I usually initiate onto her with a Q > E, throw out a W to sidestep the charm, and then E back onto the W as she usually steps on it due to her W move speed. R if necessary. The point/goal is to dodge her charm, it is the thing in her kit that does the most damage and impairs you. Watch for her Q as well when you're farming. Her W isn't avoidable, so farm with your Q. Pressure her with short trades.
As time has gone on, I find Akali to be an increasingly difficult lane solely because she is so disgustingly tanky, and she's usually running Resolve secondary. Short trades are best with her, so I would go Electrocute. Remember you can R in her shroud, though I usually recommend doing this if she's on the brink of death/does not have a clear shot of you for her E. Other than that, I don't like to interact much with her; ask your jungler for help.
Another unwinnable match up. Take Second Wind + Doran's Shield and try not to die. You are likely going to have to get kills elsewhere or simply play the waiting game and scale. You are going to need the jungler's help to be able to do anything here.
If she's any good, you will not kill her at all. This lane will be mostly her shoving you into tower and then her doing whatever she wants. I would recommend finding windows to roam, or you can make an attempt at killing her, though her egg makes that very difficult.
Pre 6, I'd say you guys go pretty even, but she has an advantage over you: a stun. Post 6, she will burst you without hesitation with her R stun combo. Always watch her stun meter.
Aurelion Sol
With his rework, I find it kind of hard to trade with Aurelion. He will out damage any long trade solely with his dragon breath ability, so make sure to make the most out of your E and W move speed to avoid being hit by it, since he can only move so quickly. That's for extended trades, for short/burst trades you should be able to out damage him fairly easily. However, he is very similar to Anivia in that he will just keep shoving you in, but he has one of the best roaming abilities in the game. Make sure to keep an eye on him, and try to match any roams he might make/notify your team. TP is an option here.
I don't have much to say other than the word 'annoying.' A good Azir will make you suffer, but no one really knows how to play this champ, so you should be able to come out on top. Try not to fight him close to his tower because he will launch you into it (obviously), but if you can E onto him if he's out of bounds/on the other side of the wall to escape.
You do not win if she lands a Q on you. Avoid the W at all costs. Be attentive once she hits 6, as you can tell when she's about to ult you. Only take short trades with her.
Similar to Akali, she is extremely tanky for whatever reason, however she does less damage and is less oppressive. Use your E to escape her R, and do not get hit by any Q's. If her Q is on CD then that is a good time to trade with her (quickly). Try and bait out her shield, as she is most vulnerable when she does not have that at her disposal.
Pretty even. If he's smart, he will E on you first and then Q you. If he does not E you first and misses his Q or uses it on the wave, trade him and you might be able to pick up a kill. Post 6, keep track of his little clone trailing behind him when you're fighting him. Not picking up daggers/holding R in anticipation of his R is always a good idea.
The Fizz matchup is not for the faint of heart. He will always out trade you, so if you plan on doing so be quick as possible. Though, I advise not doing so unless his E is on CD. Electrocute is great in this matchup. Do not take long trades, his bleed and W auto cancel are too powerful. Post 6, be aware of his R at all times. If hit, you can E away onto minions if they are nearby as he will likely be on top of you, ready to E2. If there are no minions around, place your W on the ground, move away from it, and W on to it as he is about to E2. The point is to avoid the E2! R alone will not kill you (probably), but R + E will. However, if you play perfectly, he can be killed. A Fizz with no/a misused E is extremely vulnerable.
In my experience, Galio is not as hard as most people make it out to be. Most Galio picks are by people who are trying to counter you, not mains. As a result, they do not know how properly pilot him and utilize his kit to abuse you as much as you could be abused. The only thought they have is 'hurr durr magic shield = counter durr." If you know you're facing one of these, punish them as much as you can; capitalize on every mistake they make, as there will be plenty. Long sword start is viable in this matchup, even if you're not looking to build into AD; try to cheese a kill level 2 or 3. The thing you need to avoid is his knock up; the taunt you can take. However, most Galios have the brain capacity to understand that you need to be taunted first before you can be hit by the knock up, so keep that in mind. His Q is easy to avoid unless you are cc'ed. Now, a good Galio will render you useless. Even if you attempt a quick trade, you will be instantly taunted, knocked up, Q'ed, autoed with his passive and 75% of your HP will be gone. If he has ignite, it's even more impossible to do anything. Roaming is recommended, though he can follow you with his R post 6. The point is, hope that the enemy Galio is not a main.
