Pretty easy matchup for Fiora if you play properly. The only way you lose is if you don't respect his damage when he has a stacked wave and is pushing into you from levels 4-9, Aatrox is really strong in a stacked wave. Otherwise you should be good.
I like Doran's Blade + the Conqueror and Sorcery page in this matchup. Level 1 space out his Qs as his Q cooldown is really long, if you move correctly you can get a really good trade off early game. Using Q+W to stun Aatrox when his dash is down is really effective. I overall do not recommend parrying his Qs unless his dash is down, as a good Aatrox will just dash away from your parry. You outscale really hard so just don't be dumb in the laning phase and you should be chillin
I find this matchup pretty difficult once Akali gets lvl 6 if she has ignite. You have to punish her before lvl 6 or you're cooked.
I like Doran's Blade with PTA and resolve with second wind in this matchup. Akali is really weak lvl 1 so you can look to play aggressive early and chunk her out while getting push on the wave. In the early stages of the lane, if you can parry Akali's e when she goes back into you or one of her enhanced autos it's really strong. After 6, try to parry the ult though it can be hard to react to. Maw 2nd is good here if they have another AP champ on their team (i.e. Akali isn't solo AP). You outscale Akali eventually, it's just lvls 6 -> 13 or so can be really rough
Easy matchup. I like PTA vs Akshan, he just isn't a great top laner anymore. I'd go PTA and Doran's Blade and play aggressive according to wavestates (when pushing into him, fight, don't otherwise). He's very short range so it's easy to farm vs. him
I like Doran's Blade + Conqueror in this matchup with the Celerity setup. Ambessa isn't too big of an issue until later on in the game, but her early game is super weak so look to punish accordingly. Her CDs are really long early on. I try to parry either her ult or her empowered autos, if you just hit parry on her it usually will be a good trade, but that's hard to do since this champ is so mobile. Because of her mobility she's very good at kiting away from vital procs, so be wary of that and punish her CDs. Overall lane isn't too bad.
This matchup isn't too bad as long as you don't get hit by every one of her harass abilities. I often solo kill Aurora's by taking DShield, second wind, and PTA and letting her push into me, then playing really aggressive on the bounce back into her. You outscale heavily as well and Maw is great 2nd if they have another AP on their team, I really don't mind this matchup much and I think it's hard for her to ever kill you with the healing in your kit
This is slightly Fiora favored in my opinion, but you have to have really good spacing. I like Conqueror into Camille with Sorcery secondary. Early on in the lane, just walk up and trade an auto to get her shield, then you are free to take extended trades after as her lvl 1 isn't very strong without her shield. You outrange her with qs and movement speed so make sure to have good spacing and make it hard for her to hit you with abilities. If she goes for a w, q into her, as she will be locked in the animation allowing you to get a quick trade off. Use e to block either an empowered q, her e, or her ult, a good Camille will often e -> r in order to dodge your w, so watch out for that. You outscale but are not as useful in teamfights so try to trap her in sidelane throughout the game
Hard matchup, she beats you in all-in pretty convincingly unless you dodge her qs after lvl 1. The ground is really annoying to play against as well. I recommend taking Doran's shield and second wind with PTA page and playing safe early in lane. You can try to abuse her weak lvl 1 but I think it's not great to get prio in this matchup currently unless you take a really good trade lvl 1. For parry usage, either use parry slide to slow her or try to parry her ult. You outscale and Maw again is pretty good 2nd if they have more than 1 AP. Cass is also very vulnerable to ganks so use that to your advantage
Really easy matchup. Conq + Sorcery page is good here, can abuse Cho in laning phase pretty hard. You will be stronger at all stages of the game, just be careful if he goes AP as if you mess up a parry he can almost 1shot you but otherwise you should be okay. Parry his Q and it's freelo, use good spacing to dodge his Qs as well.
Darius is a hard matchup. I like to take Ignite and Conqueror with either Resolve tree (second wind) or Inspiration tree (to have lower ignite cd). If he starts Q level 1 you can look to win an all-in with ignite but if he starts w it can be hard. If you are going to play aggro lvl 1 you need good spacing, but definitely possible. After lvl 1, just don't fight Darius unless you have a bigger minion wave. If you parry his W you win the trade, don't bother parrying Qs as he still gets the heal off. Parrying E stuns obviously but is hard/risky to do if you mess it up. Overall main goal should be to not die in this lane, you outscale pretty hard.
