You can't trade with her since she got E skill that slow you and let her escape + bonus damage from long range, your worst nightmare.
He deals alot of burst damage, he will outtrade you.
Usually you can win trades against him, but if his support is something like Lulu or Janna, you can't. Also he can poke you from far behind.
He outtrades almost every adcs, that includes you. He can also root and slow you with his traps. Stay away from minions that he used his Q. But you will win longer trades.
Basically stronger than you, if he got peeling support you can't win trades against him. But if your support is hard CC, i.e Nautilus, you can win the laning.
Miss Fortune
She can slow you with her E, slow is a trouble for kalista and she can E+R and kill you, deals lot of burst damage with Q.
Support pant will just land on you and deal lots of burst damage, if your support doesn't have high CC or peeling potential, you are dead.
He can jump on you and kill easily. Beware if your support isn't near you.
His ult is a huge problem if his support can airborne. Also you can't deal damage to him behind his windwall.
Can knock you easily.
You can go on your enemies, his E is op with you. He can make you unvulnerable with his ult, gives you extra armor with W, heals you with his Q. Best synergy support with kalista.
He got a lot of CC so he won't let enemies come near to you.
Nautilus v2 with AoE stun.
Combo is great, ult him, he will jump on enemies and go back with E, if still enemies didn't die he will Q and bring enemy to you.
Great peeling, especially her ult and w is really good with you. You can't throw her to enemies.
Don't lane with this cat. Basically you will be only target and that makes laning hard, you can't easily kite or poke since cat doesn't have any kind of peeling or hard cc.
You can stack your spears while her ult is active on Teamfights, she is the best synergy with you, stack your spears on enemies, when her ult is done just process E and kill everyone, I prefer to build runaan playing with her. Even if she is on enemy team she can help you by accident.
You can go on your enemies, his E is op with you. He can make you unvulnerable with his ult, gives you extra armor with W, heals you with his Q. Best synergy support with kalista.
He got a lot of CC so he won't let enemies come near to you.
Nautilus v2 with AoE stun.
Combo is great, ult him, he will jump on enemies and go back with E, if still enemies didn't die he will Q and bring enemy to you.
Great peeling, especially her ult and w is really good with you. You can't throw her to enemies.
Don't lane with this cat. Basically you will be only target and that makes laning hard, you can't easily kite or poke since cat doesn't have any kind of peeling or hard cc.
You can stack your spears while her ult is active on Teamfights, she is the best synergy with you, stack your spears on enemies, when her ult is done just process E and kill everyone, I prefer to build runaan playing with her. Even if she is on enemy team she can help you by accident.
Kill her in Lv1, after pre-6 she is very dangerous, if she goes W you can't hit her. Beware her E and don't get too close because she can Q and slow you. After pre-6 just wait for your jungle, but still dangerous. If you got an exhaust you can go for her with your jungle, otherwise protect your position even if your jungle is there, go for Immortal Shieldbow / Wit's End ASAP. Ask midlaner for swap.
Useless against you, just auto attack and press E, with an exhaust you will easily kill him.
When he ganks, dodge his both Q and you will have a chance to kill enemy toplaner and him in same time. Slow him down as you can via minions. [Jungler]
So easy to kite her E and W, but she still can outplay you with her ult, don't let her farm until pre-6 and kill her as you can. If you get a bit stronger than her, you will easily kill her even if she ults you.
As you know, shieldbow counters his ult. Go for shieldbow, then Blade of the Ruined king. Dodge his Q, don't get him too close, because he can slow you with his E. Don't jump to the same rotation everytime, if he can land a Q on you, you are dead.
He can E+W you and you cant escape. Try to dodge his E if that is possible, if he can E you, and you got and exhaust, use it ASAP and dodge his Q and don't let him heal himself. If you are slowed, don't move and just attack while his damage reduced with your exhaust.
She can't kill you if you got exhaust, but you can't kill your enemy laner and him in same time in most matchups. If you can dodge her Q that is great. [Jungler]
Dr. Mundo
Harass him in laning as you can. If mundo knows how to play he is a major pick against you, since he got an ability that slows you down every few seconds. You can stack your spears and execute him when he ults, because he loses some health when he ults. If you play behind the minions, easy matchup. Freeze lane as you can, if he comes for Q on a minion, Q+E him with a minion and slow, then you will be able to kill him. If you didn't outscale him, you can take anti-heal after your boots.
