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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Scorchclaw Smite
Ability Order
Guerrilla Warfare (PASSIVE)
Teemo Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Elise is one of the best early game junglers in the game. Her one shot potential is strong so be weary of bushes she might have control of. As long as she doesn’t get fed early game you will take over by 20 minutes.

Hey! I'm Manco. A CHALLENGER TEEMO JUNGLE one trick. I have been playing Teemo Jungle since season 4, but have finally figured it all out, hit Challenger and am ready to share my knowledge with the world! I try my best to stay positive and friendly in-game, which is especially needed if you are going to give Teemo Jungle a whirl. My links are below, and so is EVERYTHING you need to know about jungling this cute yordle.
Teemo, the Swift Scout, has always been traditionally a top laner, so why take him jungle? As league of legends evolves from season to season the JUNGLE role has more game impact early on than all other roles and for someone like me, that has always intrigued me.
Healthy clear + kiting Strong snowball potential Objective control Late game scaling |
Weak 1v1 potential Slow early game scaling and farming No hard CC Less reliable ganking |
Teemo's abilities are very easy to understand, hard to master. Between the careful placement of your
Noxious Trap, carefully timing your
Blinding Dart, or calculating your damage from
Toxic Shot precisely, it will take some practice and finesse! Practice makes perfect, and for Jungle always remember, FRICKIN MAX E!!!!

