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Ezreal Build Guide by misterfirstblood

ADC [15.02] Ezreal in depth guide by Misterfirstblood v2

ADC [15.02] Ezreal in depth guide by Misterfirstblood v2

Updated on February 4, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author misterfirstblood Build Guide By misterfirstblood 212 30 2,599,110 Views 30 Comments
212 30 2,599,110 Views 30 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author misterfirstblood Ezreal Build Guide By misterfirstblood Updated on February 4, 2025
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Runes: Standard PTA

Press the Attack
Presence of Mind
Legend: Bloodline
Coup de Grace

Magical Footwear
Biscuit Delivery

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[15.02] Ezreal in depth guide by Misterfirstblood v2

By misterfirstblood
Hello everyone, I'm MisterFirstBlood from EUW, and today I'm going to show you how to play Ezreal.

Ezreal is a highly versatile AD Carry with exceptional mobility and poke potential. His unique skill set allows him to excel in both the laning phase and team fights. With precise skill shots and a built-in escape mechanism, Ezreal can deal significant damage while staying safe from enemy threats. Mastering his abilities will enable you to outplay your opponents and carry your team to victory. Get ready to become the Prodigal Explorer!
In my opinion, Press the Attack is the best rune for Ezreal. PTA offers a lot of burst damage, and you can apply it quickly by using Mystic Shot immediately after auto-attacking to reset your animation, followed by another attack after Mystic Shot. Once Press the Attack is applied, your Essence Flux and Arcane Shift combo deals a ton of damage, allowing you to win trades in such scenarios.

Conqueror is also a solid option. While it takes a bit longer to become efficient, it offers better teamfighting and a bit more healing. If you don't focus on the same target all the time, this rune might be a stronger option than PTA, but it's totally up to you
Tear of the Goddess doesn't take as long to stack anymore, so you don't need to start with it. However, if you feel comfortable with your bot lane matchup, you can buy Tear or Cull. Personally, I prefer starting with Doran's Blade and a Health Potion, except in poison matchups like Twitch, where Doran's Shield is recommended.

Your ultimate goal while laning is to finish Trinity Force and Muramana as quickly as possible. After that, you can buy any utility or damage items you prefer.

The next best options, in my opinion, are Serylda's Grudge (super annoying for your enemies to deal with), Frozen Heart, and Spear of Shojin. However, if you really need CC removal, healing reduction, or sustain, you can buy items like Mercurial Scimitar, Mortal Reminder, or Bloodthirster to complete your build.

Ezreal's last item choices don't really focus on damage scaling like Jinx or Caitlyn. He benefits more from utility items that make him unkillable and enable him to poke the entire enemy team down before they can even touch him.
P: Rising Spell Force
Ezreal gains increasing Attack Speed each time he successfully hits a spell, stacking up to 5 times.

Q: Mystic Shot

Ezreal fires a damaging bolt of energy which reduces all of his cooldowns slightly if it strikes an enemy unit.

W: Essence Flux

Ezreal fires an orb that sticks to the first champion or objective hit. If Ezreal hits an enemy with the orb, it detonates and deals damage.

E: Arcane Shift

Ezreal teleports to a target nearby location and fires a homing bolt which strikes the nearest enemy unit. Prioritizes enemies stuck with Essence Flux.

R: Trueshot Barrage

Ezreal winds up before firing a powerful barrage of energy that deals massive damage to each unit it passes through (damage is reduced for minions and non-epic monsters).
Ability Tips & Tricks + Spell Order
Q: Mystic Shot

- When your ultimate is on cooldown, use Mystic Shot as often as possible to reduce its cooldown. Remember, you can also hit jungle monsters with it.

- After recalling and buying a tear, use your Mystic Shot to stack it while moving back to your lane.

- Since this is your main damage tool, you should always max it out first.

W: Essence Flux

- You can mark towers with Essence Flux, and combined with any Sheen-like items, you can push towers quickly.
- If a marked target is within your E range and you activate E, it will guarantee a hit on the marked enemy, dealing significant damage.
- Don't underestimate Ezreal's push power with Sheen and Essence Flux.
- Try to trigger your mark to receive some mana back.
- Mobility abilities are typically prioritized second for ADCs, so you should maximize Essence Flux last.

