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Miss Fortune Build Guide by Miss Evelynn

[14.20] New AP Item Miss Fortune MID BUILD GUIDE!

[14.20] New AP Item Miss Fortune MID BUILD GUIDE!

Updated on October 8, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Miss Evelynn Build Guide By Miss Evelynn 18 4 92,960 Views 0 Comments
18 4 92,960 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Miss Evelynn Miss Fortune Build Guide By Miss Evelynn Updated on October 8, 2024
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Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band

Cheap Shot
Ultimate Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Ability Order 1 And Only Order

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Champion Build Guide

[14.20] New AP Item Miss Fortune MID BUILD GUIDE!

By Miss Evelynn

1. Introduction

2. Pros & Cons
Pros & Cons

3. Masteries
Introduction of Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune, known as Sarah Fortune, is a prominent champion in LoL, celebrated for her dynamic role as a marksman. Equipped with twin pistols and a flair for theatrics, Miss Fortune commands the battlefield with a blend of raw firepower and strategic finesse. Her abilities allow her to deal substantial damage from a distance, making her a formidable presence in the bottom lane.

In-game, Miss Fortune's skill set is designed to maximize her damage output and area-of-effect capabilities. Her "Double Up" ability allows her to ricochet a bullet between two enemies, dealing significant damage to both. "Make it Rain" slows and damages opponents within a targeted area, giving her control over enemy movement. Her passive, "Love Tap," encourages constant repositioning and target switching, enhancing her damage with each new foe she strikes. Her ultimate, "Bullet Time," unleashes a devastating barrage of bullets in a wide cone, capable of shredding through enemy teams during critical moments in a match.

Miss Fortune's playstyle revolves around positioning and timing, rewarding players who can adeptly manage their movements and attacks. Her presence in the game is not just a testament to her lethal capabilities but also to her vibrant personality and enduring popularity among players who enjoy a blend of power and precision in their gameplay.
Miss Fortune's Pros & Cons! (AD)


High Burst Damage:

Miss Fortune can deal significant burst damage, particularly with her Double Up (Q) ability and Bullet Time (R) ultimate. Her abilities can quickly melt enemies, especially if they are caught off guard.
Strong Laning Phase:

Her Double Up (Q) is excellent for poking enemies and can deal considerable damage if it kills the first target and hits the second. This makes her a strong contender in the early game, often winning trades in lane.
Team Fight Presence:

Bullet Time (R) is one of the most impactful team-fighting ultimates in the game. When positioned well, it can decimate multiple enemies, turning the tide of a battle.
Good Poke and Harass:

With Double Up (Q) and Make It Rain (E), Miss Fortune can effectively poke and harass enemies from a safe distance, whittling down their health before an engagement.
High Mobility:

Strut (W) provides increased movement speed, which enhances her kiting ability and helps her escape or chase down enemies. This makes her relatively mobile compared to other ADCs.


Vulnerability During Ultimate:

Bullet Time (R) requires Miss Fortune to be stationary while channeling, making her a prime target for enemy crowd control (CC) and focus fire. If interrupted, she loses a significant portion of her damage potential in team fights.

Reliant on Positioning:

Maximizing Miss Fortune's damage output requires good positioning. She needs to be in the right place to land effective Double Up (Q) shots and a well-placed Bullet Time (R) without being easily targeted by enemies.


Like most ADCs, Miss Fortune is fragile and can be easily burst down if caught out of position. She relies heavily on her team for protection during fights.

Dependent on Ability Usage:

To deal her maximum damage, Miss Fortune relies on using her abilities effectively. Poor use of Double Up (Q) or missing Bullet Time (R) can significantly reduce her impact in fights.

Mixed Damage Sources:

Make It Rain (E) deals magic damage, which doesn't scale as well with her primarily AD build. This can sometimes make itemization less efficient compared to champions who deal pure physical damage.

Miss Fortune's Pros & Cons (AP)


Unexpected Playstyle:

Most opponents expect Miss Fortune to build Attack Damage (AD). An AP build can catch enemies off guard, as they may not anticipate the magic damage and might not build appropriate resistances.

High Burst with Abilities:

Make It Rain (E) scales with AP and can deal substantial area-of-effect (AoE) magic damage. Combined with the slow, it becomes a potent tool for harassing and zoning enemies.