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This is your only survival tool, if used properly. Make sure to ALWAYS prioritize BLINDING the enemy champion to negate auto attacks and it ensures your damage in the process. At max rank, this will buy 2.5 extra seconds of living and secure many kills for you! How to use: On a gank, make sure to use this last to ensure you get the kill, this has +100 range on your auto attack so its a good finisher! You can also use it when 1v1ing an auto based melee champ or adc to nullify their damage for a couple seconds! Keep in mind: Auto-Q-Auto is Teemo’s best combo for burst damage |
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Teemo's most FUN ability. It passively maximizes your movement speed making you truly the Swift Scout. The active on this ability will aid in chasing kills, escaping fights, and navigating the jungle efficiently. How to use: Using W from base to your camps will cut your travel speed by a decent amount. Also, using them to gank a lane is a GREAT substitute for a gap close. OF COURSE spamming W to run away from danger is a good way to use as well. |
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This ability is the BEST of the lot, ALWAYS MAX E. The bonus damage from auto attacks, and damage over time is BONKERS. This also pairs well with any AA enhancers (Nami E, Red Buff, Ardent Censor etc...). |
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Teemo's ICONIC ability. Most frustrating to play against, but most exciting to play with. With our signature build, these puppies will hit like a Mac Truck. Lay them down on cool down and reap in the freebies. How to use: Using your Shrooms to clear your jungle camps will increase clear speed by 100%! Shrooming around baron/drake when spawning is a great objective control tactic, also using shrooms in the waves or teamfights when they break out is the perfect use for them! |
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The BEST page for Teemo Jungle right NOW will 100% no questions asked be, PTA. It is very easy to proc 3 autos + a q to deal INSANE damage coming from the jungle. Between cutting a good angle on a gank, or your laner landing CC, the proc feels GURANTEED out of the jungle, making it the best page at the moment. Beserker's + PTA power spike also is insane. Amazing for teamfighting/skirmishing which is very common in the current meta, outvalues the other choices as well. I cannot stress the IMPORTANCE of Legend:Alacrity. It is the 1 rune that ties Teemo Jungle MUST HAVE to be a a contender. You start the game with 28% attack speed with the addition of this(Passive 15%, 10% runes,3% scaling w/ Alacrity). When you combine these raw stats with Hunter’s Machete it makes it for a nice and easy clear! This rune is extremely undervalued. % dmg UNDER 40% synchronizes SO WELL with your poison and shroom, essentially your whole kit. This helps secure many kills and helps you pop off and win those teamfights. Again, paired with Triumph and your kit -this all brings it together. |
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Teemo does NOT need boots early game in the jungle because of his W, it's a free pair of boots. This allows you to prioritize damage Summoner spell haste is great for more and faster smites. The item haste also works well with zhonyas/ludens. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Ingenious |
Premiere rune vs squishy team comps. Stronger earlier game than it's counter parts and is OP on teemo with the synergy when you build nashors first item. Cheap Shot does TRUE dmg which procs on both Q and R! Gives 30 ap… LOL it's good. Reduces the cooldown on LUDEN'S which is the best item for HoB (vs squishy teams remember) - also works with zhonya's if you build that! |
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Amazing for teamfighting/skirmishing which is very common in the current meta, outvalues the other choices as well. I cannot stress the IMPORTANCE of Legend:Alacrity. It is the 1 rune that ties Teemo Jungle MUST HAVE to be a a contender. You start the game with 28% attack speed with the addition of this(Passive 15%, 10% runes,3% scaling w/ Alacrity). When you combine these raw stats with Hunter’s Machete it makes it for a nice and easy clear! |
BUILD 1 - Riftmaker
Riftmaker is an all-around every game good item to build. When you build it with PTA/beserker it creates a nice durable, reliable core item build. The omnivamp and bonus hp allow you to survive so you can lland all the autos that beserker and PTA need to function. Teemo has plenty of supporting items to pick from in Season 12, so you can plug and play what you need for each game from the “situational” items listed below.
TL:DR - Best build that always performs as long as you take PTA and survive, which is Riftmaker’s specialty.
Riftmaker is an all-around every game good item to build. When you build it with PTA/beserker it creates a nice durable, reliable core item build. The omnivamp and bonus hp allow you to survive so you can lland all the autos that beserker and PTA need to function. Teemo has plenty of supporting items to pick from in Season 12, so you can plug and play what you need for each game from the “situational” items listed below.
TL:DR - Best build that always performs as long as you take PTA and survive, which is Riftmaker’s specialty.
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BUILD 2 - Liandry’s
Liandry’s has an amazing role in the Teemo Buildsphere. It specializes in melting targets that build HP, and in season 12 there is a LOT of hp floating around. The way Liandry’s works now is that it gives Bonus % dmg based on enemy champions hp (1% extra every 100hp they have) on everything you do along with a max hp % burn. If you decide to go PTA for lane/enemy team, beserker’s will help, if you decide to go any other rune page, sorcs will be best since you dont need the 3 autos to help proc PTA. It doesn’t have any tankiness in stats but building a zhonya’s also gives you the pseudo survivability that you desire, making it one of the best builds.
TL:DR - Best build vs tankier teams due to Liandrys having 2 ways of melting hp stackers.
Liandry’s has an amazing role in the Teemo Buildsphere. It specializes in melting targets that build HP, and in season 12 there is a LOT of hp floating around. The way Liandry’s works now is that it gives Bonus % dmg based on enemy champions hp (1% extra every 100hp they have) on everything you do along with a max hp % burn. If you decide to go PTA for lane/enemy team, beserker’s will help, if you decide to go any other rune page, sorcs will be best since you dont need the 3 autos to help proc PTA. It doesn’t have any tankiness in stats but building a zhonya’s also gives you the pseudo survivability that you desire, making it one of the best builds.
TL:DR - Best build vs tankier teams due to Liandrys having 2 ways of melting hp stackers.
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BUILD 3 - Luden’s
Luden’s is the go to full AP or bursty build for Teemo these days due to the flat magic pen included in the item and mythic passive. This is a static build because you are building full dmg items, but the order is dependant on the game between Shadowflame and Void staff, building Shadowflame if they have little to no MR items and void if they do have MR items. Nashor’s is still built because although it rewards autos, it still gives 100 AP which scales with deathcap… it’s just OP. All this combined gives Teemo a LOAD of dmg that melts squishier teams.
TL:DR - Best STATIC build for full AP/dmg, specializes in killing less tanky teams.
Luden’s is the go to full AP or bursty build for Teemo these days due to the flat magic pen included in the item and mythic passive. This is a static build because you are building full dmg items, but the order is dependant on the game between Shadowflame and Void staff, building Shadowflame if they have little to no MR items and void if they do have MR items. Nashor’s is still built because although it rewards autos, it still gives 100 AP which scales with deathcap… it’s just OP. All this combined gives Teemo a LOAD of dmg that melts squishier teams.
TL:DR - Best STATIC build for full AP/dmg, specializes in killing less tanky teams.
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S I T U A T I O N A L |
Zhonya’s Hourglass ➤ Best item for living since it’s so cheap and packs a powerful active. ost complained about item for a reason LOL. Build if you need survivability vs burst damage. Void Staff ➤ Best if they build a lot of MR. I usually like to build if 1-2 have 2 ITEMS or more, or if 3 of them have 1 each, but it really depends on the game. Rabadon’s Deathcap ➤ Best item if you have AP secondary runes or infernal drakes or 4th/5th/6th item (it scales off of your AP) or if you don’t need survivability or magic pen. Morellonomicon ➤ Best item if you need healing reduction due to the enemy team having A LOT of healing. Don’t build for 1 champion. Shadowflame ➤ Best item if the enemy team is NOT building MR and you’re going for a 1-shot build. Flat pen is great vs NO mr targets, it’s not good vs MR-stacking targets. Lich Bane ➤ Only build this when you sell boots. It has been nerfed multiple times and does not out dps any other items anymore, but it’s still nice to build when you sell boots because it gives you MS still and some dmg. |
B A D I T E M S |
Banshee’s Veil ➤ I dislike this item for teemo, Zhonya’s feels better 99% of the time. Demonic Embrace ➤ Best if they build a lot of MR. I usually like to build if 1-2 have 2 ITEMS or more, or if 3 of them have 1 each, but it really depends on the game. Horizon Focus ➤ Recently re-worked as well, it DOES apply on your shrooms, but that does not make it good. It is a late-game orientated item based on the % dmg not flat, and it only works on 1 out of 3 abilities, making it subpar for the Teeto. Cosmic Drive ➤ This has been nerfed already, making it weaker than when released. It’s not good with a burst build because it doesn’t give the bonus stats until AFTER auto-q-auto which usually takes them out, and it’s an oddball fit in the other builds making it subpar. |
There is currently ONE jungle path that is PERFECT for Teemo. It is undoubtedly the most efficient, and balancing being able to gank well with having the right amount of farm, check it out below!

