Before level 6 he really can't stop you from engaging, also your R's constant pull cancels his headbutt, you can win this lane pretty easily. Recommended Stance: Unmounted
Has stronger level 1 than Rell, but doesn't gains so much from level 2, so All-In on level 2 is a good idea. He generally has better mid- and late-game than Rell, although his CC is Cleanseable and QQSable, while Rell mainly has Knockups and Kinematics which aren't. Recommended Stance: Mounted
Even after Hot-fix annie is still a solid Support, Annie is quite strong early on, but she can't really do much against you later on. Recomended Stance: Either
Ashe is pretty similar to Annie, she can easily abuse you in lane but she can't stop you. You can easily dive her later on as she is very immobile. Recommended Stance: Unmounted
If you are against a very good Bard player(hi Lathyrus), you will probably lose, and if you are against a very bad Bard, or even a first-timer, you will probably win, very skill dependant and not even on your side. Recomended Stance: Unmounted
As long as you play well(and your ADC takes Cleanse) this is very winable lane, and if you go even you have high chances to win the game. Once again you will outscale and be much more useful in team fights. Recommended Stance: Mounted
Rule of thumb: If you see Brand or other Poke heaby Support try to not get poked too much level 1 so you can engage level 2. Recommended Stance: Mounted
Similar to Bard, if Braum is good he can easily counter your Engage, if he is not he will struggle at lane, generally you either engage level 1 and scale, or just scale, you outscale him anyways. Recommended Stance: Mounted
Janna is a very difficult match up for Rell, as she can easily cancel your W with her Q. I recommend you to ban Janna every game, and if you are brave, Recommended Stance: Unmounted
Her E Shield gives movespeed, so she and her ADC can dodge your W pretty easily unless you are using it out of bush/over a wall/with Flash, also her W Tether is also pretty annoying as it's pretty much guaranteed to hit with your decreased move speed when unmounted. Recommended Stance: Unmounted
She has better early and generally wins laning phase against you, hes Q has very low cooldown even early. As the game goes on you will outscale her, play safe early and try getting level 6 faster and going for an All-In. Recommended Stance: Mounted
I recommend putting additional point in your Q so you match CD of her shield and will be able to break it every time. I'm not sure if her polymorph can cancel your W, and even if it can, your ADC can go wild on Lulu that pretty much wasted her polymorph. Recommended Stance: Mounted
Same as Brand, but she is just more annoying, also don't forget to punish her when she goes in AA range to proc her passive with(at least) your Q. Recommended Stance: Mounted
He can pretty reliably cancel your W with either his Q or W, you gotta play safer and don't be too close to bushes as his E Saplings are empowered when placed there. Recomended Stance: Unmounted.
Morgana players hate you as you can break her shield with your Q, as you go into higher elos you won't see her using shield unless you are already crashing down, and you will need to play it smart. Recommended Stance: Mounted
Nami can't really do much against you, although she can be pretty scary with her R in the late game. Recommended Stance: Mounted
As you probably already realised Rell is really good into engage and hook supports for some reason, Nautilus consistently being the worst pick into her, if Nautilus engages into you you can just re-engage and win the fight. Recommended Stance: Mounted
It's probably a Go-To Support pick against Rell, while not being as annoying as Janna, Poppy is much more tankier and so be careful when engaging her, also who even plays Poppy Support..? Recommended Stance: Unmounted
He pretty much can't do much, as he is a Hook Support, the worst thing he can do is to hook you in, and all he can do in lane is Q>E>3x AA. Recommended Stance: Mounted
A scaling match up, the one who is a better player will win this one. Recommended Stance: Mounted
Renata Glasc
He can quite reliably cancel your W engage with her Q(again), and has quite insane effects on her W, but she is still playable, especially if enemy didn't player into Rell or is new on Renata. Recommended Stance: Unmounted
Has big DPS compared to other Supports, and having high range she will probably play far back, so try only engaging with your Flash/Hexflash + Unmounted W, to catch her by surprise. Recommended Stance: Unmounted
She is similar to Senna, and gonna play at max range, but in this match up you can dodge whatever she throws at you, and generally this is an even Support match up. Recommended Stance: Mounted
The only reason I put Sona lower than Seraphine is because she has lower range and you can punish her more easily, try to abuse her early on and don't let her scale, if she still does, start praying. Recommended Stance: Either
Soraka may be hard to kill but she is not as annoying as Karma or evn Janna, she really can't do much against your engage other than heal her ADC constantly. Recommended Stance: Either
Swain is hard to play into not only for Rell, but basically every Support, Swain is just annoying, Recommended Stance: Unmounted
Tahm Kench
Second worst pick into Rell, you can Q his E, you can cancel his W with your E, if he engages you can just disengage or re-engage. Recommended Stance: Either
In lane he is really annoying but Late he is only useful for his R invincibility, just play lane safely as he can slap the hell out of you and get ton of Q and E resets. Recommended Stance: Unmounted
Unless Thresh is gonna land almost every his hook you will pretty much always win this match up, although after latest "adjustments" to his Q at 3-4 items he will be able to cast it almost non-stop which makes him rather nasty. Also he is probably the most useless Support late-game, even his Q and "Infinite Scaling" passive won't change that. Recommended Stance: Unmounted
(YUUMI REWORK RELEASED IN 13.5, GONNA UPDATE THE MATCH UP LATER IF SOMETHING CHANGES SIGNIFICANTLY)Yuumi is mostly picked with a scaling ADCs(Ezreal, Zeri), and they don't have the best early, if they are gonna focus on farming from max range you'll probably go even, if they don't you will easily win lane and late game. Recommended Stance: Either
He can easily land a double Q on you when you are crashing down, if he doesn't he will slow you and you will have like -200 speed and it's very annoying. Zilean is good counter pick to Rell if you think about it. Recommended Stance: Unmounted
Just try to not miss your W and you will be fine, don't be afraid to trade flash for flash as Zyras met really don't understand that you have Hexflash, and she is in a quite a weird spot of being an Artilery Mage with a teamfighting R and I pretty much can't say much more about her. Recommended Stance: Mounted
Rell loves ADCarries that xan follow up on her engage and have AOE damage, and Samira is exactly like that! Also if she is the one engaging with her E, you can follow-up with E of your own for a free stun. The moment you and she get level 6, nothing will be able to stop you two!