Easy to kill him, beware his W, he have to ult at 40-50% health because of your E stacks. You can keep track him and kill, or just kill your enemy toplaner that is on you. Situational. [Jungler]
She can jump on you and kill. Beware her E in human form. If she CC you, you are dead. [Jungler]
If she can process her W, you are dead. Put a red ward on bush. [Jungler]
His fear is a problem, otherwise you can kill him easily. [Jungler]
Pre-6 is easy, after lv6 she can ult you and deal lots of damage, if you get hit by her W you are dead. Be sure to dodge her W and don't let her attack you from 4 sides.
Rarely but some people plays galio in toplane. One of the worst pick against you, even if he CC you, you can still kill him. But try to dodge his dash.
Don't push the lane, because you can't harass him when he comes and Q you. Always AA his barrels when they are going to 1 health. They deal alot of damage and slow you.
You can harass garen so much, because garen is based on a simple trading, he can Q and run, thats all. But that is not possible against kalista since your everything is your AA. When he comes on you, AA him and keep following him, then deal some more damage and bonus dash with your Q, then E him when your job is done.
Gnar is not a problem for you. Just like other tiny champions you have to AA and kill him. But mega gnar can slow and stun you so hard. Beware his ult, that is all.
His kit entirely counters you, but if he can't kill you with his whole kit, you can kill him. He basically can minimalize your E damage with his W, Can dash and CC you with her E, he can put a barrel on you while you are CCed and you will get slowed until he explodes that barrel. His ult knocks. If you play against him, don't be greedy, spend your 450 gold on mr after you got your boots. He won't be able to kill you.
You will outrange him. Just beware, dont let him scale, if he scales go Randuin's Omen.
Her W is a problem since you can't AA or Q. You can easily kill her lv1, after she buy boots with armor it will be a bit harder. So farm until you get your mythic if she got her boots.
He is so fast and can get behind you then E you next to his toplaner. Try to play safe. You can 1v1 him if you scale. [Jungler]
Don't get too close to him, he can put some tarets and stopwatch. Poke him with your Q, kill his tarets with your AA and E.
Easy matchup, you will outrange her ult and W, her passive is easy to dodge with kalista. Just try to dodge her E as you can.
You should dodge her E, don't get too close to minions when she got max passive. You are much more stronger than her before pre-6. If her ult on CD, you can kill easily, dont let him land his E, thats all.
Dodge his Q, don't get too close to his pet since it can airborne you. Try to stack spears on his pet if Ivern is far away from you and kill pet with Q, if that Q also lands on Ivern, he will die easily. [Jungler]
Jarvan IV
Get out of his ult, dodge his E+Q combo. He still can slow you with his W. Beware his Ult damage, exhaust him if you are in danger.
You can try to kill him in Lv1, since he don't have his Q and E in same time. After pre-6 he is immortal, wait for your jungler.
He deals a lot of burst damage, if you can exhaust him at right time, you will kill him. Don't try to trade with him, poke him with Q+E, don't let him poke you. You can't kill him without exhaust after he gets a bit strong.
The one who dodges Q wins. Also don't use your exhaust so fast, you can't reduce E damage.
He can slow you down, you can easily kill him but he will also easily kill you when he dies. Wit's End will help alot. If possible, kill enemy toplaner as first while dodging Karthus's Q, then kill him. Don't forget to dodge his Q after he dies.
Maybe in late game, but she can't kill you in early game. All you have to do is beware your E, don't press it when she Ult herself, dont stop attacking her while she is vulnerable, because it keeps stacking your E on enemy. If she scales alot and reaches lv16, she can kill you, because she is broken in late game. But if you outscale her she can't do anything.
Kayn form: You can easily kill him before pre-6. After pre-6 he can ult you and wait until enemy toplaner kills you.
Shadow form: That is most dangerous form, you have to dodge his W, because it slows down and deals huge damage. even if you dodge it, he can dash on you with his item, use his entire kit, then ult you and kill.
Darkin form: Worst against you. Easy to kill him because you are a DPS champion. You can easily dodge his W because he will stand while launching it, AA him and dodge his W. Don't let him get near to you, so he can't Q or AA and heal himself. Even if he is near to you, easy to kill if you 1v1 him.[Jungler]
His damage isn't enough against you.
AA until he dies. If you got cleanse, he can't do anything against you. Also you don't need to do anything before pre-6, just AA.