Enhanced Ultimate Damage:

Bullet Time (R) has an AP scaling component, which means an AP build can significantly amplify its damage, making it even more devastating in team fights.

Strong Zoning and Crowd Control:

Make It Rain (E) not only deals damage but also slows enemies in its area. With high AP, this ability becomes a powerful zoning tool, controlling enemy movement and creating opportunities for your team.

Surprise Factor:

The AP build can create a psychological advantage, as opponents might not be prepared for the burst and playstyle, leading to more effective engagements and skirmishes.


Less Auto-Attack Damage:

Miss Fortune's basic attacks and Love Tap (Passive) are less effective with an AP build, reducing her sustained damage output in extended fights compared to a traditional AD build.

Reliance on Abilities:

An AP Miss Fortune heavily relies on her abilities to deal damage. If her abilities are on cooldown or if she misses them, her damage output drops significantly.

Weaker Laning Phase:

Without AD items, her basic attacks are weaker, making it harder to last-hit minions and trade effectively during the laning phase. She might struggle against strong AD-based laners.

Itemization Limitations:

AP itemization may not offer the same level of survivability as some AD items. Miss Fortune might be more vulnerable to burst damage and lack the lifesteal and durability that AD items can provide.

Vulnerability During Ultimate:

Although Bullet Time (R) deals significant damage with AP, Miss Fortune is still stationary while channeling it, making her a target for crowd control and focus fire. This can be risky without the sustained damage to back her up if the ultimate is interrupted or avoided.

Mixed Damage Sources:

AP Miss Fortune still has physical damage components in her kit, but they will be weaker. This mixed damage can be less effective overall compared to a focused AD or AP champion.

  • Primary Tree

  • Arcane Comet

  • Manaflow Band

  • Increased Mana Pool:

    Manaflow Band grants a larger mana pool after hitting enemy champions with abilities. Miss Fortune's abilities, especially Make It Rain (E), can be mana-intensive. Having a larger mana pool allows you to use your abilities more freely without running out of mana quickly.

  • Sustained Harass:

    With the increased mana provided by manfaflow bandManaflow Band, you can harass your opponents more consistently in the laning phase. This is crucial for an AP build that relies heavily on ability damage rather than auto-attacks.
  • Laning Phase Dominance:

    Maintaining mana is vital during the laning phase to keep up the pressure. Manaflow Band helps you stay in lane longer and keep your enemies at bay with constant ability usage, making it easier to win trades and potentially secure kills.
  • Better Team Fight Presence:

    As the game progresses, having a larger mana pool means you can contribute more effectively in extended team fights. You won’t have to worry as much about running out of mana in critical moments, allowing you to use Make It Rain (E) for zoning and Bullet Time (R) for high burst damage.
  • Transcendence

  • Cooldown Reduction (CDR):

    Transcendence provides 10% cooldown reduction at level 10. This is crucial for an AP Miss Fortune build, which relies heavily on the frequent use of abilities to maximize damage output. Reduced cooldowns mean you can cast your key abilities, such as Make It Rain (E) and Bullet Time (R), more often, increasing your overall damage potential and utility in fights.
  • Bonus AP from Excess CDR:

    Any cooldown reduction that exceeds the cap of 40% (or 50% with specific items and runes) is converted into bonus ability power (AP). This synergizes well with an AP-focused build, ensuring that no stat goes to waste. As a result, you get both the benefits of cooldown reduction and additional AP, boosting your damage further.
  • Increased Team Fight Impact:

    With more frequent ability usage, you can have a greater impact in team fights. Make It Rain (E) can be used more often to poke, slow, and zone enemies, while Bullet Time (R) can be ready for crucial moments in fights, providing consistent high damage output.
  • Enhanced Ability Rotation:

    AP Miss Fortune relies on her abilities for damage rather than auto-attacks. Transcendence ensures that you can rotate through your abilities more quickly, maintaining a steady stream of damage and control throughout engagements.
  • Scorch

  • Enhanced Early Game Harass:

    Scorch deals bonus magic damage to champions when you hit them with an ability. This extra damage is particularly valuable in the laning phase, where constant poking and trading can establish lane dominance. Miss Fortune's Make It Rain (E) can frequently proc Scorch, adding an extra layer of damage to her harass.

