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Yasuo Build Guide by Vlasuo

Middle 14.16 - Vlasuo's EUW Challenger Yasuo Mid setup

Middle 14.16 - Vlasuo's EUW Challenger Yasuo Mid setup

Updated on August 21, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Vlasuo Build Guide By Vlasuo 69 12 139,578 Views 2 Comments
69 12 139,578 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Vlasuo Yasuo Build Guide By Vlasuo Updated on August 21, 2024
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Runes: Standard

1 2
Fleet Footwork
Absorb Life
Legend: Alacrity
Cut Down

Second Wind

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3 4
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

14.16 - Vlasuo's EUW Challenger Yasuo Mid setup

By Vlasuo

Hello, I'm Vlasuo I have been playing LoL since around season 4.

Ever since Yasuo was released I fell in love with this champion, the gameplay was nothing like any other. Very fun & smooth to pilot with basically infinite outplay possibilities. Combined on all the accounts I own I have about 3 million mastery points by now and I still cannot get tired of playing him.

In my early days, I was playing this game mainly for fun with my friends and it became a staple in my life, usually for the sake of entertainment. Only in the recent years (3-4) I've started to take this game seriously and studying it full-time. I always strive for improvement and the results speak for themselves as I never considered myself an outstandingly "talented" player with most of my accomplishments being achieved through hard work.

I used to be stuck in platinum for years on-end with a very solid amount of games each season (normal / ranked / rgm's etc.). This allowed me to learn the game fundamentals at a light pace initially and gather surface knowledge about champions, in-game resources (gold / vision), tools (items / runes / team-comps). Then, I woke up one day and gave myself the goal of trying to reach diamond, after a few hundred games I got diamond 4 on EUW. It felt good but being competitive means to never settle for anything, so I kept playing and playing, each year peaking a higher rank.
(S9 - Platinum 2)
(S10 - Diamond 2)
(S11 - Master 300 LP)
(S12 - Grandmaster 220 LP / Master 500 LP)
(S13 - Challenger 1050 LP)

That being said, I'm still not satisfied with myself and I am grinding every day, but I started also focusing more on content creation lately. I stream every so often on twitch and I am eager to share any information about Yasuo or League in general if you have any questions.

P.S.: I will be updating this guide with more and more in-depth and up-to-date information.
Yasuo mid
To dive a bit in-depth of how to lane with Yasuo, I like to consider 3 different types of laning styles:


The more aggressive playstyle is usually favorable when you have an easy time against your lane opponent while also not being at a number disadvantage in case it's not a pure 1v1. Make sure to never go for an aggressive move when enemy jungler has a timer to gank you without making sure your own jungler is there to counter it, same goes for the supports (and in extreme cases top/bot roams). The best ways of getting ahead as the winning mid-laner are:
    - Always being on the lookout for the right time to roam to top or bottom if there is an opportunity to change the outcome of a skirmish, take part in a dive or even defend a dive.
    - Always trying to track your jungler and the enemy jungler to spot if there are any invades happening (either countering an enemy invade or empowering your jungler's invade).
    - Never pushing unnecessary waves if there seems to be no viable opportunities on the map. You should go for favorable trades to damage the enemy, but pushing without a purpose is only going to allow your lane-opponent to farm safely under their turret, therefore not profiting from your winning position.


Pretty much this playstyle will take a lot of patience to execute and you should not look to "win" your lane. This usually happens due to either a huge lane-counter (e.g. Renekton), an enemy jungler that loves ganking while yours prefers farming, an enemy support that loves roaming while yours prefers sitting on bot lane or all at the same time. Things to consider when the situation arises are:
    - Taking as little trades as possible, without a way to sustain your HP back, avoid missing any minion XP, but sometimes sacrificing the minion-kill gold might be necessary.
    - Avoiding enemy dives if you really feel that enemy could go for it.
    - Being on the lookout to defend your jungler from an invade before your lane opponent gets there or, in some cases, roaming when your enemy refuses to push the wave.
    - Trying to ping your team for assistance to reset it whenever the minion wave is deep and close to the enemy's side of the lane, as you are very vulnerable to a gank like that as Yasuo.


I think most league of legends players either play the game in a too aggressive matter or too passive matter. Sometimes, there is an in-between and you will have to learn when it's the time for each of these 3 playstyles. This playstyle involves pushing out minion waves constantly as fast as possible. You should consider playing like this when:
    - Your lane opponent struggles a lot to clear waves under their turret (usually in the early levels).
    - Your lane opponent wants to roam to get leads. Pressuring them to decide between picking up waves or taking a risky roam will undoubtly force him into a mistake, eventually.
    - Your lane opponent is straight-up unkillable and is playing too passively, therefore looking to outpush them and be first to any fight on the map is a big advantage.
Rune Optimization Simplified
On Yasuo the optimal rune-combo you should go for is Precision-tree as primary and Resolve-tree secondary. If you want more info on each choice/optimization, here it is:

Precision-Tree optimization


Fleet Footwork is the best keystone for providing sustain in laning phase since your starting item will always be Doran's Blade after the massive buffs. Additionally, the movespeed provided is great for chasing people down and even avoiding bad situations you could end up in.

I would only recommend to go Conqueror if you are facing a very tanky opponent on mid lane, for that extra power at 1v1ing as well as damaging their frontline in a potential teamfight and would definitely pair this with the "VS TANKS" build setup above.

Rune #1

Newly added rune, Absorb Life is perfect for the last bit of sustain necessary to stay in lane as long as you wish. It is consistent, simple and does the job every game since farming is the most reliable source of income anyway.

Rune #2

Legend: Alacrity is a great way of getting additional attack speed as Yasuo loves this stat for getting his Q cooldown reduced as early as possible + great synergy with crit champions in general.

Rune #3

Last Stand is the best rune in this row for a melee skirmisher like Yasuo in 99% of situations.

Resolve-Tree optimization

Choice #1

Second Wind provides crazy sustain when playing a slow-paced laning phase. It's also probably the more consistent choice on mid-lane considering most opponents have a range advantage and prefer poking you before anything.
In situations, where you are taking heavy trades Bone Plating will provide very high value. Usually most valuable against melee champions.

Choice #2

Overgrowth is just a safe choice that provides you with additional durability. It stacks up pretty quickly as well so you benefit from it even in the early-mid stages of the game.
If your team has a lot of heals and shields, enhancing them on yourself with Revitalize is quite powerful. It's situational but could actually provide more durability if picked correctly.

Rune shards

+ 10% Attack Speed
+ 9 Adaptive Force
+ 10-180 Health (based on level)
I recently made a video on the new runes and items for Yasuo for people that are interested to know everything in-depth, check it out here
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Vlasuo
Vlasuo Yasuo Guide
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14.16 - Vlasuo's EUW Challenger Yasuo Mid setup

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