Ignite + TP or Flash + TP. Grasp. Bone Plating. Doran's Shield.
His W denies your W shield. You have two options: go full agressive from level 1 and get advantage against him (ignite setup) or play passive and wait for your JG mercy (flash setup).
Flash + TP. Grasp. Second Wind. Doran's Shield.
He can deny your dashes with his Q. Get prio and punish him early. Buy Grievous Wounds.
Ignite + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade.
Do your best to avoid E stun. Do short trades. Try to aim Q on her when she dashes to farm. You have one chance to win this lane and it is on levels 1-3.
A great Irelia player will be extremely hard to play against.
Flash + TP. Conqueror. Second Wind. Doran's Blade.
Avoid his Q. Wait him spend his E.
Ignite + TP. Electrocute. Doran's Shield.
Before 6, he will bully you, do your best to keep up on farm. After 6, if you both are even, just R and destroy.
Ignite + TP. Electrocute. Second Wind. Doran's Shield.
Feels like Teemo, but easier, if you manage to get on him, it is a free kill. After 6, abuse the unstoppable for easy kills.
Ignite + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade.
Skill matchup, whoever has better spacing wins the lane. Avoid her E and it is a free trade.
Tahm Kench
Flash + TP. Grasp. Second Wind. Doran's Blade.
Do your best to avoid his Q. Abuse short trades and only commit to all-win if you're 100% sure you can kill him and not close to his tower.
Ignite + TP. Grasp. Bone Plating. Doran's Blade.
Use your W level 1 to trade back her Q3. After this point it is a game of who is better at baiting eachother skills. If you have good reflexes and use your W before she stuns you, you can win the trades. Get behind and you are doomed.
Flash + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade. Use W on his Q to poke. Just farm, this is a super boring lane, he can't kill you unless you mess up and you can't kill him unless he mess up.
Flash + TP. Grasp. Second Wind. Doran's Blade. Save your W for his Q. Keep pressure and farm.
Ignite + TP. Electrocute. Second Wind. Doran's Shield. You can start to harass her after lvl 4 with your wave bounce. After 6, just R and destroy.
Ignite + TP. Grasp. Bone Plating. Doran's Shield.
Your only option is to play next to your tower and bait her. Dash out of E.
Flash + TP. Grasp. Bone Plating. Doran's Shield.
Play next to your tower, use your W for Q or W. Try to dash into Q or out of it.
Flash + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade.
Play after lvl 4 with your wave bounce. Q-poke to get rid of his passsive. Dash around him to make it hard to auto attack and hit Q.
Ignite + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade.
Make his life hell on this lane. Q poke at level 1. Get prio and force trades at level 2 and 3. He can't do anything.
Flash + TP. Grasp. Bone Plating. Doran's Blade.
Keep your distance and trade on W cooldown, your damage is higher than him on short trades, specially if you avoid his Q.
Flash + TP. Grasp. Bone Plating. Doran's Shield.
Try to W her EQ. Keep up on farm until Eclipse. With Eclipse, use your Q to poke and avoid her Q poke.
Your kill window is the level 9 and Eclipse before she gets Trinity.
Flash + TP. Grasp. Bone Plating. Doran's Blade.
Abuse early game. Dodge his E.
Flash + TP. Grasp. Doran's Blade.
Lvl 1 W cheese. Force trades and keep pressure. Be careful on her 6. Be mindful of her W when using your R.
Flash + TP. Grasp. Second Wind. Doran's Shield.
A good Poppy will make this unplayable.
Against bad Poppy players, try to get prio from level 1 and play very aggressive. Remember Poppy's W CD is 20s, trade in this window.
Flash + TP. Grasp. Bone Plating. Doran's Blade. Get prio and play aggressive. Kinda anoying because of the root. Try to mitigate W-auto damage or his Q-auto damage with your W.
Ignite + TP or Flash + TP. Grasp. Second Wind. Doran's Blade.
She can't do anything against you on lane without her jungle.
Flash + TP. Grasp. Bone Plating. Doran's Blade.
Get prio at levels 1-3 and avoid long trades. Avoid E with passive or use W if not possible. Disengage when he uses ultimate.
Flash + TP or Ignite + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade.
Use passive to avoid his skills. W can be used as disengage or if you get caught on EQ. Kite him while on ult. Stack conqueror before him and should not be a big problem unless feeded.
Ignite + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade.
This lane is all about spacing and tracking his cooldowns. Poke him down and avoid long trades. If he all-wins, kite back slowly, don't despair. Buy Grievous Wounds as soon as possible but don't finish it.
Flash + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade. If he's on proxy, farm beneath tower, use inner Q next to casters to get them low enough for 1 tower hit + 1 AA. If he overdo the proxy and is way too low, get him with your passive.
Flash + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade.
Do your best to abuse levels 1-5. Avoid his E and try to setup a dash where he would want to use his W. After 6, if even, don't commit to all-win.
Flash + TP. Grasp. Bone Plating. Doran's Blade.