  • Increased Poke Damage:

    As an AP build, Miss Fortune will often be using her abilities to poke enemies from a distance. Scorch amplifies the damage of each poke, making your harass more effective and helping to chip away at the enemy’s health.

  • Pressure in Lane:

    Applying consistent pressure to your lane opponent is crucial for controlling the
    laning phase. The additional damage from sorchScorch can force enemies to play more defensively, potentially missing last hits or making them more susceptible to ganks.
  • Synergy with Frequent Ability Use:

    AP Miss Fortune benefits from frequent ability casts, especially Make It Rain (E). Scorch has a low cooldown (10 seconds), allowing it to be procced regularly, synergizing well with Miss Fortune’s playstyle of repeated ability usage.
  • Cheap Shot

  • Bonus True Damage on CC:

    Cheap Shot deals bonus true damage to enemies with impaired movement or actions. Since Miss Fortune's Make It Rain (E) slows enemies caught in its area, Cheap Shot synergizes well with this ability, providing additional damage to targets affected by the slow.

  • Enhanced Trading and Harass:

    The bonus true damage from Cheap Shot can significantly amplify Miss Fortune's poke and harass in lane. When combined with Make It Rain (E), it can make her trades more impactful, especially against opponents who struggle to avoid the slow.

  • Laning Pressure:

    By consistently proccing Cheap Shot with Make It Rain (E), Miss Fortune can exert more pressure on her lane opponents. The threat of additional true damage can force enemies to play more cautiously or risk losing trades, giving Miss Fortune more control over the lane.

  • Early Game Dominance:

    Cheap Shot provides immediate benefits in the early game, where small advantages can snowball into larger leads. Its early game power can help Miss Fortune establish lane dominance, secure kills, and set the stage for a strong mid game transition.
  • Ultimate Hunter

  • Reduced Ultimate Cooldown:

    Ultimate Hunter reduces the cooldown of Miss Fortune's ultimate ability, Bullet Time" (R). Since AP Miss Fortune relies heavily on her ultimate for burst damage in team fights, reducing its cooldown allows her to use it more frequently, increasing her overall damage output and team fight presence.

  • Increased Team Fight Impact:

    With a reduced cooldown on Bullet Time (R), Miss Fortune can participate in team fights more often and be a consistent threat to enemy champions. This allows her to contribute more effectively to skirmishes, objective contests, and full-scale team fights, potentially turning the tide of battles with her powerful ultimate.

  • More Frequent Engagements:

    With Ultimate Hunter, Miss Fortune can be more proactive in seeking engagements and capitalizing on opportunities. Knowing that her ultimate will be available sooner means she can look for fights more frequently, catching enemies off guard and applying pressure across the map.

  • Enhanced Objective Control:

    Coordinated use of Bullet Time (R) can help secure objectives such as Dragon, Baron, or turrets. With Ultimate Hunter, Miss Fortune can have her ultimate available more often for these crucial moments, providing additional zoning, damage, and crowd control to secure objectives or turn fights in her team's favor.
  • +9 Adaptive Force

  • +9 Adaptive Force

  • +10-180 Health (based on level)

  • Survivability: Heal provides an instant health boost that can be the difference between life and death in close engagements. This is especially valuable in the laning phase and team fights.

    Team Utility: Heal also affects a nearby ally, often your support, providing both of you with increased survivability during bot lane skirmishes or team fights.

    Movement Speed: The movement speed boost helps Ashe and her ally reposition during fights, either to escape danger or chase down low-health enemies.

  • Escape Tool: Ashe lacks inherent mobility, making her vulnerable to ganks and aggressive enemies. Flash provides an essential escape mechanism to avoid deadly situations.

    Positioning: Proper positioning is critical for ADCs, and Flash allows Ashe to quickly reposition herself during team fights or skirmishes, ensuring she can stay at a safe distance while dealing damage.

    Engage/Chase Potential: Flash can be used offensively to close the gap on fleeing enemies or to position Ashe for a crucial "Enchanted Crystal Arrow" (R) initiation.

    Wall Jumping: Flash can be used to traverse terrain, which can be crucial for escaping through jungle walls or surprising enemies with unexpected positioning.