You can beat him early game, but he'll still find a way back into the game, and will severely out scale you. Punish him HARD, put him behind, and ask your jungler for help in doing so. Go in on him when his Q is on CD.
LeBlanc is quite hard to deal with, as she can use her W to avoid your damage; both by dashing away from it or blinking away from your personal space. Try to not be poked, anticipate her Q + W combo she is infamous for. Avoid her E as well, use your E to do so. If I know she can be killed, I usually ignite her before her clone appears as to keep track of her real self. Holding your R for that moment is a good idea as well, as she will usually dash out of it with her W, revealing herself.
She should never be able to kill you without her jungler around or if you have taken an unnecessary amount of poke. Make sure to keep track of her E if she's attempting to escape. Cleanse is definitely an option here.
Unwinnable match up. Take Second Wind + Doran's Shield and wait until you hit level 6, as that is when you have a chance of killing him. Additionally, you can always ask your jungler for help. If you get a kill on him, you should be able to continue killing him over and over.
Just annoying, but very squishy. Avoid her Q and E pokes and you'll be fine. Use W move speed to dodge her Q. All in her if she wastes/misses her Q, she will die. Though, if she is good she will simply continue to shove you in and stay miles away from you. Try to roam if so.
Nothing will happen in this lane, as he will just shove with E if he has a brain. However, if you do manage to get on him Pre 6, you should be able to kill him pretty easily. QSS is a must have, he will make it his mission to R you in every single team fight.
Always keep an eye on her ball. Try to trade with her when her ball is detached from her, as she will be incredibly squishy then.
Quite unwinnable, the second you jump on him he will stun you and probably 100 to 0 you. Bone plating is a good option here. Very quick trades are good to carry out, just make sure to E out before he can cast his melee Q.
Be conscious of your positioning post 6. Quick trades are the way to go; you will not will an extended trade against a Qiyana. Her Q's are not too hard to avoid, you mostly want to avoid the blue one as if you get rooted you will be hit by everything else in her kit.
Really easy if she uses her E incorrectly or misses it. Jump on her if that occurs and you're usually guaranteed a kill or a summoner spell. If it's a good Syndra, she will not let you near her.
You will not win any trades, unless he messes up immensely. Some Talons will use their W on the wave though, and this is a chance to get in a QUICK trade; E away immediately after picking up your dagger. Ward deep in the river, so your bot-lane knows where he's coming from.
Twisted Fate
Relatively easy, just be aware of where his jungler might be as he can set up a gank easily with his stun.
There is nothing he can do to stop you; everything he has can be avoided with ease. Abuse him in lane, put him behind, and put yourself ahead.
Vladimir is usually very tanky, predictable, and able to recuperate any lost health from previous trades. As a result, you want to keep your foot on his neck. This means constantly trading him and applying so much pressure that he cannot keep up you and as a result cannot sustain himself. However, be smart about your trades; do not initiate anything if he has his empowered Q ready, as he will heal the damage back up and possibly outtrade you in the process. Hold your R for after he pools.
Stay away from your minions, as he will use them to get to you and inflict a max damage E on you. Avoid the ranged Q's. Everyone knows that you cannot duel a Yasuo, so do not make an attempt to take an extended fight with him unless you're extremely sure it will end with him dying and not you. Try and proc his shield with your Q bounce (he will wind wall a direct Q) and quickly trade him and whittle him down until you can take him out. If he R's you, E away from him as he will have temporary armor penetration that gives him a tremendous spike in damage. You usually do not want to all in him until his wall is used, so be conscious of it and its CD.
