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Viego Build Guide by HarrowedPath

Jungle 14.20 | Master Viego Jungle ✨ Crit Viego - How to Snowball ✨ Make use of your Crit scalings! - In-Depth

Jungle 14.20 | Master Viego Jungle ✨ Crit Viego - How to Snowball ✨ Make use of your Crit scalings! - In-Depth

Updated on October 13, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author HarrowedPath Build Guide By HarrowedPath 7 2 10,086 Views 6 Comments
7 2 10,086 Views 6 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author HarrowedPath Viego Build Guide By HarrowedPath Updated on October 13, 2024
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Runes: Rune Choice #1

Legend: Alacrity
Cut Down

Magical Footwear
Cosmic Insight

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


Basic Jungle Summoners
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Champion Build Guide

14.20 | Master Viego Jungle ✨ Crit Viego - How to Snowball ✨ Make use of your Crit scalings! - In-Depth

By HarrowedPath
Welcome to my Viego Guide!

I hope you enjoy it, and I'd love to hear your feedback! 😊

Hey! My name is Marcel, but you can find me in-game as Ruıned in Head or ARG Ruıned Kιng on EUW.

I've been playing League of Legends since Season 8 and have multiple accounts. I play every lane except support, but my focus these days is on Jungle. I especially love champions like , , and , while I also enjoy wrecking mid lane with and !

If you're into Assassins and Bruisers like me, then this guide will be perfect for you!

Feel free to drop any questions, comments, or feedback! Also, I stream sometimes, so if you're interested, be sure to tune in!

Thanks for reading, and I hope this guide helps you dominate the Rift!

Why Viego? Crit?

Why Play Viego?

Viego is an incredibly strong champion with high sustain, mobility, and insane reset potential thanks to his ultimate Heartbreaker. As a jungler, Viego excels at snowballing off of skirmishes, turning enemy strengths into his own by possessing their bodies and abilities with his passive Sovereign's Domination .

Viego’s Blade of the Ruined King gives him solid sustain and poke in the early game, allowing you to duel almost anyone. His Spectral Maw and Harrowed Path make for effective engage, escape, and roaming potential.

In the mid-game, he shines by quickly cleaning up teamfights and using his enemies' tools against them. His resets allow him to chain kills, resetting cooldowns and becoming a force that is nearly impossible to shut down in the right hands. He also has no Ressource! (Mana, Energy etc)

Mastering Viego is about positioning, decision-making, and knowing when to dive in for resets. If you love dominating with resets and turning enemy strength into your advantage, Viego might just be your next main!

Maybe you’ll become a Viego jungle main after reading this guide! :D

Why Crit on Viego?

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Crit builds on Viego are extremely powerful, not just for bursting enemies down, but also for scaling into every stage of the game. Here's why crit works so well even early on - on Viego:

Scaling damage: Viego benefits massively from critical strike items like Infinity Edge, The Collector and Lord Dominik's Regards. With his high base attack damage and reset-focused kit AND VERY HIGH CRIT SCALINGS ON Q + R, crit allows him to deal significant burst damage while benefiting from constant DPS in extended and short fights.

More to Crit Scalings : Crit items always pair well with his Q and his R due to their respective scalings. Both abilities have really high crit multipliers and the Passive Percentage Damage from Blade of the Ruined King can infact Crit as well.

By building crit, Viego gets both burst potential and sustained damage output, which is perfect for his reset-heavy playstyle. Whether you're dueling in 1v1s or cleaning up teamfights, crit allows you to shred through opponents and remain a threat from the early to late game. You can literally hit for 800-1.6k Crits later.

I personally think that SoloQ is REALLY chaotic, and making use of the crit scalings for fast picks and better snowballing (less Teamplay) is just the way to win. I'd go bruiser 100% of the time if its competitive league.

Crit makes Viego an unstoppable force in teamfights, amplifying his ability to chain resets and dominate the battlefield! But keep in mind! He's bound to Crit, meaning if you build something other than crit - that'll kill your previous items/makes them less worth!

Ready to crit your way to victory? Keep reading!
Pros and Cons

Pros & Cons


+ Execute Ultimate Heartbreaker with resets

+ Insane outplay potential with resets and mobility

+ Strong healing and sustain through abilities

+ Excels in 1v1 duels and snowballing teamfights

+ Underrated scaling and sustain in the jungle

+ Flexible build paths (Crit, Bruiser, Tank)
+ Crit + Q passive shreds anyone

- Hard to master mechanics and positioning

- Relies heavily on item spikes for damage

- Struggles against heavy crowd control

- Jungling when behind is horror

- Requires good team coordination to maximize resets

- Weak against burst mages or heavy cc



Conqueror is a perfect keystone for Viego due to his extended skirmishing style. Viego excels in long fights where he can repeatedly use his abilities and auto-attacks. Conqueror allows him to stack bonus AD and healing over time, which fits perfectly with his sustain and damage-oriented kit. He also stacks it very quickly because of his Blade of the Ruined King Passive. Lethal Tempo also doesn't work and Press the Attack gets outdamaged by ConquerorAdaptive Force!

