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Recommended Items
Runes: Currently best build
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Zyra is incredibly fun to play, with mechanics involving plants make it a unique experience every game. Her damage takes a little time to ramp up, but with my electrocute build you can expect to catch people out and punish them throughout the game often. Her ability to zone off an entire back line as the enemy tank charges in or to just simply take down a squishy target by yourself as a support is crazy strong, and she has the added bonus of actually being one of the safest AP Mage Supports on bot lane.
Zyra is capable of soloing Mountain Drake & Rift Herald, with clever use of plant mechanics and also able to have your jungler take less damage with plants being able to take 2 hits (or more with Stranglethorns from the kill-able objectives!
Zyra's Advantages
Zyra's Weaknesses
Zyra is capable of soloing Mountain Drake & Rift Herald, with clever use of plant mechanics and also able to have your jungler take less damage with plants being able to take 2 hits (or more with Stranglethorns from the kill-able objectives!
Zyra's Advantages
- Able to solo & help tank Dragons, Herald & Baron
- High dps
- Able to purchase a Morellonomicon if needed to prevent enemy healing
- Multi-CC Snare and Knockup
- Able to poke safely at a semi-long range
- Can solo squishy targets when ahead
- Can spawn plants to block skill shots (Such as Blitzcrank Rocket Grab )
- Can 'facecheck' bushes with Rampant Growth and a spell
Zyra's Weaknesses
- Squishy
- When you fall behind your DPS falls quite harshly
- RNG sometimes on Passive Seed placement
- No Escape
Currently the best rune setup for Zyra is the Arcane Comet Sorcery rune page as your primary and inspiration secondary page. If you don't like inspiration as your second page then Domination tree can also work.
Arcane Comet Is additional poke damage when you land an ability in lane. Can also proc off plant auto-attacks. Just generally reliable damage. Enemy can move/dash to dodge but is difficult to move out of and zyra has slows/roots so should consistantly land in a game.
Manaflow Band generates Maximum mana during laning phase. When fully stacked also provides mana regen. This is one of the primary ways you will not go out of mana after the first recall in lane. Zyra isn't too mana intensive but you will have mana issues if you do not have any rune to cater to mana-regen (you can also look at Biscuit Delivery in the inspiration tree if you wish.
Transcendence a lot of ability haste was taken off items in Season 2024, so transcendence is even more neccessary.
Scorch Current average gametime is lower so scorch is better than Gathering Storm. If average game length of your games is over 30mins then Gathering Storm is much MUCH better.
Deep Ward - Allows you to get longer lasting wards in the enemy jungle, and later on, in the river. Makes the enemy take a little longer to kill wards so also wastes their time a bit more and reduces the effectiveness of Oracles lens.
Treasure Hunter - Gives you much needed gold in order to keep the snowball effect going on progressing through the game as an AP support.
Domination Build
Dark Harvest provides a lot of damage and also procs off your plants, so even if you die if you have done all of your AoE you can potentially still do a decent amount of damage when dead since those plants can still trigger Dark Harvest !
Electrocute - Zyra has a few ways of proc'ing this, and you will want to proc it as much as possible throughout the game. 3 Spells and/or auto attacks will trigger the ability. Each plant counts a singe attack. So 2 separate plant hits + a spell hit or Auto attack will trigger electrocute.
Cheap Shot - When you land your root or if a slowing plant spawns and attacks, your next attack will deal bonus true damage. Another reason why it's important to be able to land Grasping Roots.
Deep Ward - Allows you to get longer lasting wards in the enemy jungle, and later on, in the river. Makes the enemy take a little longer to kill wards so also wastes their time a bit more and reduces the effectiveness of Oracles lens.
Treasure Hunter - Gives you much needed gold in order to keep the snowball effect going on progressing through the game as an AP support.
Transcendence gives you a nice 10% CDR boost in the mid game. This will allow you to cast more spells and have more plants in fights to ensure you can carry the fight!