Dr. Mundo
Really easy matchup. Conqueror + Sorcery page is good. Just dodge his Qs and use yours to poke him, committing to all-ins whenever possible. You outscale mundo and are more useful in all stages of the game, so as long as you don't play awfully and get behind you should be chillin
After reading this you must be better!
I think this matchup is very playable, I've beaten Solarbacca on it before. Need to be able to parry his empowered auto attack. Play aggressive in the early game for trades, take PTA and Resolve with second wind in this matchup and I would go Doran's shield as well just to constantly heal from Q poke. Jungle ganks rly fk GP up as well so feel free to call your jungler. Once you have 1-2 items you should be winning all-ins as you outdamage and outheal him, you should also be very strong for grubs and early skirmishes in this matchup. If you can ever q between barrels when he uses them on you it's huge, also using auto resets to kill barrels is pretty easy with Fiora.
I think Garen can be a difficult matchup if spacing is bad or if the Garen player is good, but otherwise you should be chillin. Use Qs to outspace his E and Q movement speed, parrying his Q is really good btw. Be careful for Garen's all-in potential with Ignite, you almost never want to just Q into Garen and let him hit all E procs on you as it will be a losing trade with his W. Instead, use your Q and vitals to poke him down and stay out of his effective range. You outscale pretty hard and should be stronger for early fights, use your parry early in fights after 6 because he will save Q for Q + R so if you parry the Q he r's you and if you get hit by the Q he r's you lol, kinda screwed either way if you let yourself get too low. Once you get a lead tho this mu is very snowball and easy. Doran's blade with conqueror + resolve with bone plating is good here, grasp also works too and makes it much easier to lane
I think Gnar is a pretty even matchup in that it's hard for you to kill him and hard for him to kill you. Save parry for either his w passive proc (3 hits on you) or his mega form W as it's easy to get a stun on it. Just play wavestates, I like Doran's shield and Grasp into Gnar
Gragas can be hard for sure. I take the Grasp page in this matchup, look to play around minions to deny his bodyslam and use your Q when he Qs to dodge it as your Q is a really low cooldown and cost. Little baby Qs with Grasp procs can be really good to trade into Gragas, and his E is pretty reactable to parry as well as his ult. Good spacing and movement wins this matchup for you. At the highest level I think this is Gragas favored but in lower elos you can really punish a bad Gragas. Doran's shield is best with Grasp page.
Gwen is a strange matchup, as you are stronger on paper but I feel like that champ is super overtuned. This matchup largely relies on your ability to move effectively and proc vitals whilst dodging her qs. Using your parry to block an auto attack and slow her attack speed is really good. Go Doran's blade with Conqueror & Sorcery page or Inspiration in this matchup and you can take Ignite if you like, though I go Teleport. Ignite + Teleport is an option as well. You should get prio in this matchup so definitely play for it, just be cognizant of her all-in potential.
Illaoi matchup is not very hard. You are much stronger early game especially before lvl 6, and your mobility + parry allows you to mitigate her E pretty easily. The only way you lose this is if you trade into a stacked wave on a bad timer or get hit by every E, otherwise you're chillin. You outscale as well. Doran's Blade + Conq & Sorcery page good here
Irelia is very overtuned right now in my opinion, but she just got nerfed as I'm writing this so hopefully that swings this matchup more in Fiora's favor. You win early game all-ins pretty hard and can abuse your Q's spacing, but if you fail to parry her E or her Q then you are cooked. Getting hit by her stun = losing this matchup so just react to it, it's pretty easy to parry or dodge. Doran's Blade + Sorcery page good with Conqeuror
Jax with Grasp is a really hard opponent to face because he is able to get prio with his E and he just has so much healing and damage. I play both champs and I much prefer to be on the Jax side of the matchup these days, though in the past I thought it was Fiora favored. Take Conqueror with Bone Plating and Doran's Blade in this matchup and give prio early, looking for baby qs that he cannot react to with his e. As for parry usage, you can use his to stun off his e but a good Jax will mix up his e usage so it can be really hard to do it correctly, and if you fail and still get stunned you're cooked (this is how I beat most Fioras as Jax). Parrying his W is often better than anything else as that's where his main damage comes from. Against a bad Jax, using movement to bait his E can work very well, I don't recommend doing long Qs to vitals as if he reacts with his E you're cooked. You outscale eventually and after 6 if he overextends too hard you win all-ins, but if he just plays for short trades it's really hard to beat Jax. You have better wave clear than him so throughout the game look to win with tempo, always pressuring side waves and moving fast on the map.
