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Zeri Build Guide by misterfirstblood

ADC [15.02] Zeri ADC Guide by misterfirstblood v2

ADC [15.02] Zeri ADC Guide by misterfirstblood v2

Updated on February 4, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author misterfirstblood Build Guide By misterfirstblood 11 3 46,362 Views 2 Comments
11 3 46,362 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author misterfirstblood Zeri Build Guide By misterfirstblood Updated on February 4, 2025
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Runes: Standard Lethal Tempo

Lethal Tempo
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand


+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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Champion Build Guide

[15.02] Zeri ADC Guide by misterfirstblood v2

By misterfirstblood
Hello guys! It's MisterFirstBlood with a new ADC Champion Guide. It's been a while since I released my last one because I took a break from League of Legends and content creation. But now I'm back and more hyped than ever to play some League and share my experiences with you. Today, we're diving into the electrifying world of Zeri. This guide will cover everything you need to know about mastering this unique champion, from runes and item builds to combos and gameplay tips. Let's get started and unleash the true potential of Zeri together!
Pros and Cons

🟢 Super fast movement speed

🟢 Very good at kiting opponents

🟢 Mixed damage

🟢 Midgame monster

🟢 One of the best dashes in the game

🟢 AoE damage


🔴 Weak early game

🔴 Not the strongest late game

🔴 Vulnerable to on-click hard CC

🔴 Not good at melting tanks

🔴 You can play around Zeri by standing behind minions (her auto attacks are skillshots)
P: Living Battery
Zeri Shields herself for 60% of the damage she deals to enemy Shields and gains 10% Move Speed for 3 seconds whenever she receives a Shield.

Q: Burst Fire

Range: 825
Cooldown: 1.52
Passive: Zeri's Attacks are treated as Abilities and can be charged up by moving and casting this ability. Uncharged Attacks deal (10-25^ + 3% AP) magic damage and consume some charge. A fully charged Attack deals (90-200^ +90% AP) + (3%-15%^) max Health and consumes all charge.
Additionally Zeri executes Targets below 60-150 Health.

Active: This Ability is treated as an Attack. Zeri fires a burst of 7 rounds that deals 8/11/14/17/20 (+110/115/120/125/130% AD) physical damage to the first enemy hit.

Passive damage applies Ability effects and cannot crit or apply on-hit effects

Active damage can crit, apply on-hit effects once per target, and hit anything that an Attack can. The Cooldown and cast time scale down with Attack Speed (max 1.5 attacks per second). 60% of excess Attack Speed is converted into Attack Damage.

W: Ultrashock Laser

Range: 1200 / 1500
Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8
Cost: 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90
Zeri fires an electric pulse that deals 10/45/80/115/150 (+1.5 of attack damage) (+70% of ability power) magic damage and Slows the first enemy hit by 30/35/40/45/50% for 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds.

If the pulse hits terrain, it expands into a laser that applies the effects in an area and lands an critical hit.

E: Spark Surge

Range: 300
Cooldown: 22/ 20.5 / 19 / 17.5 / 16
Cost: 80
Zeri dashes a short distance and vaults over any terrain she touches, greatly extending the dash range. Her next 3 shots of Burst Fire pierce, dealing 80/85/90/95/100% damage to enemies after the first.

Hitting a champion with an Attack or Ability reduces this Ability's cooldown by 0.5 seconds but critical strikes will reduce it by 1.5 seconds instead

R: Lightning Crash

Range: 825
Cooldown: 100/ 85 / 70
Cost: 100
Zeri discharges a nova of electricity, dealing 150/250/350 (+ 80% bonus AD) (+ 80% AP) magic damage to nearby enemies and gaining 4 stacks (8 stacks when critical striking) of Overcharge for each champion hit for 6 seconds. Each stack grants 1% Move Speed. Hitting an enemy champion with an Attack or Ability adds a stack of Overcharge and refreshes its duration by 2 seconds.

While Overcharged Zeri also gains 30% Attack Speed, 10/15/20 (+ 15% AP) magic damage On-Hit, and Burst Fire becomes a faster triple shot that chains the bonus magic damage and 25% AD physical damage to nearby enemies.
Skill Order & Explaination
Since Burst Fire is basically your auto-attack and your role as an ADC player is to use your auto-attack all game, you should maximize this ability first.

Mobility spells are likely the second spell you want to maximize. Since it provides both wave clear and a significant damage buff, you want to use it as often as possible. To decrease its rather long cooldown, I recommend maxing out Spark Surge second and Ultrashock Laser last.

Even though Ultrashock Laser deals a ton of damage at level 1, the other options are simply more important at lower levels in the game.
Starting with Statikk Shiv and Runaan's Hurricane seems to be the best two-item start for Zeri nowadays. While Navori Flickerblade and regular crit items like Infinity Edge and Phantom Dancer aren't bad options, you should prioritize waveclear and AoE items before building those.

Berserker's Greaves are the obvious choice for boots.

To complete your build, consider items like Immortal Shieldbow, Mercurial Scimitar, or Bloodthirster.
Lethal Tempo is currently the best rune choice. With your all-in based playstyle, Triumph and Last Stand are also great choices. It's a matter of personal preference whether you prefer Legend: Bloodline or Legend: Alacrity in this slot.

However, the secondary tree choice is not just a matter of preference. Resolve is the best for all-in based champions like Zeri. Overgrowth and Conditioning offer a ton of survivability and can really make a difference.
Tips & Tricks
Since your auto-attacks are skillshots, good opponents might stay behind minions to outplay you. (It's the same as with Graves.) Keep this in mind, kill the minions before engaging, or position yourself to attack them for free.

Rift Scuttler is always shielded, so if you walk from the bottom to the mid lane (or vice versa), you can attack it to get a free shield and movement speed buff.

You can bind your Q ability to your mouse wheel and use it to auto-attack if you feel confused when getting started with Zeri. It totally helped me out.

You can attack Baron or Dragon from outside the pit if you position correctly.

You can clear wards very fast by using Q and your normal auto-attack right after pressing Q.

When playing on the blue side, you can walk towards the rift and use your W ability through the wall to either push or poke your enemies.

When you are under a tower, you can easily use your W to shoot through it and deal a lot of damage with amazing range.
Because you benefit from gaining shields, it's not necessary, but nice to have either a support that can give you shields or an opponent with shields that you can steal using your passive, as this will grant you movement speed.

It's also recommended to play with a very mobile support like Rakan because most enchanters and tanks might not be able to keep up with your pace when you get tons of movement speed. Alternatively, supports with lots of range that can buff you up and let you go, like Lulu or Nami, can be excellent choices.
Summary and other guides
Thank you for paying attention to my guide!

In my opinion, Zeri is one of the most fun additions to the ADC meta and by far my most played champion currently. Her unique playstyle and abilities make her a joy to play, offering a refreshing experience compared to other champions. With her super fast movement speed, kiting capabilities, and mixed damage output, she can dominate the midgame and make impressive plays with her dashes and AoE damage.

Despite her weak early game and vulnerability to hard CC, Zeri's potential to turn the tide of a match is immense, especially when played with the right strategy and support. Her ability to gain shields and reposition herself makes her a versatile and exciting champion to master. I hope you enjoy playing Zeri as much as I do and find success with her in your games.

If you enjoyed my guide, I would appreciate a vote. Also, if you want to see more of my content, check out my other ADC guides.

Here are links to my other guides:

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League of Legends Build Guide Author misterfirstblood
misterfirstblood Zeri Guide
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[15.02] Zeri ADC Guide by misterfirstblood v2

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