Manaflow Band helps the mana intensive laning phase with the poke. After 10 stacks you will receive 1% of your missing mana every 5 seconds. When you are still needing to stack Manaflow Band and low on mana decide if its worth being greedy for the poke or conserving your mana for a combo a bit later on if needed.
Arcane Comet Is additional poke damage when you land an ability in lane. Can also proc off plant auto-attacks. Just generally reliable damage. Enemy can move/dash to dodge but is difficult to move out of and zyra has slows/roots so should consistantly land in a game.
Manaflow Band generates Maximum mana during laning phase. When fully stacked also provides mana regen. This is one of the primary ways you will not go out of mana after the first recall in lane. Zyra isn't too mana intensive but you will have mana issues if you do not have any rune to cater to mana-regen (you can also look at Biscuit Delivery in the inspiration tree if you wish.
Transcendence a lot of ability haste was taken off items in Season 2024, so transcendence is even more neccessary.
Scorch Current average gametime is lower so scorch is better than Gathering Storm. If average game length of your games is over 30mins then Gathering Storm is much MUCH better.
Deep Ward - Allows you to get longer lasting wards in the enemy jungle, and later on, in the river. Makes the enemy take a little longer to kill wards so also wastes their time a bit more and reduces the effectiveness of Oracles lens.
Treasure Hunter - Gives you much needed gold in order to keep the snowball effect going on progressing through the game as an AP support.
Domination Build
Dark Harvest provides a lot of damage and also procs off your plants, so even if you die if you have done all of your AoE you can potentially still do a decent amount of damage when dead since those plants can still trigger Dark Harvest !
Electrocute - Zyra has a few ways of proc'ing this, and you will want to proc it as much as possible throughout the game. 3 Spells and/or auto attacks will trigger the ability. Each plant counts a singe attack. So 2 separate plant hits + a spell hit or Auto attack will trigger electrocute.
Cheap Shot - When you land your root or if a slowing plant spawns and attacks, your next attack will deal bonus true damage. Another reason why it's important to be able to land Grasping Roots.
Deep Ward - Allows you to get longer lasting wards in the enemy jungle, and later on, in the river. Makes the enemy take a little longer to kill wards so also wastes their time a bit more and reduces the effectiveness of Oracles lens.
Treasure Hunter - Gives you much needed gold in order to keep the snowball effect going on progressing through the game as an AP support.
Transcendence gives you a nice 10% CDR boost in the mid game. This will allow you to cast more spells and have more plants in fights to ensure you can carry the fight!
Manaflow Band helps the mana intensive laning phase with the poke. After 10 stacks you will receive 1% of your missing mana every 5 seconds. When you are still needing to stack Manaflow Band and low on mana decide if its worth being greedy for the poke or conserving your mana for a combo a bit later on if needed.
Garden of Thorns
Zyra's passive that is both very useful and frustrating at the same time! Seeds that spawn from Garden of Thorns last for 30 seconds and should be used to give your jungler a very big safe pull. Bare in mind, if you are standing in a brush, seeds will not spawn until you move out. Ensure you are around the red/blue buff brush and stand out of it at 1.01 so that your seeds that spawn will be around the buff. Once the buff spawns use an ability to spawn your plants and they are each able to take FOUR hits, enabling your jungler to take very little (if any) damage with the pull. There is a slight risk to you stealing the buff with plants if damage is too high, so I would only recommend spawning two plants, anymore will have the slight chance of stealing.
Seeds spawn in a very large radius around you, and during the laning phase the enemy may try and step on them to destroy the seed. Use this to your advantage to monitor your enemy footsteps to land a skillshot if they proceed to try this method.
Deadly Spines
Your main poke ability during the first few levels and enables you to spawn plants that shoot missles. Please look at Rampant Growth and Combo information in this chapter on how to use seeds.
Deadly Spines can be angled differently depending on which way Zyra is facing. As you get more comfortable with being able to land the ability normally, you can start practising running up and doing a 90 degree turn to then do Deadly Spines. This will help you catch out even the trickiest of foes! If you are going Electrocute build, take this level one and max it second. If you are going Arcane Comet max Deadly Spines first!
