡆 High Aura |
Con’s: 🡆 No DPS(Damage per Second) 🡆 No dashes or immediate mobility 🡆 Reliance on teammates 🡆 Ult easily canceled 🡆 Average Clear Speed 🡆 Easiest champ to kill (besides Yuumi) 🡆 Very Easily Punished |
STANDARD 12.24 Mid
This is the standard build you can go every match in mid lane for any rank. Lane Nunu has really bad mana problems, so you build
![]() You also want to always buy Dark Seal early. I don't put it in the core build because sometimes you don't stack it up enough to buy Mejai's but it also helps you learn how to not die as much. Rush the void boots immediatly and rush dark seal as well. If you have 1100 gold on your next reset, you should get alternator before dark seal. You should only build ![]() ![]() |
AP Nunu JG
If the enemy team has a lot of AP poke, build
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GANKING The way a Jungler knows if a lane is gankable is through 4 main factors. 1. Is the enemy mobile? 2. Does your teammate have good follow up in their kit? 3. Is the lane pushed towards you or the enemy? 4. Do you know where the enemy’s teammates are? |
The more mobile the enemy is, the harder to gank. The better follow up your teammate has, the easier to gank. (Any type of CCs or burst damage) If the lane is pushed towards the enemy, the lane is generally ungankable. If the lane is pushed towards your teammate, the lane is generally gankable. There are some exceptions to these rules though. If an enemy is by their turret, they are susceptible to a tower dive. However, they are only vulnerable to this strategy if they are low on mana, behind in levels (compared to your laner) or if you have an extra teammate with you. If the lane is pushed towards your teammate but there is a large crowd of enemy minions built up, this lane is typically ungankable. This rule applies to early game (levels 1-6) and also varies depending on the matchup of each laner. Try to follow this rule until you understand matchups more. |
Counter-Ganking is as simple as it sounds. If your teammates lane seems gankable, you could shadow the lane and wait for the enemy jungler. Like any other, there are issues with this strategy. You could sit in your teammates lane doing nothing to potentially waste a lot of time for nothing. Setting up a counter gank is a high risk, high reward strategy. Doing this is fully rewarded once you learn how to start tracking the enemy jungler. Once you learn how to do this, you will have more justified, educated guesses based on your knowledge of timing and pathing. |
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