E: Arcane Shift

- Don't use Arcane Shift solely for escaping. Feel free to dodge skill shots or reposition yourself to land a better Mystic Shot. Additionally, use Essence Flux before Arcane Shift to guarantee hitting enemies with it.
- If there are no minions near your enemy, Arcane Shift can obviously hit them too.
- You can dodge many spells with Arcane Shift because it moves you instantly, much like Flash.
- You can never have too much mobility, so after finishing your main damage tool (Q) at level 9, you should invest points in this ability second.

R: Trueshot Barrage

- You can snipe enemies with Trueshot Barrage when you know their location. Upgrade your trinket to a blue one at level 9. There's no need to avoid jungle monsters on the way to your target because the damage to champions isn't reduced anymore.
- Don't use your ultimate for waveclear; it's far too powerful to use against champions.
- If a squishy target doesn't have vision and is running straight in your direction while hiding in a brush, you can quickly execute a combination of Trueshot Barrage, Arcane Shift, Essence Flux, Mystic Shot, and an auto-attack to delete your enemy.


- You can kite very well with Serylda's Grudge. Since Mystic Shot triggers hit effects, you can increase Serylda's slow with red buff. If an enemy is close, escape over walls with Arcane Shift.
- Auto-attack before and after hitting a Mystic Shot. Even if you miss your Mystic Shot, you can trigger Serylda's passive and Kleptomancy by auto-attacking the enemy.
Pros / Cons
++ High Range
+ Low Cooldowns
+ Utility
+ Escape
+ Cheap Item Build (Tear, Triforce)
+ Strong Midgame
+ Snowball When Ahead


- Not the very best early game compared to champions like Draven.
- 3 out of your 4 spells are skillshots. If you have a bad day, you won't deal a lot of damage.
- Weak against healers like Sona.
- Not as useful as other ADCs when behind.
Ezreal is good against
- Everything squishy/clunky
- Champions without mobility tools like Kog'Maw and Vel'Koz
- Tanks without gap closers and low-ranged champs due to his kiting potential
- Junglers in the early game. If the bot lane is warded, it's hard to gank an Ezreal. Champs like Lee Sin or Kha'Zix have to focus on other lanes.
Ezreal is bad against
- Healers like Sona because they can outsustain your poke.
- Hypercarry late-game champions, as Ezreal isn't really a 1v1 champion later in the game.
- Hard CC like Vi and Malphite ultimates, which can go through Ezreal's Arcane Shift.
- Point-and-click spells that can delete Ezreal, such as Syndra's and Veigar's ultimates, or Pantheon's W.
- Kai'Sa seems strong against him too, since both don't have waveclear, but her damage is slightly higher than Ezreal's.
Ezreal is good with
- More poke supports like Sona, Bard, and Karma
- Supports that buff your damage like Nami, Janna, and Yuumi
- Supports with crowd control like Braum, Leona, and Thresh

In my opinion, there is no "bad" support for Ezreal.
Summary and other guides
Ezreal is an exceptionally strong and safe AD Carry. One of his greatest strengths lies in his ability to poke enemies from a distance, effectively softening them up before teamfights even begin. This can give your team a significant advantage and potentially win fights before they fully engage.

When ahead, Ezreal can exert tremendous pressure on other lanes in a very safe manner, allowing you to influence the game without risking overextension and potential throws. His E (Arcane Shift) provides excellent mobility, making him one of the safest ADCs in the game. Coupled with Serylda's Grudge, which slows enemies, he becomes even harder to catch and kill.

However, Ezreal does have some drawbacks. If you're behind, it can be challenging to make a significant impact on the game. His reliance on landing skill shots, particularly his Q (Mystic Shot), means that falling behind can make it difficult to deal consistent damage. Thus, maintaining good positioning and landing your abilities is crucial.

Playing Ezreal helps improve your aiming and mechanics, as you need to land numerous skill shots each game to maximize your damage output. For beginners, his Q makes farming easier, allowing for a smoother learning curve when it comes to last-hitting minions.

Moreover, Ezreal is widely regarded as one of the most fun champions to play in League of Legends. His dynamic playstyle, high mobility, and ability to make flashy plays make him an exciting and rewarding champion. Whether you're kiting enemies, landing clutch skill shots, or pulling off impressive escapes, Ezreal offers a gameplay experience that is both engaging and enjoyable.

So, if you're looking for a champion that combines safety, skill expression, and fun, Ezreal is an excellent choice. I hope you enjoy playing him as much as I do!

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