Rampant Growth
Rampant Growth has a long recharge timer level 1. You will only want to place seeds when either your ability lands to ensure plants hit a champion, rather than minions OR if you are in auto attack range as this will also tell your plants to attack your target. Here are the basic rules on plant targeting:
Zyra's basic attacks apply a refreshing, high-priority mark for 3 seconds against enemy champions, while Thorn Spitter's (range) and Vine Lasher's (melee) apply a non-refreshing, lesser-priority one for the same duration.
Grasping Roots
Your main CC. When ability is used near seeds it will spawn melee plants that slow the target if they are hit. Please look at Rampant Growth and Combo information in this chapter on how to use seeds.
This slow moving projectile will root anything in its narrow pathway. Using this as your first spell to start up your ability chain combo is crucial. Also respect the cooldown on this ability and should be treated similarly like a Blitzcrank Rocket Grab. If you miss a crucial CC ability - in this case - Grasping Roots you will put yourself and your partner in a vulnerable state so it is ill advised to use as a harassing tool unless you know the enemy cannot counter engage.
Stranglethorns is your ultimate ability. Places a massive AoE circle on the ground after a short delay knocks up any enemies inside. Also empowers your plants so ensure you have a few in the circle if possible to increase damage output.
A normal routine combo would be to cast E Grasping Roots and one W Rampant Growth. If your E Grasping Roots missed, fall back. If it landed proceed to Stranglethorns then Q Deadly Spines with a W Rampant Growth if you have another charge. Hopefully both your slowing and shooting plants will be enraged and deal more damage.
Zyra's passive that is both very useful and frustrating at the same time! Seeds that spawn from Garden of Thorns last for 30 seconds and should be used to give your jungler a very big safe pull. Bare in mind, if you are standing in a brush, seeds will not spawn until you move out. Ensure you are around the red/blue buff brush and stand out of it at 1.01 so that your seeds that spawn will be around the buff. Once the buff spawns use an ability to spawn your plants and they are each able to take FOUR hits, enabling your jungler to take very little (if any) damage with the pull. There is a slight risk to you stealing the buff with plants if damage is too high, so I would only recommend spawning two plants, anymore will have the slight chance of stealing.
Seeds spawn in a very large radius around you, and during the laning phase the enemy may try and step on them to destroy the seed. Use this to your advantage to monitor your enemy footsteps to land a skillshot if they proceed to try this method.
Deadly Spines
Your main poke ability during the first few levels and enables you to spawn plants that shoot missles. Please look at Rampant Growth and Combo information in this chapter on how to use seeds.
Deadly Spines can be angled differently depending on which way Zyra is facing. As you get more comfortable with being able to land the ability normally, you can start practising running up and doing a 90 degree turn to then do Deadly Spines. This will help you catch out even the trickiest of foes! If you are going Electrocute build, take this level one and max it second. If you are going Arcane Comet max Deadly Spines first!
Rampant Growth
Rampant Growth has a long recharge timer level 1. You will only want to place seeds when either your ability lands to ensure plants hit a champion, rather than minions OR if you are in auto attack range as this will also tell your plants to attack your target. Here are the basic rules on plant targeting:
Zyra's basic attacks apply a refreshing, high-priority mark for 3 seconds against enemy champions, while Thorn Spitter's (range) and Vine Lasher's (melee) apply a non-refreshing, lesser-priority one for the same duration.
- Taunt sources (even if out of range)
- Most-recently-applied high-priority marks
- Nearest lesser-priority marks to Plants
- Nearest enemy champions within 350 units of Plants
- Non-champions Zyra has most-recently attacked
- Closest unit in range
Grasping Roots
Your main CC. When ability is used near seeds it will spawn melee plants that slow the target if they are hit. Please look at Rampant Growth and Combo information in this chapter on how to use seeds.
This slow moving projectile will root anything in its narrow pathway. Using this as your first spell to start up your ability chain combo is crucial. Also respect the cooldown on this ability and should be treated similarly like a Blitzcrank Rocket Grab. If you miss a crucial CC ability - in this case - Grasping Roots you will put yourself and your partner in a vulnerable state so it is ill advised to use as a harassing tool unless you know the enemy cannot counter engage.