I despise this matchup and Jayce is my permaban rn because Arcane buffed tf outta him and he beats both my champs (Fiora and Jax). His poke is nuts, his E is hard to react to. Pretty much you just take Doran's Shield, PTA with second wind and play to scale and not die. Jayce is easy to kill with your jungler, I like to parry his Q slam over trying to react to his E in most scenarios. You outscale so just survive early laning phase if possible
K'Sante is a really easy matchup in my opinion if you play a controlled playstyle. The best way to lane vs him is to use your vitals and movement to bait out his q, then q to the vital for a free trade. I highly advise that you do not q for vitals behind K'Sante if you can't parry his W, or if it's early levels as his Q + Grasp auto can hurt quite a bit. Instead, try to use movement and front vitals to kite him out and maintain space so he can never auto attack you without using his e. Once he does that, then you can look to take an extended trade. Of course, parrying either his q3 or w is good, I also enjoy saving my parry for after he ults and parrying his ult form w. Overall, pretty easy matchup as are most tanks. Doran's blade with Conqueror + Sorcery setup, or take Grasp if you struggle vs K'Sante
Pretty easy matchup if you can consistently use q+w slide to parry her w. Other than that, just have good movement to dodge her qs and yea if you get the stun you can all-in. Take PTA + Doran's shield and second wind.
Really easy matchup to punish in the early stages of the game, but if you don't then you are cooked. If you are even at 2 items level 11 then she will beat you in a 1v1, even potentially at 1 item if she's a good player with spacing and knows how to play Kayle. Be careful fighting level 1 as her lethal tempo all-in is surprisingly strong. Overall, just look to take strong short trades and abuse wavestates (i.e. freezing and having your jg gank her). You should be able to pick up some solo kills early. PTA + Sorcery with celerity page is good, Doran's Blade.
Very hard matchup. I like to take exhaust to nullify Kennen throughout the game. Other than that, go PTA with Doran's shield and second wind. Just try to survive this lane is my best recommendation, if you can correctly parry one of his abilities it's good but a good Kennen is gonna beat you up for sure. Maw isn't bad as well if they have 1+ AP champ other than him.
Really easy matchup if you are able to move well and dodge his qs. Even if you get hit by one, really easy to land the parry on his q for a free stun. You should win all-ins at pretty much all stages of the game unless you get hit by a q and don't parry it, as he'll apply grievous wounds and that's gonna hurt. Always good to wait for Kled to use his w on minions (the fast attacks) before fighting him. Spacing is great in this matchup. Can q+w slide and stun him out of his ult as well. Doran's blade + conq and sorc page is good
Malphite can be a rough matchup if you don't get an early lead, as at 1 item or even before that with bramble vest around level 7+ he will start to beat tf outta you. You need to play pretty aggressively early and look for skirmishes as Malphite is really weak and also very vulnerable to ganks as he has no real escape tool. Take doran's blade and conqueror in this matchup with either second wind or sorcery page, up to you. Second wind can be nice against the q poke but sorcery scales better. I like to parry his empowered w auto attack or his e if possible (obviously the r later in the game if reactable)
Maokai is a free lane, just be careful of ganks but other than that you should be able to farm really easily. I like Conqueror with Sorcery page here as it scales really well, can also go Demolish if you want to just play for plates but Maokai can definitely lock you down under tower so care for that. Doran's blade start good! Sometimes you can q+w slide into Maokai and he will q reactively so you get a nice stun off
Very easy matchup for Fiora. Can use your qs and movement speed to dodge his qs, he's very immobile so it's easy to stick to him. Save your parry for his e, as it's pretty much a guaranteed stun. Other than that, just be careful if he takes ignite as he may be able to kill you at lvl 6, but as long as you play aggressively in the early game you should be chillin. Conqueror + Sorcery page with Doran's blade start good here
Nasus is definitely an interesting matchup, and will be harder for those of you that are lower elo and cannot punish him in the laning phase as effectively. This champion is really weak early on, but if you don't punish him then you will lose as the game goes on. The best way to beat Nasus is to kill him as his wave is pushing into you on a bounce by parrying his w. If you parry the w, it's a free kill. If you don't stomp him in lane though, he will eventually outscale you and beat you so care for that. Doran's blade with conq + sorcery good here, can also go PTA.