Miss Fortune
Same as Samira, you two get major power-spike when hitting level 6, your R is probably the best setup for her Bullet Time.
As I said before, Rell loves ADCs that have AOE damage, and there's no ADC that is better at this than Nilah(she literally gets AOE attacks from her Q), she also has a Dash as her E with 2 charges, and is able to engage by herself with her E+R combo, and Rell Nilah is by far the most fun botlane duo.
Kalista has very strong early game as she can basically oneshot anyone with her E as long she has enough stacks, and her R is very useful for you, as it counters one of Rell's weaknesses, it being "If you mess up an engage – you die.", but Kalista can just pull you out and you can either backoff or fly back in with a solid stun to all champions you hit.
Tristana is another ADC with a strong early, being able to destroy enemy laners level 1 before they even think about flashing away from you two, also if she hits level 18 for some reason, she will have bigger AA range than Caitlyn, do with this information whatever you want.
Rell loves ADCarries that xan follow up on her engage and have AOE damage, and Samira is exactly like that! Also if she is the one engaging with her E, you can follow-up with E of your own for a free stun. The moment you and she get level 6, nothing will be able to stop you two!
Miss Fortune
Same as Samira, you two get major power-spike when hitting level 6, your R is probably the best setup for her Bullet Time.
As I said before, Rell loves ADCs that have AOE damage, and there's no ADC that is better at this than Nilah(she literally gets AOE attacks from her Q), she also has a Dash as her E with 2 charges, and is able to engage by herself with her E+R combo, and Rell Nilah is by far the most fun botlane duo.
Kalista has very strong early game as she can basically oneshot anyone with her E as long she has enough stacks, and her R is very useful for you, as it counters one of Rell's weaknesses, it being "If you mess up an engage – you die.", but Kalista can just pull you out and you can either backoff or fly back in with a solid stun to all champions you hit.
Tristana is another ADC with a strong early, being able to destroy enemy laners level 1 before they even think about flashing away from you two, also if she hits level 18 for some reason, she will have bigger AA range than Caitlyn, do with this information whatever you want.
If you are leashing don't forget to use your W – Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up (Crash Down) and tank with the shield, and then use your W Mount Up to get in lane quickly.
Always remember that your passive Break the Mold steals resistances on your AAs, it may not seem like much but it will come in a clutch in many cases.
Your Relic Shield will execute minions under 50% HP when you AA them and have a charge available, consuming said charge and giving both you and nearest ally minion gold,and generating a charge every 35 seconds. It is recommended to not waste your charges on first wave of minions, and instead wipe out 3 melee minions of the second wave, not forgetting to take cannon on the third wave. It is not recommended to use your charges on caster minions unless your charges are maxed out.
It is very important to use your W – Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up (Crash Down) to engage level 1, because of your shield and Aftershock it will be hard to not get a good trade out of it if you land it. When you get your level 2 you can engage another time with W Mount Up flipping enemy over yourself and stunning the with E – Full Tilt. When you get your Q – Shattering Strike you can use it to break enemy shields or for sustain if they don't have any shields, remember that if you hit two champions with your Q, heal will be twice as big. Also your Q – Shattering Strike applies your Passive Break the Mold to the first enemy hit.
Once you hit level 6 you unlock your R – Magnet Storm, which can be paired with W Ferromancy – Crash Down to pull enemies into your Knock Up, and then drag them in favorable direction. Remember that initial pull from your R also cancels dashes like Thresh's Flay does.
Objectives are probably one of the, if not the most, important parts of the game. Baron Nashor and Rift Herald make pushing really easy, while Drakes make champions much stronger, especially the Elder Dragon, skyrocketing whole team's teamfighting power.
