Huge threat for Gwen definitely winnable, buy Doran's ring, level q first get 4 stacks and get level 2 first bait her to get cs and snip her! riven has better all in potential than Gwen best to maintain good cs and trade when her q cooldown is down.
due to the volibear buffs he's just too overpowered against Gwen in the early game level 1-6 you cannot take trades without him punishing you. hopefully you make it to late game and buy antiheal cause riot hates Gwen and wants her to suffer against this champ. :D
really annoying early game champ especially if Pantheon goes PTA try to dodge his stacked q and maintain cs if you have to give then give it's not worth losing half your health for a couple cs. You should definitely be stronger at level 6. can go ghost to run him down or ignite if you're not sure you can secure the kill.
you can hurt tryn early with Q but its difficult when he hits 6 if you get low enough you will get tower dived this champ is not afraid to pop R.
disrupts your cs with his burst dmg really hurts as long as you space out and don't get cs gapped you can make a play and try to kill him i take ignite since he wants to close in on me.
your w is only useful for her R but other than that you will get poked by her q e it's disgusting you can try to e q when she doesn't expect it.
don't get poked out by q maintain cs try hit 2 first you don't want akali to get priority if it does happen be careful back off let wave crash dont lose hp. u can go oracle lens for her w to track her down.
Doran's shield or Doran's rings me personally would go shield but you can go Doran's ring as long as you have second wind. you want to hide behind minions to not get hit by Q yes, he will poke you, but he will also take minion agro and lose cs, this is where u will have advantage with gold lead. take ghost here.
even matchup dodge his q's poke him out etc. matchup really based on spacing.
Keep your distance from Jayce during the early levels. His ranged attacks can be punishing, so focus on farming safely. Use your W (Hallowed Mist) to block Jayce’s skill shots and avoid taking unnecessary damage. The mist also grants you movement speed, which helps you dodge his abilities.
space his q and e w his r and run him down some people might have trouble with this matchup since he Perma heals and does stupid damage but once his cooldowns are down there's your window of opportunity to kill him.
take whatever summoner spell you can take ignite for his healing that's prob unneeded since has going to take barrier and be weird. go flash i think that might be the safest route.
take ignite buy Doran's ring in this matchup for all in potential with r Fiora will q e your vitals so run away to reset her passive so it will be hard to hit you.
Advice to Win Against Singed Keep your distance to avoid being Flung back into Singed's allies. Singed needs to run close to your team to be effective. Try to take advantage of this by using crowd control effects on him while attacking his allies. Be careful when chasing Singed.
in the Olaf matchup you need spacing use your Smurf dodging mechanics if you can do that you wont have a problem with Olaf take ignite.
Quinn’s Harrier passive allows her to deal bonus damage after using an ability. Be cautious when she has her passive mark on you.
definitely a challenging matchup for Gwen but as long as you space out his Q's and poke him you can win also perfectly timing your W for his R. i take ignite to secure kill.
skill matchup dodge his q ability by side stepping it, e when he e's. he will use his e and counter attack you. Go any summoner spell here. flash or ghost might be best here. sure ignite for his healing its fine get antiheal item, make a flash play
ignite in this matchup, fight at level 6 bait out his q and e into it u will win if you all in him with r.
if you are up against a good poppy it can be difficult due to her w can prevent your dash and avoid all in potential with her R. ALWAYS PLAY AROUND COOLDOWNS! cs better than her play around waves.
dodge e you win if you don't its going to be rough :D
when jax q's on you e away from his e. dont throw your e out of nowhere thats your weakness in this matchup.
get your stack on q when he walks up to wave q him u win the trade try to space better and e away when he spins.
be patient with ur w for his e dont panic when he pulls you in, try to space him out and let him waste his abilities.
watch out for Camille's passive Q w her w and close in with E.
since kled tried to dash while you 4 stack Q E away from him his passive makes him want to force a fight.
dodge ksantes Q's pretty much it cs better and gold lead will come :D
Use your Hallowed Mist (W) wisely. It can block Mordekaiser’s abilities and prevent him from hitting you with his passive. Always be attacking. Gwen’s attacks empower or reset many of her abilities, so weave in auto-attacks during trades. take FLASH.
predict the timing of the barrels and E them. you can use W for his q OR barrels. close in on him hes dead with R u can take ghost or ignite.
take flash into this lane. karma will poke you dodge her Q's you will most definitely cs better its harder for range. gwen is late game champ but if there's a window to do some dmge to her do it.
you can W his blind q and kill him level 6 with ghost that's where the powerspike really comes into play just don't let him bait you and go into his shrooms lol.
renekton would upgrade Q first so do the same. he has 2 dashes you have one. take ignite in this lane he definitely should stomp you in lane well if he plays it correctly. when he does renekton combo try to e q when he runs away with his combo he dashes out at the end of combo don't let him punish you without him getting punished.
upgrade Q first take ignite in this lane for his healing hes gonna try to kill you early you do lose unless you play around your runes. look at your bone plating ask yourself is it up can what his cooldowns? does he have his lethal lethal tempo stacked conqueror gives you ap and healing use that to your advantage and be confident with your burst I've won against many trundles just don't let him shred your towers it's disgusting lol.
kayle scales so try to beat her early upgrade q first play around level 2 and e q her to snip her health and try to hit 6 before her and kill her. take GHOST or FLASH
at the moment reksai is busted and has 53% wr durability is insane, you still counter with W from his underground Q etc.