Bit of a skill matchup. Post 6 your parry doesn't really do anything to him and he should win an all-in if he took combat sums and plays correctly blocking vitals. Very important to get an early lead in this matchup. I recommend going Conqueror + Inspiration or Resolve page into Olaf with ignite and Doran's blade start. If you can ever dodge one of his qs early, you can beat him all-in really easily. Olaf's early game relies on good axe usage so if he throws it too far you can really fk him up as he runs to get it. You outscale heavily as well in the 1v1
Ornn is interesting for sure, like some other tanks. His base damage is surprisingly high in lane and I myself have died to Ornn's before, so make sure you are disciplined and only take good trades, don't overplay too hard. Conq + Sorcery page is good here, Doran's blade start. Ornn's will often try to bait your parry with their w auto attack, they will cancel it on purpose to get you to parry. Don't fall for this, if you win the mindgame you beat tf outta him. Care for ganks
Very hard matchup for Fiora in the early game, if you can get to your Ravenous you should be chillin. His w is easy to react to with your w so you should be able to parry that throughout the game with decent consistency. Start Doran's shield and bring Conqueror or Grasp with second wind in this matchup. Main goal is to just survive lane and not lose too hard
Poppy is a rough matchup after she has reset once or twice, so you need to punish her before then. You can take either Conq or Grasp in this matchup, I like both. Grasp can allow you to poke with baby qs and outrange her q which is nice. Using good movement to bait poppy qs is very strong, and using Fiora q+w slide whenever she uses w works like a charm. Overall just try to maintain decent farm and don't be afraid to play decently aggro early on, as you should win trades. Later on in the game, always shove side lanes but I wouldn't recommend trading with her too often unless it's free as Poppy is very good at stalling until her team can collapse onto you. I'd go Doran's shield in this mu personally with Conq + Resolve second wind
Hard matchup. Very hard for you to ever kill her, and a good Quinn won't make parrying her e easy either. I like PTA in this matchup with Doran's shield and second wind. Just try to farm and make it to your ravenous, if she overextends trying to harass don't be afraid to all-in.
Pretty chill matchup imo. Can try to parry his knockup, but you can also just outspace it if you're good enough. Use qs to maintain distance from him and you should be chillin, you win in all-ins as well. As long as you hit the parry on any ability of his he should lose trades. Conqueror or Grasp both work here, Doran's blade start.
I really despise this matchup. May just be a skill issue but I suck at playing vs Renekton as Fiora. Need to play aggressive early on before he hits 6, otherwise you will just lose every all-in. Very important to not die in this matchup at all, as if you die once you will never be able to fight him again unless you get a nice comeback from teamfights/skirmishes etc. Conqueror with Doran's blade is good here, can take bone plating with resolve tree and play aggressive early on, though I don't really think it's worth doing as renekton will just bounce the 3rd wave back into you and it's impossible to kill him then. Therefore, I recommend giving prio in this matchup and potentially taking a more defensive setup like grasp with doran's shield. Both can work, try to parry his w or his q
Rengar can definitely be an oppressive lane against Fiora, but only if you misplay. He is quite strong early and will most likely take ignite, so try to maintain space away from bushes so he can't consistently jump on you. When he does, you can just parry his q damage and look to trade from there. I like PTA in this lane with Doran's Blade and either sorcery secondary or resolve with bone plating.
