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Recommended Items
Runes: Lane Bully
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Tailwind (PASSIVE)
Janna Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Just a friendly reminder to NOT PLAY THIS BUILD IN TOP LANE It's not because it's "off meta" and auto attacked based that is a viable pick in other lanes. If you play this in other lanes (specially Top) you're going to be outscaled and you be useless by mid/late game.
This build works extremely well with aggressive ADCs, or ADCs that can combo with your annoying damage, like Ashe. If you're duo with your ADC this is the best. If not, tell him that you have a lot of damage so he can keep up with your poke by autoattacking and harassing enemy laners.
This build works extremely well with aggressive ADCs, or ADCs that can combo with your annoying damage, like Ashe. If you're duo with your ADC this is the best. If not, tell him that you have a lot of damage so he can keep up with your poke by autoattacking and harassing enemy laners.
Champion Build Guide
Basically, this build allows you to use the full potential of your W. The idea is to autoattack whenever your rune is up (12 seconds CD I guess) and be annoying.
You have to W + AA the lane enemies and that will force them to either trade or back off. If you and your ADC are poking, the odds are the enemy botlane will just backoff.
You'll have a lot of MS because of the runes and W, so you can roam mid or help your jungle. It's a pretty aggressive rune setup.
Basically: W + AA until enemy laners go back to base, then you can roam. Your trades are really strong, actually.
Please, DON'T play Janna Top with HoB. I know the moment you saw this you thought "maybe in top lane" but please no. You will be outscaled and will become almost useless to your team when it comes to fighting sides. This is a SUPPORT JANNA GUIDE.
Also, since we are almost in pre season, I don't feel like wasting any more time in this guide.
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