You need your exhaust. Can't 2v1 with him, play near to minions if you try 1v1 with him, because that decreases his Q damage and if he is over lv6 he probably upgraded his Q, he can reduce half of the time and deal 2x damage if you are far from your team's towers, minions or champions. [Jungler]
Some kindred players are dumb, they use their ult to save herself or another someone in his team, that is wrong. If she ults in teamfight, you can easily kill everyone with your spear stacks. You basically counter her ult and she can't 1v1 with you. [Jungler]
Don't let him hook you. You will easily win against him.
Lee Sin
If he got ult and you don't have any armor you are dead. He can slow you down with his E, jump on you with his Q and kick you down with his Ult. You can dodge and kill him if his ult on cd or pre-6. [Jungler]
If she stacked her passive she is really fast, beware her E, dodge her W and protect your position if she got ult. Pre-6 is really easy to kill him, but if she is lv6, she can hit you with Q, then ult and serve you to his toplaner. [Jungler]
Lots of armor, slow MS and AS, poke, airborne. He is really broken against any AD toplaner. If he goes AP build, you can flash his ult, you will have a chance to kill him. Otherwise impossible after pre-6, also he will steal your MS with Q, AS with E.
Pre-6 is easy, you can Q his Void Swarms, dodge his Q easily and kill. After Pre-6 he can ult you and kill, especially if there is another person that will help him.
His damage is not enough to kill you, he have to wait for his jungler and play safe. He got 2 rooting, 1 airborne and 1 slow, but their duration is really less.
Master Yi
Toplane yi is playable nowadays. He will go for Critical build for sure. You can't slow him and he is really fast, impossible to kite. If he is smart he will take an exhaust so you can't do anything against him after pre-6. Before pre-6 you can kill him easily, but beware he can just use his W smartly, and dodge your E's damage. Also he will stack his passive before Q'ing you, so beware that he can AA 3 times back to back Q+E+AA+W+AA. Tbh he can 2v1 with you and your jungler if he focuses on you, so be sure you outscale him before pre-6. If his Ult on cd and you got exhaust, you can go for him. Ask midlaner for swap. NOTE: In old days critical build was much more popular, now he is easier to kill after 12.5 Patch but still tough matchup, you will usually see him as a Jungler nowadays.
Just AA him, if possible dodge some Q, his E is really easy to dodge. Don't get too close to him because of his passive. Beware his shield, don't process your E like a dumb.
His w is a little problem in late game, in laning he can't kill you before pre-6. Harass him and don't let him farm and stack. You can even harass him next to his tower. If you outscale him, he can't even 1v1 with you while you are in his range. TIP: Don't jump with your AA all the time when he W you, because you can't jump. That will decrease your DPS.
She is not a problem until pre-6, but after she reaches lv6, she can ult you, root and deal a lot of damage. Buy some mr and she can't kill you with her skillset.
Some people plays this guy in toplane, don't let him fear you. If he is jungle, when he ults you are dead. You can take QSS against this matchup, you will have a chance to kill him in mid/late game. [Jungler]
Nunu & Willump
You don't have any ability to dodge his W. If you even dodge it, beware his E, it slows and then roots. He can launch his ult when you are rooted. [Jungler]
If you can dodge his Q, you can easily win.
You can dodge his everything except ult. Pre-6 is really easy, after pre 6 you should run away when he ults, so he can't reach you so fast and can't launch his whole skillset.
You can't dash, knocks you and stuns, slows, has alot of damage, armor and shield. If her W is on cd, you can try 1v1 her, but don't forget to play far from walls because she can stun you.
He can poke you with his Q, can stun and instantly kill you with his W, can dodge your E damage with his E. You have a chance in lv1 to kill him. Since there is nothing else he wont use his W so you can't attack him 1v1. Wait for your jungle and don't attack him until he uses his W. Ask midlaner for swap.
Early game you can beat her, but after she buy some AD items, she will destroy you. An exhaust can save this matchup, try to dodge her Q, poke her with your Q+E.
Annoying jungle, that can taunt you. Don't let him get near to you. [Jungler]
Deals a lot of damage and knocks, try to escape, don't even try to fight with him even 1v1. [Jungler]
He got CC and double dash. Before pre-6 you will win against him, after pre-6 he will win against you. Be sure to freeze lane and don't let him farm exp.