  • Benefits/Advantages:

  • Mana Sustain:
    Doran's Ring provides mana regeneration upon killing a unit. This passive sustain helps AP Miss Fortune manage her mana pool during the laning phase, where she relies heavily on abilities like "Make It Rain" (E) for poke and harass. The mana regeneration can allow her to use her abilities more frequently without running out of mana quickly, increasing her lane presence and pressure.

  • Bonus Ability Power:
    Doran's Ring grants bonus ability power, which directly enhances the damage of Miss Fortune's abilities. This early AP boost improves her poke, harass, and all-in potential in the laning phase, allowing her to trade more effectively with opponents and potentially secure kills.

  • Health and Mana:
    Doran's Ring provides additional health, mana, and ability power, making AP Miss Fortune slightly tankier and more resilient in lane. The bonus health can help her survive trades and all-ins, while the extra mana ensures she can continue casting abilities without having to recall frequently.

  • Efficient Early Game Start:
    Doran's Ring is a cost-effective starting item that provides multiple stats beneficial to AP Miss Fortune's laning phase. It allows her to hit the ground running with increased damage, sustain, and survivability, setting her up for a strong early game performance.

  • Insane Passive:
    BALEFUL BLAZE: Dealing ability damage burns enemies, causing them to take 7.5 (+ 1.5% AP) magic damage every 0.5 seconds over 3 seconds, for a total of 45 (+ 9% AP). Against monsters, the burn deals 10 bonus magic damage per tick, dealing a total of 17.5 (+ 1.5% AP) magic damage per tick for up to 105 (+ 9% AP).

    BLACKFIRE: For each champion, epic monster, and large monster afflicted with Baleful Blaze's burn, increase your ability power by 4%.

  • Ability Power: Like most AP items, Blackfire Torch would have provided Miss Fortune with additional ability power, further boosting the damage of her abilities, particularly her ultimate, Bullet Time (R).

  • Damage Over Time:
    Liandry's Torment applies a burn effect, dealing a percentage of the target's current health as magic damage over 4 seconds. This is particularly effective against high-health targets, such as tanks or bruisers, allowing Miss Fortune to chip away at their health over time.

  • Synergy with Crowd Control:
    Miss Fortune's Make It Rain (E) ability applies a slow to enemies caught in its area of effect. Liandry's Torment's burn effect is doubled against movement-impaired units, making it especially potent when combined with her slow. This synergy allows Miss Fortune to maximize the damage output of both abilities.

  • Magic Penetration:
    Liandry's Torment provides magic penetration, increasing the effectiveness of Miss Fortune's magic damage against enemies with magic resistance. This is valuable for cutting through enemy defenses and dealing significant damage with her abilities.

  • Ability Power and Health:
    Liandry's Torment offers a substantial amount of ability power and health, enhancing Miss Fortune's survivability while also boosting the damage of her abilities. The extra health provides her with some durability in fights, allowing her to withstand enemy attacks while dealing damage over time.

  • Extended Fights:
    The damage over time effect of Liandry's Torment makes it particularly effective in extended fights or skirmishes. AP Miss Fortune can apply consistent damage to multiple enemies over the duration of a fight, wearing down their health and contributing to team victories.

  • Objective Control:
    Liandry's Torment's burn effect also applies to epic monsters like Baron Nashor and elemental dragons, as well as structures like turrets. This makes it useful for securing objectives and exerting pressure on the map during the mid and late game.

  • Magic Penetration:
    Sorcerer's Shoes grant flat magic penetration, allowing Miss Fortune's magic damage abilities to pierce through a portion of the enemy's magic resistance. This is crucial for maximizing her damage output, especially against targets building magic resistance or tanks with high base resistances.

  • Increased Damage:
    By reducing the enemy's magic resistance, Sorcerer's Shoes effectively amplify the damage of Miss Fortune's abilities, including Make It Rain (E) and Bullet Time (R). This allows her to deal more damage with each ability cast, increasing her overall threat in fights.

  • Early Game Power Spike:
    Sorcerer's Shoes are relatively inexpensive compared to other tier 2 boots, allowing Miss Fortune to achieve a significant power spike in the early to mid game. This can help her assert dominance in lane, secure kills, and roam more effectively to influence other lanes.