Avoid long trades, abuse short trades and make him use mana. Go all-win with health advantage.
Flash + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade.
Try to avoid Q dashing sideways. Use W to win early trades. Careful with all-win post 6.
Flash + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade.
Avoid his Q. Buy Grievous Wounds. Do small trades taking as minimal damage as possible. All-win when he's low, but careful with his R.
Flash + TP. Conqueror. Second Wind. Doran's Shield.
Don't take too much damage on levels 1-3 and lane is yours. After this, abuse short and long trades, specially when he's low on mana.
Flash + TP. Electrocute. Second Wind. Doran's Shield.
You have to be quick, abuse the fact that he's perma shoving waves and trade when he's setting new towers. To all-win, don't burn everything, go in, make him waste his R, go back, wait for his R to go CD and kill him.
Flash + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade.
Play on range. Predict his E for your W usage. Dash away from W. Use R to avoid his R or W.
Flash + TP. Conqueror. Second Wind. Doran's Shield.
This is one of the most anoying laning phases. Do short trades when he's out of barrels or out of position. You win until late game (3-4 items).
Flash + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade.
Kite and punish him. He can't touch you unless you allow it. Abuse him when his Q is on cooldown.
Flash + TP. Electrocute. Second Wind. Doran's Shield.
Play on bounce. Do your best not to take free poke. Use your E when he uses his E. Cyclosword is great here. After 6 lane gets way easier.
Flash + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Shield.
Don't get caught on his combo or W. Play safe and trade on range. If he wastes his skills, punish him. Black Cleaver is great against this monster.
Flash + TP. Grasp. Bone Plating. Doran's Blade.
Do trades and keep up high health. Punish him when farming and kite back. Abuse W for his E. Careful with his R.
Flash + TP. Electrocute. Second Wind. Doran's Shield. Short trades always with a skill to disengage. Keep wave next to the tower and punish bad positioning. Careful with her 6. Don't be fooled by her low mana, she can run you down.
Flash + TP. Electrocute. Second Wind. Doran's Shield.
Small trades and conserve health. Go all-win from level 3 onwards if she is low health. Be smart on your positioning because of her E.
Dr. Mundo
Flash + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Shield.
You can abuse early game. Play behind minions and punish him if he gets too close. After 6 he's hard to kill, because we have no way of removing his passive. Anti-heal on first back is a great call.
Flash + TP. Grasp. Boneplating. Doran's Shield.
Play safe, he can run you down since level 1. Do small trades. Use your W to negate Q damage. Disengage from his W field. Anti-heal works but at the same time delays your spike, to buy or not depends on how well you're on lane. He is going to outscale you.
Flash + TP. Conqueror. Second Wind. Doran's Shield.
Urgot has a lot of pressure because of his E. If he waste it, punish him hard. Play safe and poke a lot. You can buffer your R into his E, but can't do it with his R. Play it cool, farm well and try to bait his E.
Flash + TP. Grasp or Conqueror. Bone Plating. Doran's Blade.
Avoid her E and kill her tentacles, it is winnable early, but one error and she will snowball hard over you. Anti-heal is needed here.
Flash + TP. Conqueror. Bone Plating. Doran's Blade.
Play around his W cooldown, should't be hard but don't fall for his bait with Barrier+Ignite.
Flash + TP. Conqueror. Second Wind. Doran's Shield.
As expected, you can win early, force long trades, specially when he's out of mana. After his first item, you start to lose if even, and eventually he will outscale purely from armor. Black Cleaver is awesome here.
Flash + TP. Conqueror. Bone Plating or Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade.
Your cooldowns are lower than his Mini Gnar E cooldown, if he wastes his E, make sure to punish this. Against Mega Gnar, dance around him with your dashes, make him waste his Q. Should be an easy lane.
Flash + TP. Grasp. Second Wind. Doran's Shield.
This lane is boring and a good Gragas won't let you kill him. I pick Grasp here for the potential of small trades and survival, but Conqueror works if you play safe enough.
Do your best on short trades, specially after he uses his E. Remember you can avoid both his E and R with your R and use this to outplay him.
Flash + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact or Bone Plating. Doran's Blade. Anti-heal is great here.
Nasus is boring to lane against, what he want is to farm under his tower, what you want is to freeze on your tower and punish him. Do your best to make his life miserable, eventually, around mid/late game he will outscale you, beware of his R. At this point, just kite him and call for help.
Flash + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact or Second Wind. Doran's Blade.
Easy matchup, play after he uses his skills or be reactive with your W. If he commit to all-win, run away, wait and reengage.
Flash + TP. Conqueror. Bone Plating. Doran's Blade.
Shen can be troublesome, specially for begginers. His Q damage is way too high, his W negates our damage and his E lock us in place.
What you can do is play around his E cooldown and force trades after he uses his Q stacks. Remember that his W block our AA damage, but not the passive damage and energy refil, use this to be able to take on the long trades.
Flash + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Shield.
You can abuse early game. Anti-heal on first back is a great call.
Feels a lot like Dr. Mundo, a lot of health but low armor.
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