This rune grants you bonus healing on takedowns, which can be a game-changer in crucial moments. When you secure a kill or assist, Triumph restores a portion of your missing health. This is particularly beneficial for Viego, as it enhances his survivability in skirmishes and team fights, allowing him to stay in the fight longer and reset his abilities effectively.

Legend: Alacrity
This rune provides stacking attack speed with every takedown you achieve, making it an excellent choice for Viego. As you secure kills or assists, you’ll gain additional attack speed, enhancing your DPS (damage per second) and allowing you to activate your abilities more frequently. This is crucial for Viego, as his damage output heavily relies on auto-attacks and ability rotations. The increased attack speed helps you melt down opponents faster and can also improve your jungle clear speed, making it easier to farm and apply pressure across the map. Legend Tenacity is also removed, Legend: Bloodline is too terrible.

Cut Down
This rune is perfect for Viego, especially when facing strong opponents. It grants you bonus damage against champions with higher health than you, allowing you to deal significant damage in fights against them and get them towards "execute" damage for your Ultimate, also reason why I dont take Coup de Grace or Last Stand. Since Viego often finds himself in skirmishes and teamfights, the extra damage from Cut Down can be the difference between securing a kill or falling short with his Ultimate Heartbreaker.


Magical Footwear
This rune provides Viego with free boots at 10 minutes, giving you an early gold advantage that allows you to invest in other items sooner. The additional movement speed from the boots helps improve your mobility, making it easier to roam and engage in skirmishes. I mean it's free gold. Why not?

Cosmic Insight
This rune grants Viego additional cooldown reduction for summoner spells and abilities, enhancing his ability to make impactful plays. With reduced cooldowns on summoner spells like Flash and Smite, you can engage or escape more frequently, giving you more opportunities to execute your strategies. It's free stats so why not take them.

FLASH: Flash is essential for survival and plays in League of Legends. It allows for crucial escapes, flashy combos, and unexpected engagements. Never underestimate the power of this spell! Without a doubt the best Summoner in the Game!

“The key to survival is knowing when to blink!”
SMITE: Smite is crucial for junglers and those who seek to secure objectives. Use it wisely to take down monsters and to assist in team fights.

“To smite is to conquer.”
GHOST: Ghost is great for mobility and chasing down enemies or escaping tight situations. Well that is what most people think. But that's no longer really true! Ghost was REALLY BROKEN before it got nerfed but now it's kinda bad.. Just don't take it..

“Speed is the essence of the game.”


Passive: Sovereign's Domination

Enemies that die within 3 seconds of being hit by Viego become wraiths.
Viego can possess these wraiths to restore a percentage of their max
health and gain access to their non-ultimate abilities for 10 seconds,
replacing their ultimate with a free cast of his own and gaining 10%
movement speed toward them.

Scales on AD, AP and Attackspeed!

Q: Blade of the Ruined King

Passive: Viego's attacks deal a percentage of the target's current
health as physical damage. His first attack against an enemy recently
damaged by an ability hits a second time, dealing bonus damage and
restoring a portion of the damage dealt as health. These
effects persist during Possession.

Active: Viego stabs forward, dealing physical damage

W: Spectral Maw

Viego gathers Mist, slowing himself slightly. Upon
release, he dashes forward and throws the gathered mist, dealing magic
damage to the first enemy hit.

Stuns them for a brief duration that scales with the charge time.

E: Harrowed Path

Viego sends a spectre to a terrain, creating mist around it for a short
duration. While inside the mist, he gains camouflage, increased movement
speed, and enhanced attack speed.

R: Heartbreaker

Viego teleports, attacking the enemy with the lowest health and briefly
slowing them while dealing damage based on their missing health. Nearby
enemies are knocked back and take extra damage.

There's many special interactions with this. I'll get Clips of that to show




+++ Exceptional damage amplification
+++ Strong item curve
+++ Ideal for stacking AD

--- Not the best first item option
--- High stacks are needed

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The Collector

+++ Amplifies burst damage
+++ Great for execution
+++ Quick kill potential on squishies

--- Less effective against tanky opponents
--- Riot's favourite when its about changes

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Lord Dominik's Regards

+++ Provides armor penetration
+++ Essential against tanky foes
+++ Completes the item curve

--- Less effective against teams without tanks
--- not as gold efficient

Spoiler: Click to view

Infinity Edge

+++ Increases critical strike damage
+++ Enhances overall damage output
+++ Crucial for late-game power

--- Awkward Itempath
--- High cost can delay power spikes

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Immortal Shieldbow

+++ Provides both offense and defense
+++ Essential survivability
+++ Good for sustaining damage