Stranglethorns is your ultimate ability. Places a massive AoE circle on the ground after a short delay knocks up any enemies inside. Also empowers your plants so ensure you have a few in the circle if possible to increase damage output.
A normal routine combo would be to cast E Grasping Roots and one W Rampant Growth. If your E Grasping Roots missed, fall back. If it landed proceed to Stranglethorns then Q Deadly Spines with a W Rampant Growth if you have another charge. Hopefully both your slowing and shooting plants will be enraged and deal more damage.
World Atlas
World Atlas has now changed to auto-upgrade to Runic Compass (400 gold collected) and Bounty of Worlds (800g collected) from the Tribute gold quest.
Every support player will also be taking World Atlas. If you played in previous seasons of League of Legends it acts as a Spelltheifs and a Relic Shield combined. In two parts: 1) If you attack an enemy champion or turret and have a 'charge' it will consume 1 charge to generate gold for you and towards your 'item quest'. 2) If you kill a minion with a charge you will get a flat amount of gold for killing the minion. The nearest ally will get the full minion gold amount. For example, if you kill a cannon minion, you will get X gold but your ADC will get the full amount, you are not denying your ADC full cannon minion gold. Ideally you want to harrass the enemy to get charges for more golds and quicker 'quest completion' to get to Bounty of Worlds. When you get to Bounty of Worlds you will get to choose an item to 'replace' Bounty of worlds. I recommend you take Zaz'Zak's Realmspike as it will greatly increase your damage. |
Zaz'Zak's Realmspike
The final Support Quest upgrade item. When you deal ability damage (including your passive) and you will do a slight delayed extra damage circle on the enemy. Quite similar to Arcane Comet. Really good generic extra damage for free!
Sorcerer's Shoes
Finishing Sorcerer's Shoes before mid game not only gives Zyra some much needed mobility, but increases her magic penetration. Later in the game if your team managed to complete the Triumphant boots requirement then you will be able to purchase Spellslinger’s Shoes. This is a very useful item and should be purchased after you have 2 core items completed (not including your support item).
NOTE: Magic Penetration cannot exceed the amount of magic resist on the enemy. |
Blackfire Torch
The build path is nice as you will have better mana regeneration, however the damage output is not comparable to Liandry's Torment. Try to avoid buying this item.
Shadowflame Allows your spells to crit the enemy if below a certain % of max hp for increased damage. Also works with Liandry's Torment and Blackfire Torch DoT.
Malignance is a decent option as a late game damage item, and will further reduce the cooldown of your ultimate enabling it to be ready in more teamfights in the mid to late game.
Morellonomicon can be a powerful item if against superb healing team comps, such as Soraka Vladimir Nami Fiora Dr. Mundo Tryndamere Aatrox Warwick etc. There is a long list. If you feel that the enemy has a lot of healing on their side, take Oblivion Orb and focus on completing other items first.
Liandry's Torment
Is your best damaging item as Zyra, especially fights that last over a longer period of time. Liandry's Torment allows you to kill dragons and barons much faster also!
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Zhonya's Hourglass
Zhonya's Hourglass An Important item if you care about staying alive. Ideally do a spell rotation before you get jumped, use Zhonya's Hourglass to buy some time and then repeat!
Void Staff
Void Staff will need to be taken as a 3rd item if there is a substancial tank on the other team. Without %magic pen you will do very little damage to tanks in season 2024 as resistances on items have been buffed.
Vigilant Wardstone
Vigilant Wardstone Absolute garbage in Season 2024, do not buy.
If your Jungler is starting the Blue / Red buff on bot lane then you should help out with ideally a few seeds from your passive and a Q Deadly Spines. Seed placement will be random, and ideally tell your jungler to let a plant tank hits for them as it will save about 200hp of damage.