Hard matchup, whoever has more experience playing it wins in my opinion. I like to take PTA and exhaust against Riven, though Conqueror or Grasp can work too. I think exhaust is a must though, you can either go exhaust + tp or exhaust + flash. Play aggressive lvl 1 as you should be winning it (unless you have grasp). If she fights you back, just use the exhaust on her qs and it will severely limit her damage output. Once she has 6, it can be hard to win so wait for her to waste abilities or overextend before going for all-ins. Look to parry her q3, but a good riven will stun right before q3 so that it's not reactable and instead forces you to predict. Doran's blade start is good here btw, you outscale eventually
Rumble is a really hard matchup as his damage output is quite. I recommend just trying to scale to your Ravenous hydra, taking either PTA, Grasp or Conq with Doran's shield. All can work. Play aggressive early as Rumble has really low damage on 1 item, you should be able to beat him up and gain prio in the matchup. Just make sure you are consistently autoing minions the whole time while trading so you get push on the wave. You outscale really hard so don't worry too much about stomping lane. Maw good here if they have multiple AP
Ryze sucks to play vs as Fiora. I recommend Grasp in this matchup with Doran's shield, as unless you somehow parry his w you will just never stick to Ryze when he has phase rush enough to pressure a kill. If you're feeling confident though you can go PTA and try to cheese him lvl 1, as ryze has a really weak lvl 1. Once you have Hydra the matchup feels a lot better, just try to avoid taking too much damage from his spells in lane. Maw good if they have more than 1 AP champ
Sett is a hard matchup just because he outdamages you pretty hard in a 1v1. Try to poke him down best you can, as you don't win extended trades early on. His base damage is just too high and he will usually take ignite in this matchup as well. Sett is very vulnerable to ganks so try to play good wave states and don't get chunked as he's pushing into you. I like PTA or Conq with Doran's blade here. Try to parry either his e if possible or his w to block the big shield damage. A good sett will attempt to e stun -> w, so be wary of this and take short trades to make it hard for him to stack up a big shield and do that. If you hit parry even on his q it's still good. You outscale pretty hard if you stay even with him
This matchup is pretty easy for Fiora, but can be risky if you don't space him properly and he brings ignite. Shen has a surprisingly high amount of damage. Either conq or grasp works here with Doran's blade. His e is very reactable, they often will try to e through you to disengage so if you parry that it's huge. You outscale hard so no need to go too crazy early on in the game, Fiora sucks for Shen to face bc if he ults to his team you will get a lot. Demolish good into Shen
Free scale lane. Take PTA and beat him up early with doran's blade, try to parry his e. The only problem with Singed is he will just proxy waves in both the early and late game to make it really hard for you to split, swifties make this matchup way better as you aren't as affected by rylais. Win all the early fights and skirmishes because if you and he are even in mid-late you're prolly gonna lose the game, he will have more impact
This matchup isn't as "free" as you might think, if the Sion is a good player. I think Baus has made people think the champ sucks, but he has a good amount of damage early on in the game. Thus, you need to still play smart and can't just ooga booga fight him early on. Sion players will vary how long they hold their q, so I prefer to hold my q to dodge it whenever they start charging theirs. His r is really easy to parry as well, and you outscale like crazy so no need to burger flip early 1v1s unless it's free. Any of the 3 runes can work here with Doran's blade
Skarner is a pretty easy matchup. I recommend just using parry to block his q as his e point blank is hard to react to. You should be able to space him really easy and win in extended and short trades, so any rune setup works here (conq grasp or pta). Start doran's blade, you outscale super hard. Try to lock him in side lane in later stages of the game, as he will have way more impact in teamfights
Tahm Kench
Kench has surprisingly high damage so it can be hard early game, but if you have good movement and can parry some of his qs pre-6 you should be chillin in this matchup. Take conq or grasp and beat tf outta him, the only thing to watch out for is him eating you near his tower. Even if you parry an auto of his, it still applies a stack so you have to be wary of that. Overall, pretty free lane, you should be ight. Doran's blade start good
Teemo is a really hard matchup if the teemo player is good. Try to not take any damage on the first few waves, as sacrificing hp for cs is almost never worth it in high harass matchups. Take PTA with Dshield and second wind and trade on the bounce when you're pushing into him. Use parry to block his blind, if you do you win the trade. But teemo just does a fk ton of damage, if you don't kill him early and he comes back with swifties you're cooked so you are on a bit of a timer. Ignite honestly isn't bad into him because of this reason, but obviously is more risk. Once you get rav you're chillin, and maw is good as well, you win late game 1v1s convincingly