I want to explain for a second why this is the BEST path for Teemo Jungle.
Teemo has absolutely no need for blue buff level 1, so starting blue is downright subpar. Starting red not only slows the camps every auto, but also grants more damage and health sustain, all amazing for this yordle to get rolling.
Krugs will grant the most experience and gold and you can kite these camps out to maintain high health and clear them efficiently.
Wraiths next will be to pop ur level 3 at a fairly easy point in the game, and to keep your experience head.
Blue is 4th camp and will give you the mana at this point, and you actually heal off this camp because of how well you can kite it.
AT THIS POINT, after killing BLUE it will be about 3:10-3:15 into the game and our path lands at perfectly at scuttle crab to contest or take it.
AFTER DOING SCUTTLE, you have plenty of choices, and this is where jungling starts to kick in.
Option A: Gank top/mid/bottom - BEST choice because ganking is king right now, snowball = win.
Option B: Counter-jungle - 2nd Best choice to limit your opposing junglers gold. Take his camps = more xp for you less for him.
Option C: Farm your gromp/wolves - Not a bad choice, base after.
^^ after picking any of these options, you path to Krugs and then you get to jungling, GL SUMMONERS!
Being a JUNGLER, you need to have your mind and eyes constantly running the map being ready to switch PRIORITY in an instant. This will help you decide what to farm, and when to farm it - what to gank, and when to gank it. These are 100% based on TEEMO JUNGLE's strengths and weaknesses (a Lee Sin's priorities would be #1 Gank #2 drag for example)
With the new season at a finger's reach, the once power-farmer Teemo has new jungle priorities!
With the new season at a finger's reach, the once power-farmer Teemo has new jungle priorities!
Red Buff ->
Rift Scuttlers -> Counter Jungling ->
Dragon(tip: get there 20's before spawning) ->
Rift Herald ->
Gromp &
Wolves -> Razorbeaks/
These prios are like this for the following reasons:
#1 -

#2 -

#3 - Counter Jungling became VERY good with the removal of catch-up exp and increase rate of jungle camps spawning. Make sure to peak in their jungle whenever possible and prioritize this at all stages of the game!
#4 -

#5 -

#6 -

#7 -

An old saying goes: 1 Pink Ward a base keeps the invades away.
Teemo Jungle gets invaded constantly, which is why it is a MUST. I like to rotate my control ward based on the game, but usually there are a couple KEY spots.
Top 3 ward spots:
River Bushes
Top and Bottom of Red Buff
Blue Buff Bushes

Using Teemo's
Noxious Trap PROPERLY is one of the most complex abilities in the game. From the JUNGLE role, it differs just a little bit. You need to be able to switch from farming w/ shrooms to actively placing them around the map in the mid-game. I went ahead and attached a map below(coming soon) to guide you in this, but try to start memorizing them as well :slight_smile:

With the OPness of

Use your shrooms the following way:
#1 - CLEARING jungle camps quicker. Shrooming razorbeaks, krugs, buffs will increase your clear speed by 40% which means more ganks, more farm, more objectives.
#2 - TEAMFIGHTING - throwing out shrooms in teamfights will gurantee them to go off on melee champs, and maybe catch a kill or 2 on an escaping noob.
#3 - STOPWATCH/GA/ZHONYA'S - if ANY champion on the enemy team has any of these items, save 1 shroom for them. Very easily toss it on their stasis body and its a free b waiting to enter your kill column!
Teamfighting as
Teemo is difficult at first, but becomes easier with this knowledge. Teemo possesses an insane amount of damage, as long as you know how to use it. Play Teemo in 5v5s most similiar to an ADC - kite back the tanks/bruisers and throw down shrooms and auto's like they are hot cakes. Only flash forward if you 100% KNOW you can secure multiple kills!

Teemo has a surprisingly good team fight ability (no troll). There are 2 ways to go about it.
If you are FED, AHEAD, CONFIDENT - you can play AP Teemo similar to a mid-lane assassin. You will be able to 1-shot their carries and clean up extremely well. His Q -> E -> ignite combo while AHEAD does insane damage!
If you are EVEN, BEHIND, UNSURE - play AP Teemo similar to an ADC. Kite back and auto attack anybody that gets near you, Teemo is pretty decent at shredding tanks! Wait for the perfect opportunity and a lucky shroom to be able to clean up and ace them.
It's IMPORTANT to assess the situation beforehand so always keep an eye on YOUR items and level and their items/level!
I hope that this maximizes your play on Teemo Jungle and helps people see that he is a VIABLE jungler! With any off meta pick you can expect sometimes people won't understand that you're there to help your team win. Remember to keep your head up and never stop improving.
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