  • Improved Mobility:
    The flat movement speed bonus provided by Sorcerer's Shoes enhances Miss Fortune's mobility, allowing her to reposition more swiftly in fights, dodge skillshots, and chase down fleeing enemies. This increased mobility can be particularly valuable for a champion like Miss Fortune, who relies on positioning to maximize her damage output.

  • Flexible Build Path:
    Sorcerer's Shoes are a versatile option that can be incorporated into various AP builds, offering consistent benefits regardless of the specific build path chosen. Whether Miss Fortune is building burst damage, sustained damage, or utility, Sorcerer's Shoes provide a reliable source of magic penetration and mobility.

  • Passive:
    CINDERBLOOM: Magic damage and true damage Critical strike icon critically strike against enemies below 35% maximum health for 120% damage, increased to 130% for damage over time effects and damage dealt by pets.

  • Ability Power and Health:
    shadowflamneShadowflame provides a significant amount of ability power and health, which increases Miss Fortune's overall damage output and survivability. The bonus health makes her slightly tankier, allowing her to withstand more damage in fights.

  • Magic Penetration:
    Shadowflame grants magic penetration, which increases the effectiveness of Miss Fortune's magic damage against targets with magic resistance. This helps her cut through enemy defenses and deal more damage with her abilities, especially against tanky champions.

  • Massive Ability Power Increase:
    Rabadon's Deathcap provides the highest flat ability power bonus of any item in the game. This significant increase in AP directly boosts the damage of Miss Fortune's abilities, including her ultimate, Bullet Time (R), and her area-of-effect abilities like Make It Rain (E).

  • Synergizes with AP Scaling:
    Miss Fortune's abilities have high AP scaling ratios, meaning that each point of AP significantly increases the damage of her spells. Rabadon's Deathcap amplifies this scaling, making her abilities hit much harder in the mid to late game.

  • Power Spike:
    Completing Rabadon's Deathcap represents a significant power spike for Miss Fortune. Once she obtains this item, her burst potential increases dramatically, allowing her to threaten squishy targets and contribute significantly to team fights.

  • Versatility:
    Rabadon's Deathcap is a versatile item that benefits all of Miss Fortune's abilities. Whether she's poking with [icon-make it rain size=30]Make It Rain (E), engaging in team fights with Bullet Time (R), or bursting down targets with her other abilities, Rabadon's Deathcap amplifies her damage across the board.

  • Efficient Use of Gold:
    Despite its high cost, Rabadon's Deathcap is an efficient purchase due to its massive AP bonus. The raw damage increase it provides often justifies the investment, especially on champions like Miss Fortune who heavily rely on their AP ratios for damage.

  • Increased Ability Damage:
    Horizon Focus provides a significant boost to ability damage against targets that have been immobilized or slowed by Miss Fortune's abilities, such as Make It Rain (E). This makes it particularly effective when combined with her crowd control, as it amplifies her burst potential against affected enemies.

    Synergy with Crowd Control:
    Miss Fortune's kit includes [icon-make it rain size=30]Make It Rain (E), which applies a slow to enemies within its area of effect. Horizon Focus synergizes well with this slow, as it increases the damage dealt to slowed targets. This allows Miss Fortune to capitalize on her crowd control by dealing more damage to immobilized enemies.

    Long-Range Engagements:
    Miss Fortune'sultimate, Bullet Time (R), has a long range and can affect multiple enemies across the battlefield. Horizon Focus can be particularly effective with long-range abilities like bullet time size-30Bullet Time, as it allows Miss Fortune to deal increased damage to targets affected by crowd control from afar.

    Magic Penetration:
    Horizon Focus also provides magic penetration, further increasing the effectiveness of Miss Fortune's magic damage against enemies with magic resistance. This helps her cut through enemy defenses and deal more damage with her abilities, especially against tanky champions.

    Versatile Build Path:
    Horizon Focus offers a versatile build path that can fit into various AP builds. Whether Miss Fortune is focusing on burst damage, sustained damage, or utility, Horizon Focus provides a reliable source of increased ability damage against immobilized or slowed targets.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Miss Evelynn
Miss Evelynn Miss Fortune Guide
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[14.20] New AP Item Miss Fortune MID BUILD GUIDE!

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