Similar to Yasuo; avoid the knock up, the R, and do not take an extended trade. If he is in his spirit form, do not initiate with him. Use your W move speed to either create distance between you two, or to get to the actual spirit location to then kill him. Additionally, when he is in his spirit form, you can bait him to walk onto your W, E onto to it to quickly trade, and then E out or he will usually be going back to his spirit as by then the timer runs out.
If he uses his shadows, you have about a 20 second window to trade with him. Avoid his Q's. Rush seekers if you're struggling against him. If he R's you, let him come out and then E away onto your minions.
As long as you avoid her E it should be okay, but she can easily take you out if you eat too many empowered autos and Q's. Be aware of any summoner spells she might pick up as that can swing any fight in her favor quickly.
Any top lane champion will wipe the floor with you. Best thing to do is roam.
Hwei is extremely squishy and his main defensive tool against you is relatively easy to dodge. Be sure to avoid any unnecessary poke and all in whenever you see an opportunity, it will usually result in a kill or a summoner spell used.
Sylas is incredibly tanky, has a passive that allows him to commit to extended trades or just burst you, and a healing ability. However, you can match his dueling if you take Conqueror + Longsword, just make sure to avoid his knock-up. You can also R him if he has not used his healing ability just yet to negate that massive heal it has. The best thing about Sylas, for us, is that your R on him is pretty terrible.
Extremely punishing, make sure to use your dashes sparingly and smartly to avoid taking too much damage from her passive. Always be aware of when she has her empowered ability/fear. She will almost always hold it for when you jump on her + W. If she uses it, that is your window to go in/trade. I like running electrocute in this matchup, but it is also up to preference.
Be aware of his death ray, as he will use this to poke you and it deals quite a lot of damage. You can usually see it coming. He will only use his stun once you jump on top of him, so be ready to E out onto a minion or on to him if he is too close to the edge. Save your R until he uses his because it can cancel it. Trade him once he uses his Q on a minion.
Honestly, probably the easiest Katarina matchup. Keep trading him and he will not be able to do anything, just avoid E and W to negate any healing.
If you can get on top of him he will simply explode. That is the challenge however, you will probably never be close enough to even graze him with a dagger. Laning phase is simply a dodging minigame. Be on the lookout for his E, the stun is no joke if it travels far enough.
Same situation as Xerath, you will probably never be near him. However, he is a bit less oppressive and that is always good! Watch out for any mistakes he may make.
Super easy, just kill her over and over again. Watch out for her knock-up, though she should never hit you with that. Be ready to ping or follow her around post-6.
Any champion that can initiate onto the enemy team and get them to waste their hard CC on them has great synergy with Katarina. If they can lock down the enemy, even better. Amumu is a prime example of this.
Others: Sejuani, Zac, Nunu
A tank/bruiser/other with little to no CC is not as good as one with those tools at their disposal, but still good! They make a great distraction and usually force the enemy to waste spells that could be dangerous to you on them.
Others: Elise, Xin Zhao, Lee Sin
Sure, damage is great, but we already have that and it is also all we offer. Pairing another damage oriented champion that lacks CC or engage is kind of detrimental to Katarina's ability to wipe teams; you will always be the one they target.
Others: Kindred, Master Yi, Kha'Zix
Any champion that can initiate onto the enemy team and get them to waste their hard CC on them has great synergy with Katarina. If they can lock down the enemy, even better. Amumu is a prime example of this.
Others: Sejuani, Zac, Nunu
A tank/bruiser/other with little to no CC is not as good as one with those tools at their disposal, but still good! They make a great distraction and usually force the enemy to waste spells that could be dangerous to you on them.
Others: Elise, Xin Zhao, Lee Sin
Sure, damage is great, but we already have that and it is also all we offer. Pairing another damage oriented champion that lacks CC or engage is kind of detrimental to Katarina's ability to wipe teams; you will always be the one they target.
Others: Kindred, Master Yi, Kha'Zix
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