Early game is a big problem, he will always jump near bushes. If you play near to his tower, you can beat him, but you have to avoid ganks. In late game, you will have few armor, shieldbow and exhaust. So he can't kill you, because he is a burst, but you are a DPS.
She is faster than you, so you can't dodge her. Don't even try to play against her especially in high elo, she will destroy you easily. Always ban her, if you didnt, just dodge the game. Well if you have to laning with her, don't push your lane, wait for your jungle, even if your jungle comes don't go so fast because she can easily kill you. If your jungle is dumb, its kinda hard to play against her, you have to poke her with your Q from long range. If her Q and Flash is on cd, you can poke him with 1-2 auto attacks and Q. Ask midlaner for swap.
Buy Wit's End and its done. He deals a lot damage with his ult and q, dodge them.
One of the easiest matchups, just kite and kill him.
Dodge her skills, kite and kill. [Jungler]
Don't let him E you, he can kill you pre-6 if you don't outscale him early game.
Kill his W [JITB] ASAP with AA+E, he can't AA you from your back while fighting 1v1 because you will AA him and hop, so you will fight face to face with him which will decrease his damage, but still he can kill you easily. Beware his AA from your back. [Jungler]
You can kite this guy easily, if you already dodged his E, you win trade.
She don't have any CC skill except Ult's airborne and that is only few miliseconds duration. If she is ap you have to build Wit's End to decrease her damage. [Jungler]
Don't let him take your minions between your tier 1 and tier 2 tower, don't follow him when his ult on. Slow him down with your E, and kill him. Don't forget to execute an enemy while slowing him.
He is easy to kite, just don't get slowed. Beware his passive if he got Prowler's Claw, you have high push potential so he can't attack your tower easily.
Literally no one plays skarner, but great counter of Kalista, it can slow, stun, suppression. Capture crystal near to your lane to decrease his ms and as. Don't get too near to him because he can ult and bring you to anywhere he want. Dodge his E skill to don't get slowed and stunned. [Jungler]
Play behind minions and poke him with your AA. You will easily kill him. If he becomes a problem for you, take some anti-heal to reduce his W efficiency.
Tahm Kench
If you are a Kalista expert you can easily dodge his Q and W, so he wont be a problem for you. If you are not, play behind minions and don't get poked with his Q, poke him with AA. Don't get too close because he can stack his passive and ult you.
Before v12.9 she wasn't a problem for you, but now you can't dash while she launchs E on you, because it stuns. Wit's End or QSS will help you a lot. [Jungler]
Use your exhaust, you can't run but you can attack him, after his ult invisible ends, go and kill him. Note: He deals a lot of damage so you can't kill without exhaust if you don't have 100+ armor. [Jungler]
Take cleanse and press it when he blinds you. Then go on him and kill.
His slow and ms is a big problem for you. He can slow and walk so fast to reach you asap, if possible just run when you saw he is ganking. [Jungler]
He can't slow you with his W because you will kite him while AA, so you will never turn your back. You can guess where he is going to dash with E and go away from there. Pre-6 is really easy, after pre-6 he can be a problem for you.
Don't let him slow you, pre-6 is easier for you. Poke him as you can, be sure to dodge his E.
He is really fast but you can 1v1 with him. But if his toplaner is there and near to you, you are dead. He can immediately stun you with his E and serve you to his toplaner. [Jungler]
Her pre-6 is really low, after pre-6 she can go invisible and may stun you with her E, don't play near the walls. PRO TIP: Kalista E has so many bugs, when vayne knocks you with her E, if you use your E in time, even if it doesn't execute anything your E will get reset. But you have to get expert in kalista to don't miss that time.
You can't dodge her ult, then she will easily kill you. Nothing to do. [Jungler]
If you got flash, that is easy to play against him. Because you can dodge his W with your passive, dodge Ult with your flash. [Jungler]
Early game is easy, late game is hard against him. If he scales he can one shot you with R+E+Q, otherwise he is an easy opponent. TIP: He will try to Q you while laning even in lv1, you have to seem like you are escaping from him, but actually you will attack him when he comes to Q you in early levels and kill him. Probably it wont work more than 1 time on the same enemy if your elo is above average.
He is fast, he can slow you down with his E, and jump on you with his ult even in tower, because he disables tower attacks for few seconds when he ults. Some people play in toplane but usually you will see him as a jungler.
