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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order
Salvation (PASSIVE)
Soraka Passive Ability


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Soraka stands out as the premier healing support in the game! If you find joy in providing healing and support in the traditional 'MMORPG' fashion, then Soraka is the champion for you. Beyond her impressive healing capabilities, she boasts unique crowd control spells and early-game damage. What's not to love!?
+ Abundant Healing Abilities + Aggressive potential during laning phase + Easy to understand + Global Ultimate |
- Lack of Movement speed - Relatively Squishy - Hard countered by Grevious Wounds - Hard time if miss skillshots |
You shall start Q on Soraka during laning phase to apply pressure for level 2 advantage. Normally you shall get 3 levels on Q to help you sustain through the lane and to apply some damage back to enemy. You don't want to let your ADC be the only one doing the damage! After that you will find yourself maxing W as it's more important for core game, teamfights and early roam skirmishes. Lastly you want to Max E as it's the 2nd most important spell after your W and then finish your Q ( you will hardly ever reach at this level in the game).
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Salvation (Passive): Gives you a HUGE speed boost when going towards low-health allies. |

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Astral Infusion (W): This is Soraka's specialty. She has amazing heals, but she use her own health. You can't kill yourself with this skill. It's recommended not to invest too many points in it early, but you should still max it by level 10. This way, you can balance it with Starcall for effective trade. |

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Equinox (E): This is a special 2-part crowd control move. First, it silences, and if people stay in the 'void zone' when it ends, they get rooted. it can interrupt channeling abilities, like Jhin, Lucian, Xerath, Kata ult. If you put it between you and a chasing enemy, it can be a good tool to root them as they need to go around the circle. Against a hard-engage, don't bother silencing if they've already used their skills. Try silencing someone else to stop the follow-up more like zoning out ability. |

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Wish (R): A heal that works global, and its strength grows based on your allied champions' health. You can use it to heal people in stasis, like those using Stopwatch or caught in Bard's Ult. |

Hold off on using Astral Infusion unless you have the Starcall buff 'Rejuvenation' to heal your ally more.
Equinox is okay for poking early. If you sense a potential gank, save it to block their escape route. Place it between you and the enemy, forcing them to run through it and risk getting rooted when the duration ends.
At level 6, Wish can save a distant ally. Wait until they're below 40% HP for a stronger heal through the ability passive and Revitalize.
Wish can remove grievous wound debuff, but if used on Ignited targets, the damage still persists after the wound is removed.
Sometimes, not healing an ally below 40% HP near a turret can be beneficial. The increased movement speed when running to them can help you escape, unlike healing, which doesn't provide that speed boost from Salvation.

Avoid being too greedy with Wish. Sometimes it's better to heal at 50-60% rather than aiming for the bonus at 40%.
Landing Starcall is your last priority. If you can get one off to get the buff and keep healing allies with Astral Infusion, that's the ideal scenario.
Be cautious about your own health, remembering that Astral Infusion also costs your health.
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