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Recommended Items
Runes: Hard Scaling
+8 Ability Haste
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health
Basic Option
Ability Order
Dragon Practice (PASSIVE)
Smolder Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
The Gameplay
The Goal is to farm Pasive stacks as fast as possible so we can start execute people at 20min~ Thats why going Toplane is a good idea we can free scale during all laning phase and gain few more stack by poking the oponent. In late game after getting 225 stacks focus on teamfighting wich is your best win condition.
Why it Works ?
Smolder kit deals already a ton of damage with passive only, he has a pretty good laning phase with a great escape tool with his E. After getting 225 stacks your tankiness allows you to always be part of teamfight and apply your execute everywhere.
Even Tanks are no match with your permanent true damage.
Even Tanks are no match with your permanent true damage.
Just Give It A Try !
This is my second guide on this website as always I'm not a professional theorycrafter so if you want to help me popularize this build and find new ways to optimize it I would be grateful.
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