During the laning phase harass with Deadly Spines as often as you can to get income with your World Atlas. You will also be building Manaflow Band stacks. If you are confident your Deadly Spines will land, put a Rampant Growth seed nearby to have a plant also hit the enemy to give you another gold hit and some extra damage.
Use Grasping Roots carefully, as either as a peel or a hard engage and ensure you use a Rampant Growth seed to help slow the target, even if miss rooting the target.
Against heavy engage supports (such as Leona / Rakan), poke them down as much as possible level 1 while ensuring you hit level 2 first. This will allow you to control the lane and will prevent these type of champions from engaging as they will be too low on hp. If this hasn't happened stay back, only do safe poke and try and whittle them down before fully engaging.
Encourage your team to do dragon (unless its cloud drake). This is because your plants can each individually tank a dragon and mitigate the amount of damage your team takes. They can each take two hits before dying. NOTE: Cloud drake has an exceptionally fast auto attack and will kill plants very quickly and Mountain and Infernal Drakes have a mini aoe on their attack, so make sure only 1 plant is tanking at a time! - Also Hextech Dragon destroys plants quickly with its AoE so only spawn one at a time.
During the laning phase harass with Deadly Spines as often as you can to get income with your World Atlas. You will also be building Manaflow Band stacks. If you are confident your Deadly Spines will land, put a Rampant Growth seed nearby to have a plant also hit the enemy to give you another gold hit and some extra damage.
Use Grasping Roots carefully, as either as a peel or a hard engage and ensure you use a Rampant Growth seed to help slow the target, even if miss rooting the target.
Against heavy engage supports (such as Leona / Rakan), poke them down as much as possible level 1 while ensuring you hit level 2 first. This will allow you to control the lane and will prevent these type of champions from engaging as they will be too low on hp. If this hasn't happened stay back, only do safe poke and try and whittle them down before fully engaging.
Encourage your team to do dragon (unless its cloud drake). This is because your plants can each individually tank a dragon and mitigate the amount of damage your team takes. They can each take two hits before dying. NOTE: Cloud drake has an exceptionally fast auto attack and will kill plants very quickly and Mountain and Infernal Drakes have a mini aoe on their attack, so make sure only 1 plant is tanking at a time! - Also Hextech Dragon destroys plants quickly with its AoE so only spawn one at a time.
Continue to encourage your team to do kill able objectives, plants are exceptionally good damage and tanks for herald, baron and dragons and only gets better once you purchase a Liandry's Torment.
Ensure you are constantly asking yourself "What is the next easiest objective to take". Once you have identified what it is, get wards around the objective and ensure you are buying Control Wards to ensure vision is secure.
If any enemies have a Banshee's Veil do your best just to tag them with one range plant, as this will pop the shield!
If your game has been going badly, moving towards a peeling, cc build is better than going up for straight pure DPS. Taking a Rylai's Crystal Scepter earlier can help peel for your team and extending the duration of the game can give your team a chance to get back in it.
Against full ad teams, it feels bad however, you should always build a Zhonya's Hourglass early to ensure you can out scale the enemy team.
Ensure you are constantly asking yourself "What is the next easiest objective to take". Once you have identified what it is, get wards around the objective and ensure you are buying Control Wards to ensure vision is secure.
If any enemies have a Banshee's Veil do your best just to tag them with one range plant, as this will pop the shield!
If your game has been going badly, moving towards a peeling, cc build is better than going up for straight pure DPS. Taking a Rylai's Crystal Scepter earlier can help peel for your team and extending the duration of the game can give your team a chance to get back in it.
Against full ad teams, it feels bad however, you should always build a Zhonya's Hourglass early to ensure you can out scale the enemy team.
My Zyra guide has been fully updated for Season 2024!
Thanks for reading my Zyra guide, I hope you give it a try in ranked and I wish you the best of luck! For more guides and fun videos please visit my stream
I also have daily support content on my Youtube Channel
Thanks for reading my Zyra guide, I hope you give it a try in ranked and I wish you the best of luck! For more guides and fun videos please visit my stream
I also have daily support content on my Youtube Channel
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