This matchup can be really hard to play if you aren't good at spacing and doing little baby q trades. Once your parry is down it's really hard to beat trundle, do not just q right next to him either as he can run you down really easily. Ignite is good in this matchup, trade when your parry is up, once he's around 50% hp you can all-in pretty easily. You outscale as well with a few items, 1v1 becomes easy. Very volatile matchup so having your jg camp you is really good. PTA with doran's blade is best vs trundle
Tryndamere is a pretty easy matchup for fiora, as your movement speed and abilities allow you to kite him pretty easily. I would take a combat sum in this matchup, either exhaust ignite or ghost. Save your parry for after he e's, and use baby qs to harass him without him being able to hit you back. Once you have your ult and boots you should be able to kite him out pretty easily with your movement speed. Steelcaps are obviously pretty good into tryn. PTA with doran's blade best here
Udyr is a really tough matchup for Fiora, as his base damage is just so high early and the slow cripples your ability to move around effectively. Take a defensive setup like DShield with Second Wind and I like Conqueror as if he ever overplays you can win an all-in. Don't try to trade at all early game, you can also bait udyr into constantly pushing waves into you as the lane goes on, letting you farm for free. You outscale eventually but yea this matchup is tough, luckily he isn't played very often these days
I find urgot really tough to play vs, especially if he brings ignite. Grasp is good vs Urgot with doran's shield and second wind. Try to take minimal damage when he initially pushes into you, can play a bit more aggressively on the bounce back. Barrier actually works VERY well against urgot in denying his ult and the bulk of his damage, so give that a try if you like. You outscale eventually and his e is decently reactable, but it can be hard and he may not consistently e at you, but instead next to you, etc. A bad urgot is pretty easy to beat but a good urgot is really tough
A good vayne is really tough for Fiora to beat. Doing little baby qs to get CS and taking a defensive setup like grasp or pta with second wind and doran's shield is best. Try to wait to q until she qs at you, if you can qw into her when she qs at you it goes really well even if she es you away. You can take a combat sum in this mu, such as ghost or ignite, both work but ghost lets you keep up with her a bit better. You should outscale in the 1v1
Vlad is tough if you don't punish him early, he will be stronger than you up until you get 1-2 items. Maw is really good second vs him, helps with the 1v1. I recommend PTA and playing aggressive early, taking ignite helps with this matchup a lot if you go nimbus cloak as well. Vlad won't expect the strong all-in that ignite gives you, and it chops his healing as well which is nice. Start doran's blade here and space out his qs when he gets his rage up (bar turns red). You overall shouldn't take too much harass since his effective range is low and he can't walk up past your wave
Volibear is a pretty easy matchup, but requires you to have good psychology regarding parrying auto attack abilities and also requires you to be good at doing baby qs and spacing out his autos. I like grasp in this matchup but PTA can work too, take short trades. You don't want to let him w you twice in a trade, if you do he will win. Overall, pretty easy matchup and you outscale really hard too
This matchup is really easy for Fiora if you take ignite with conqueror and play really aggressive early game. You should be able to use your qs to beat him all-in and get a really good trade lvl 1. As the game goes on, his e is pretty easy to parry but it's mostly important that you parry his qs early on, and use good spacing with your qs + movement speed to prevent him from stacking lethal tempo easily. Start doran's blade
This matchup is hard, Wukong beats you pretty easily in all-ins after he has 6 and most will go ignite as well. I would recommend taking Grasp to make the laning phase easier, it's really hard to beat wukong in all-ins. Use your parry early after he uses his clone or when it's down. You outscale so just don't have too much variance in laning phase, play smart and safe and watch out for his lvl 6 all-in
A good yasuo can be really tough to deal with, as he has a good all-in and pushes waves easily into you. You outscale really hard so just don't die early, PTA or Grasp are both really good into him as you mostly want to be taking shorter trades once his shield is down. Be careful trying to parry his knockup as he can either e and hold q or eq into you, and he can windwall your parry anyway. Dodging qs is crucial in this matchup, else you're cooked. Start doran's blade
Yone is a pretty chill matchup for fiora, his cc abilities are really easy to react to and parry. You can often catch Yone really easily with a qw into his q3, especially early in the game if he isn't experienced in the matchup. Overall, just stick to short trades with q aa e1 e2 and you should be chillin. PTA is best into yone, start Doran's shield as well. You outscale hard in the 1v1
This matchup can actually be pretty hard if the yorick takes ignite and you don't punish him early game. You really need to kill him early or deny cs/win grubs fights. Take PTA with doran's blade and play aggro early on, you outscale hard but at 1 item when he has maiden he will probably win the 1v1 if he has antiheal
Pretty easy matchup, use your qs to take small trades. I like grasp or conqueror into zac, really is personal preference, both can work well. Once you get hydra the matchup is really free, before then if Zac takes ignite he can definitely catch you with a quick solo kill if you fail a parry or anything like that. Start doran's blade
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