Rolls in with her Q, than deals true damage. Corki is slow, even with the Boots of Swiftness.
Just like Draven, Lucian, Vayne etc. Lane bullies that can fight with 1 or 2 Items are always a threat. Just play very safe and never run in no vision areas alone for that split push strategy recommended by youtube guides.
Cash in or crash out.
After 30 minutes, she can defend a baron push or take 2 Inhibitors or fire a rocket over the map to kill somebody. Always respect Jinx. You might want to play Zeri or buffed Ashe vs Jinx. But Corki can also work.
Pick or ban her. Caitlyn+Lux is notorious. Even if you counter with Sivir/ Zeri / Corki + Seraphine you can just stall, but not make much progress. Losing agency and prio over dragon pit feels horrible.
If the enemy ADC builds the usual Iron stuff like no shoes, Collector, Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster, Youmuu's Ghostblade ... well ... the Q will delete you.
Nobody plays her. But in theory, she should be as devastating as Draven or Lucian. Dangerous in the Atakhan perma fighting meta.
A normal League game vs the average player. A nightmare vs Ezreal enjoyers. Jumps on you with E+W. And then the support damage carry Xerath, Mel, Veigar, Seraphine, Nami wil kill the rest of your HP. Be careful and play some Ezreal games yourself to know his windows of time and information.
Even more annoying than Caitlyn+Lux ist Varus+Lulu/Lux. Even if you dodge 9 times in a row, number 10 will oneshot you. Build Lifesteal and maybe even Statikk Shiv to stop his wave push. And pray to whatever god you prefer.
I could play Jinx/ Corki+Seraphine all night long. She shields, she heals, she does damage. Even if she leaves the lane to have fun in midlane or jungle, she helps the whole team.
Gives shield, heal, movement speed, higher attack range. And does some damage. Good pick.
Heals you and annoys the enemy lane. They will have a hard time playing their lane, and Corki can scale. (You should sneak in Lucian, if you get the chance)
New OP Champion. To have her in the game is always a good things. You need to buy BORK or Mercurial Scimitar though, because she will do her own thing in her own game. So you play another round of Objective Damage Carry (Atakhan, Dragon, Baron etc)
Standard Meta Support pick.
Standard Meta Support Pick
Just like Jinx/Ashe+Nautilus/ Blitzcrank. Buy BORK or Mercurial Scimitar, because Nautilus will not heal you. And save your mana, so you can go all in, when he starts the action. Statikk Shiv is also a good idea to use the enemy death timer to fast crash waves into enemy turrets. Help your Nautilus, he is the star of the show.
Also one of the meta picks like Rell/ Rakan. Just save your mana, play a conservative style, and when he does his thing, follow your Support into death and glory.
Zyra is broken OP. Ideal lane would be Ashe/Jinx+Zyra due to the meta strength of those ADCs but ... Zyra torments the lane just like Nami and you get enough time to scale and do your job as pet master for dragons and Atakhan. Looks boring at first, because she is the star of the show. But Corki+Zyra can feel like Caitlyn+Lux or Jinx/Seraphine. Just play the don't die as ADC game, and your team will always have dragon pit prio.
I could play Jinx/ Corki+Seraphine all night long. She shields, she heals, she does damage. Even if she leaves the lane to have fun in midlane or jungle, she helps the whole team.
Gives shield, heal, movement speed, higher attack range. And does some damage. Good pick.
Heals you and annoys the enemy lane. They will have a hard time playing their lane, and Corki can scale. (You should sneak in Lucian, if you get the chance)
New OP Champion. To have her in the game is always a good things. You need to buy BORK or Mercurial Scimitar though, because she will do her own thing in her own game. So you play another round of Objective Damage Carry (Atakhan, Dragon, Baron etc)
Standard Meta Support pick.
Standard Meta Support Pick
Just like Jinx/Ashe+Nautilus/ Blitzcrank. Buy BORK or Mercurial Scimitar, because Nautilus will not heal you. And save your mana, so you can go all in, when he starts the action. Statikk Shiv is also a good idea to use the enemy death timer to fast crash waves into enemy turrets. Help your Nautilus, he is the star of the show.
Also one of the meta picks like Rell/ Rakan. Just save your mana, play a conservative style, and when he does his thing, follow your Support into death and glory.
Zyra is broken OP. Ideal lane would be Ashe/Jinx+Zyra due to the meta strength of those ADCs but ... Zyra torments the lane just like Nami and you get enough time to scale and do your job as pet master for dragons and Atakhan. Looks boring at first, because she is the star of the show. But Corki+Zyra can feel like Caitlyn+Lux or Jinx/Seraphine. Just play the don't die as ADC game, and your team will always have dragon pit prio.
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