You need to work with your team to get these objectives, make sure you Recall pre-emptivly before an Objective spawns so you will be here in time. Rell is very useful for taking objectives, as she offers great zoning and CC tools for her team.
Elemental Drakes:
Drakes will spawn in the Dragon's Pit near Botlane, and since you are Support, you will be there helping your Jungler to contest the Dragon, either by keeping enemies in lane or fighting for it. It is recommended to slow push and crash a big wave into enemy tower to keep them Support and ADC in Botlane unless they want to exchange minion EXP and Gold for the Drake. If you see enemy Support leaving lane, do the same ti help on contesting the dragon.
Elemental Drakes ranked on raw power they give to Rell
Mountain Drake and Ocean Drake are the best for the survivability they provide, Mountain Drake giving you % buff to Resistances and Shield when you get a Soul, and Ocean Drake giving you passive health regen and Mana+Health when you hit enemy champions with Soul.
Hextech Drake gives you Ability Haste and Attack Speed(which you pretty much won't be benefitting from), and Soul will give you slowing chain-lightning on attacks, which will make it much easier to keep enemies in your Magnet Storm.
Cloud Drake gives you some out-of-combat speed and slow resistance, not really impactful to be honest.
Infernal Drake is not really good for Rell as she doesn't do much damage, it will benefit your carries much more.
Rift Herald: An objective that spawns in the Baron's pit near Toplane before 20 minutes, it will take high ammounts of damage if you hit it in the eye on the back, and generally it is taken by Toplaner and Jungler, when Rift Herald is slain, it will leave behind Eye of the Herald, picking it up will replace your trinket with it, allowing you to spawn a friendly Rift Herald that will go to the nearest lane and ram at the tower, at the cost of its own health. It is very useful in taking early plates, and is generally given to the Midlaner to help him snowball and to take Outter Midlane Turret faster.
Baron Nashor: Another objective that spawns in the Pit near Toplane, provides a large buff to your entire team that causes any minions you are near to get buffed in damage, durability and some special effects. Additionaly it provides an Empowered Recall, reducing its channel time to 4 seconds.
Elder Dragon: The least common objective, as it requires one of the teams to get an Elemental Drake Soul. It does DoT True Damage to the enmy when you damage them, and when brough below 20% health they will be executed. It's really important to get this objective, as the team that gets it will probably win the game. If enemy gets it though, try to not fight them and wait out the buff, you will lose the fight other way.
Main Combos
The classic combo consists of using Flash/Hexflash>W>(Optional Mid-Air E)>R, after landing you can use your AAs and Q in no particular order.
The second combo can help against more mobile enemies, it goes as follows: R>Flash>W>E(Mid-Air). This one is a little bit more complicated and costs you some CC duration, but is much more effective if enemy has some mobility spells or Galeforce up.
Both combos can be applied in variety of situations, be it engaging on enemy Botlane during Laning Phase, or engaging on enemy team from behind a wall during Late stages of the game.
Tips and Tricks for Begginers
Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up (W): First of all, Crash Down is NOT an escape spell. Everyone who played Rell probably learned this the hard way. Even if you jump over a wall with it, you still will be slowed and even a dismounted Kled without boots will be able to catch up to you!
Second, Rell is able to force fights even level 1. She is not a Thresh or Leona, who need their level 2 to get things going.
And for Third, Mount Up is frequently is a better engage than a Crush Down, aspecially if you Flash into the enemy, allowing you to immediatly use your Mount Up AA and throw them into your Full Tilt E stun.
Attract and Repel(E): It's Rell's combo spell, on its own it's pretty useless. Its best use is inside a combo, for example to hit your Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up (Crash Down) easier, or to keep enemies inside your Magnet Storm for longer - is the way you should use the spell.
Shattering Strike (Q): The 5% Missing Health healing actually matters. There were several occasions where Q healing left my ADC with barelly any HP alive, and don't forget that hitting several enemy champions with one Q increases healing you and your connected ally get.
Magnet Storm (R): Only the initial pull of Magnet Storm can interrupt abilities. Also remember that most enemies can just walk out of it, don't use it if you don't expect a big follow-up from your team, such as Inferno Trigger or Bullet Time.
Ward Tricks
Fast Ward Kill
All you need to do for this one is being Unmounted, hitting a ward, mounting up and hitting a ward two times, as your Mount Up AA is Auto Reset, kills on revealed Stealth Wards will be almost immediate.
Killing Wards Over Walls
For a Melee chamrion, Rell's AA Range is pretty decent, at a respectable 175. This range allows you to kill wards over some walls if they stand close enough to them. All you need to do is position yourself near the visible enemy ward and start blasting.
Pulling Self Over (W)all
Using the information above, you can apply the same strategy but using your Mount Up, as it will make Rell charge(AKA dash) at the target, making you able to hop over a wall attacking a Ward or Enemy Champion, additionaly making it easier because of increased AA range. Be aware though, doing so with Enemy Champion may flip them to your initial position.
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