Xin Zhao
You can't escape him. Beware his W and stay away from him if you don't have exhaust.
People thinks windwall is a problem actually it isn't that big problem since you can stack your lethal tempo, you will hop maximum twice to dodge his windwall. Beware his Q3 due to airborne+ult, try to kill him as you can pre-6.
He can't kill you in early game, if he builds Death's Dance and Guardian Angel, maybe he can kill you in late game. You can dodge his everything in early game. TIP: When he E on you to poke and escape, go on his E's shadow while attacking him. You will easily kill him.
You can dodge his E and Q but if he ults, you can't escape it. TIP: When you activated his passive, stack 1 spear in all of his cells, when all of them near Q+E and kill him easily. [Jungler]
With exhaust he is easy to kill. If you didn't outscale him, prefer to go for some armor, because you can't exhaust him all the time. With Shieldbow + Randuin he can't kill you.
You can stack your spears while her ult is active on Teamfights, she is the best synergy with you, stack your spears on enemies, when her ult is done just process E and kill everyone, I prefer to build runaan playing with her. Even if she is on enemy team she can help you by accident.
Braum's passive and E is useful.
He can heal you and give you some extra ms+ad, but you can't throw him inside enemies with your ult.
He got a lot of CC so he won't let enemies come near to you.
Great peeling, especially her ult and w is really good with you. You can't throw her to enemies.
She can deal your W's passive damage, slow down enemies and hard CC with ult. You can't throw her to enemies.
Jarvan IV
You can use his walls as a protect way, he got airborne with E+Q, slow with W, also his E gives you some bonus AS.
Your AA's will slow enemies, she heals a lot and got 2 airborne ability. You can't throw her to enemies.
Makes you unvulnerable, heals and gives alot MS. You can't throw her to enemies.
Heals, slows and silences. You can't throw her to enemies.
You can go on your enemies, his E is op with you. He can make you unvulnerable with his ult, gives you extra armor with W, heals you with his Q. Best synergy support with kalista.
You can stack your spears while her ult is active on Teamfights, she is the best synergy with you, stack your spears on enemies, when her ult is done just process E and kill everyone, I prefer to build runaan playing with her. Even if she is on enemy team she can help you by accident.
Braum's passive and E is useful.
He can heal you and give you some extra ms+ad, but you can't throw him inside enemies with your ult.
He got a lot of CC so he won't let enemies come near to you.
Great peeling, especially her ult and w is really good with you. You can't throw her to enemies.
She can deal your W's passive damage, slow down enemies and hard CC with ult. You can't throw her to enemies.
Jarvan IV
You can use his walls as a protect way, he got airborne with E+Q, slow with W, also his E gives you some bonus AS.
Your AA's will slow enemies, she heals a lot and got 2 airborne ability. You can't throw her to enemies.
Makes you unvulnerable, heals and gives alot MS. You can't throw her to enemies.
Heals, slows and silences. You can't throw her to enemies.
You can go on your enemies, his E is op with you. He can make you unvulnerable with his ult, gives you extra armor with W, heals you with his Q. Best synergy support with kalista.
As everyone knows many people plays Vayne in toplane, and every toplaner hates that. Kalista is just a better form of Vayne for me.Vayne is op in toplane because of her W deals true damage according to enemy's health, and her Q dashes. Kalista's passive already a dash for every auto attacks. You can't deal true damage but you can stack a lot of spears, then deal huge burst damage with your E. Kalista's range bigger than Vayne. Also your Q helps you to poke your enemy from really long range. You can avoid ganks with your W.
How to poke with your Q wisely:
Stack some Spears on minion until you got enough to kill that minion, press Q + E and apply bonus E damage. NOTE: You can do that through minions that is going to die after touching your Q's damage, even the one that you stacked some spears.
How to trade with enemies:
As you know your first stack of E deals lots damage. Stack some spears on minions until you know it will die when you press E, AA your enemy while dashing back with your passive, land your Q on him and press E before your Q hits.
If you got low attack speed, you can cancel your animation with E while attacking a minion, your next auto attack will process your E, that is working sometimes. Probably a gamebug, even if you do that bug and die before you AA something, it still works. But kinda hard to practice it and you can't be sure that you have done it.
Here is an example about the gamebug, in the teamfight, I stacked some spears on enemy, I processed my E and tried to do one more AA and I died before I can. When i revived i went to wolves and my first AA processed my E automatically. You can see that in video.
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