--- Can be less effective if not enough damage output is built
--- (Terrible as 1st/2nd/3rd item)

Spoiler: Click to view

Guardian Angel

+++ Grants a second chance in fights
+++ Allows for aggressive play

--- May not provide enough survivability on its own
--- Losing out on more damage-dealing items

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Death's Dance

+++ Enhances survivability
+++ Converts damage into a bleed effect
+++ Great for prolonged fights

--- May not provide enough immediate damage
--- destroys item curve

Spoiler: Click to view


Synchronized Souls > TEMPO / SNOWBALLING

+++ Excellent for snowballing
+++ Solid movement speed boost
+++ Empowers recall for faster rotations

--- Less effective in a static game
--- Not ideal for late-game scenarios

Spoiler: Click to view

Berserker's Greaves > ATTACK SPEED / SMOOTH COMBOS

+++ Excellent for smooth combos
+++ Provides essential attack speed
+++ Boosts overall DPS

--- Lower durability compared to other boots

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If you are not too comfy with offensive boots, just build Plated Steelcaps or Mercury's Treads to be safe! But I am not building them because you're too squishy anyways. Even if you have Mercs or Steelcaps, you'lll get o
Jungle Pathing


Full Clearing Route 1

Start at , then move to , followed by . After clearing those, proceed to , then . Clear next and finish with .

Remember to use your Passive Mark on enemies for optimal healing while clearing!
(Alternative Route)

Start at , then move to , followed by . After clearing those, proceed to , then . Clear next and finish with .

Consider the jungle matchup to choose the optimal route! Fullclearing is not always good! Sometimes you gotta skip camps to avoid Teammates dying! It's worth!

Who to play for?


Play Around Mid and Bot

Focusing your efforts on the Mid and Botlanes is crucial when playing Viego. Mid-lane offers greater opportunities for ganks and skirmishes, enabling you to secure kills and assist your Midlaner in snowballing.

Botlane is equally important, as it often leads to early objectives like Dragon. Prioritizing this lane helps your ADC get ahead, allowing for easier teamfights and map control.

While Toplane can be challenging to influence, your focus on Mid and Bot enhances your impact on the game, leveraging Viego's strengths in skirmishes and teamfights.

Remember, getting your Mid and Bot laners ahead can lead to more victories than trying to carry from Top! If nothing works, FOCUS ON YOURSELF!



Early Game

In the early game, focus on farming efficiently and establishing pressure. Prioritize ganks in the Mid and Botlanes to help your teammates secure kills. Utilize your Passive Mark for healing while clearing jungle camps. Remember to control objectives and look for opportunities to invade the enemy jungle if you have vision and a numbers advantage. Keep in mind that Counterganks are the best ganks! Try countering and invading when it's possible!
Mid Game

Transition into the mid game by grouping with your team. Focus on securing dragons and skirmishes. Utilize Viego's strong burst damage to take down priority targets quickly. Look for opportunities to pick off isolated enemies to burst - ensuring you stay ahead in fights and objectives.
Late Game

In the late game, your role is to engage in teamfights and take down key targets. Stick with your team and look for flanking opportunities and assasinations. If you can get successful posessions with your Ultimate Heartbreaker, you can turn fights in your favor. Position yourself carefully to avoid being caught out, and make sure to utilize vision control to set up for critical objectives like Baron and Elder Dragon.



Combo 1

W + Autoattack + Q + R

Combo 2

W+E + Autoattack + Q + Autoattack + R

Combo 3

E+W + F + Q + Autoattack + R

Combo 4

Q + R + Autoattack + W + Autoattack

(R consumes the Q mark that was applied)

Last Words
A Special Thanks!
Big thanks to @Wicked Cherry for the amazing Guidance back in the days! Be sure to check out her guides!

Big thanks to everyone who supports me too!

Final Words
Thank you very much for reading my Viego Guide! I hope you enjoyed it. Please leave comments and feedback for improvements! If you have any questions, feel free to message me or add me in-game:

Ruıned in Head#RUIN , ARG Ruıned Kιng#11111.
Happy gaming!
Did you know?


✦ That Viego has a special Audio Effect when killing people with Heartbreaker?
✦ That Viego used to have more Attack Range?
✦ That Viego has countless interactions with other champions?
✦ An example is if you Twitch Q and R back you are Twitch stealthed as Viego!?
✦ That sometimes your Q Ability bugs due to champions like Yone, Yasuo and K'Sante?


All of his skins are actually really good. However, Soul Fighter Viego is the only one that doesn’t quite fit the mark for me.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author HarrowedPath
HarrowedPath Viego Guide
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14.20 | Master Viego Jungle ✨ Crit Viego - How to Snowball ✨ Make use of your Crit scalings! - In-Depth

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