Use your E when yorrick cages you and your w for his e, take ignite against him to reduce healing early. secure kill or if youre confident go ghost to run him down.
dodge e similar to urgot match up lol.
you completely counter malphite the only wave he doesn't die is if he ults away from you everytime you R at him LOL. but then you can try to tower dive him :p
4 stacks on Q comes close to wave snip him win every trade at level 6 gets tricky i would go ghost get antiheal his healing in his R is insane.
get 4 stack with q and if he closes in trade w him. If he ults to other lanes hit tower.
buy Doran's ring you need damage but make sure you have second wind as your runes or if you're not confident go D shield he will poke you with PTA but once you hit 6 its over for MR askshan you have better burst potential.
you can try to all in him when his passive runs out he's stronger when its maxxed out hit 6 dont fight in his ult unless you dodge every ability and confident play around lvls look at his items and yours.
W his Q you as Gwen should react when he uses his abilities ornn doesn't need to back but he does need mana if he's not careful you should be fine in this matchup when he hits 6 save w for that ultimate.
at level 1 upgrade Q irelia is only strong with 4 stack of Q also this is where you have advantage and don't let her get her stacks.
Tahm Kench
stand behind wave from his tongue ability you need to know wave management its possible if he hits you with 3 attacks he will eat you into tower. just cs better play around levels and learn wave management.
easy matchups but if you're up against a good sion he can proxy you but don't let him punish him dodging his q E or W and snip him bad sion players cs badly unless they keep dying for wave buy darkseal and snowball.
Dr. Mundo
stand behind minions to dodge mundos Q's play around level powerspikes and once you hit 6 ghost R run him down!!
not difficult matchup cs better and dodge his e's w if you need to run him down with ghost R.
You will do well by focusing your tactics on increasing your CS and destroying objectives.
P - Passive Ability – A THOUSAND CUTS Gwen’s attacks deal bonus magic damage based on the target’s health and Basic attacks when hit in the center of her Q and her R deal bonus damage and heal her.
Q - Gwen can combine her FLASH with her Q and E to further the distance of the cast ability. This allows her to close the gap on enemies and surprise opponents easily. This can really help you to close in and secure a kill.
W - Become completely immune to projectiles as long as youre in her W and gain bonus MR AND ARMOR.(always use your w as a last resort unless youre engaging for the team cause you can use your smurf movement sidesteps to dodge their skillshots u shouldnt always rely on W (bad habit)
E - Your E is an auto-attack reset, so try and auto before using your E for extra
damage when possible.
R - Gwen can activate her Ultimate 3 times, second cast she launches 3 needles and on the final cast, she launches 5 needles. Her r slows them as well.
OP Tricks w Gwen
Gwen can use her W ability to avoid blast cones and also damage from dragons and Baron Nashors.
Extended trades work in your favour as long as you can stick to your target. Keeping the wave closer to your side of the map will allow you to keep the fight going for longer and will enable you to chase them down.
Gwen has really good scaling and shines late game so its important to cs good on her, preferably average 8-9cspm her items cost a ton! so make sure you practice last hitting minions perfecting your cs :)
Since Gwen is a late game champion you dont want to get bullied in the early game so try to upgrade q first and get 4 stacks w q and get priority in lane. Slow push the first 3 waves and do a cheat recall (ward bush as well) you can buy an amplifying tone if you get all your cs or go for darkseal and build path nashors riftmaker is not as strong as it used to be. Try to win much trades as possible to the point where they are really low enough u can dive and snowball by punishing them getting plates since gwen has good turret push potential.
After destroying top tower in the Early Game you would want to keep applying map pressure pushing waves and taking their junglers camps when the oppurtunity presents itself. try to destroy tier 2 tower and make your way to bot lane and maintain 9cspm and push bot and play around objectives.
play around your team if there are no towers on the map then push waves since the enemy team has to react and hopefully you guys get baron with your lead and end the game.
Teamfight decision making
so as Gwen you bsaically want to create map pressure push wave and split push towers the enemy has no choice but to react and you can force a 4v4 if your team is winning but if thats not the case still push wave and try to tp to your team to aid them but if it looks like a bad fight dont commit.
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