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Recommended Items
Runes: Most games
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Always lvl up like this
Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard (PASSIVE)
Kled Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
............................... - Freeze the wave. ...............................- When you hit Q she can parry it and stun you so try to dodge her W with your second dash on E. ................................- If she knows that you will dash behind her, she will hit her W behind her and stun you. So if you know that she is a good Fiora don't use your second E. ...........................- Hug the wall so she can't hit vitals.
nice healing skaarl no pussy any more yes nice cool okay wtf lol omg
nice healing skaarl no pussy any more yes nice cool okay wtf lol omg
Champion Build Guide
Kled, a dangerous, loud mouthed, vulgar toned, taco enthusiastic redneck yordle
with his immortal pet: Skaarl who is also Kled's (only) friend. The two are inseparable and often considered an inspiration to Noxians and a danger to everyone else's life, including their own. Kled himself settles for nothing less than everything the light touches claimed as his land and all those nay-sayer's heads on a pike, Skaarl is just in it for some- As Kled says it: "Good Eatin'"
"I am Kled! High Major Commodore of the First Legion Third Multiplication Double Admiral Artillery Vanguard Company! You will respect my authority!"
-Kled, The Cantankerous Caviler
Kled, a dangerous, loud mouthed, vulgar toned, taco enthusiastic redneck yordle
with his immortal pet: Skaarl who is also Kled's (only) friend. The two are inseparable and often considered an inspiration to Noxians and a danger to everyone else's life, including their own. Kled himself settles for nothing less than everything the light touches claimed as his land and all those nay-sayer's heads on a pike
second E goes thought the walls
Q and E have true sight so its good vs champions like akali or shaco
Hold your W lvl up until you will be able to use it against a champion !!dont waste it on minions its very important ability with high cooldown!!
hard matchups are jax, fiora, camille, garen, malphite
easy matchups are vladimir, akali, gangplank, mundo, cho gath, gwen, kayle, sion, sylas, volibear, singed
in general kled is very bad against champs that stack armor so against matchups like gwen or morde if they rush armor the matchup will be match harder thats why people rush plated steelcaps against kled.
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