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Recommended Items
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Tailwind (PASSIVE)
Janna Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Brand can be quite difficult to handle beause of his extremely strong poke and incredible burst. Dodging his Q and his W are the only ways for you to survive this lane. He's squishy, but when in close range of him you need to be careful not to get stunned, as getting stunned could very well end in your death.
Janna can keep a squishy and immobile Ashe safe and amplify her auto-attack damage with her E.
Janna can keep a squishy and immobile Ashe safe and amplify her auto-attack damage with her E.
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Hello everyone and welcome to my Janna guide. I'm Jovy, a veteran league player and MOBAFire member. I've been playing League since 2011, with over three thousand games under my belt by now. In about 75% of those games, I played my favourite role - the support role. There's a lot of misconceptions regarding this role! A lot of people consider it boring or too easy. I think once you pour a lot of hours and love into the role, you'll realize that neither is true. I hope this guide, considering Janna is a "starter" support, will help you learn to love the role, as well as (enchanter) supports in general! A little bit more about me: As I've said, I've been playing since 2011. I started out playing ADC and Miss Fortune was my favourite. Around the middle of 2012 I swapped to the support role and basically only played support for a few years. It wasn't until 2017 or so that I finally decided to commit some time to other roles as well - most notably to jungle and ADC. That being said, support is still by far my most played role and it remains my main and favourite one. I don't play a lot of ranked but I've been hovering between high Platinum and low Diamond for the past few seasons. Season 5 was the year when I played Janna the most and I had the most success in ranked at that time. I peaked at Diamond 3 with Janna as my most played champion in that season. My win/loss with her was 63%, with a KDA of just over 10. On the site Lolskill, at the end of season V, I was listed as the 160th best Janna in the world (this is based on stats, so it doesn't really mean anything, but there you have it!). |

Like I mentioned in passing just a minute ago, Janna is what's called an "enchanter". This means her whole deal is helping out her allies by amplifying them in one way or other. Technically speaking, she's not one to pick fights on her own but, rather, she will make her allies stronger, better and faster and win the game through them. This isn't entirely true since the changes to her W and passive - she can now in fact deal a lot of damage herself, especially if she is in a winning match-up. This damage generally falls off after laning phase when people get tankier but she doesn't get stronger (due to lack of income and her build restrictions) so for the remainder of the game she excels, in particular, at peel. This is thanks to her kit, which consists of 3 forms of CC and a unique shield which grants AD and absorbs damage. All these make it very hard for assassins and bruisers to stick to her allies and kill them. She's fairly simple to play and to pick up so she's always a popular choice.

+ | Really good peel | As said before, Janna has 3 forms of CC in her kit. She's got a strong slow on her W, a knock-up on her Q and a knock-back on her ultimate. With all of that + the items that I recommend, it isn't hard to understand why Janna's one of the most irritating champions to play against as an assassin. |
+ | Enhances trades bot lane | Janna's E, Eye of the Storm, is one of the best abilities found bot lane. It provides the targeted ally with AD and it absorbs damage.. You'll see that this is invaluable bot lane where trading plays a big role. When your ADC takes negative damage and deals extra, it's easy to win trades and fights. |

- | Squishy | Although she's fast and possesses loads of CC, Janna's squishiness remains her biggest weakness. If an enemy manages to catch you, you're as good as dead; unless you blow your spells or your ultimate. |
- | Struggles against hooks | Janna may cope poorly playing against the hooks - Naut, Leona, Blitz, Thresh - due to how squishy she is. These champions are popular in the current meta. |
Overall she is a very well-rounded support that fits into most teams and with every Marksman. Although she has a couple of drawbacks, she more than makes up for it and all in all there are very few actual drawbacks to playing Janna.

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Celerity grants you 1% movement speed increase which synergizes well with your passive and your W. More movement speed on Janna also means more damage, so it's an invaluable stat for you. |
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Increases your AP when you're above 70% health, thus effectively increasing the strength of your shields, the amount of AD they grant, as well as your overall damage. |
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Once every 10 seconds an ability of yours will do extra damage, like the old mastery Deathfire's Touch. It's a nice little boost of damage to your W whenever it is up. |

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Causes you take less damage from subsequent enemy attacks. This will make poking you a bit tougher. |
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After you shield yourself, your next AA deals bonus adaptive damage. This is great for trading with the enemy bot/support early on in the laning phase. |
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Just makes your E and ultimate slightly more potent. Not a bad alternative to the above, though I don't think it's as valuable personally. |

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Ranking up Q will make it cost more mana, do more damage and lower its CD a little. The most important thing about your Q is the knock-up AKA the utility. The damage is not important so there's no reason to put any points in this ability prematurely. |
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W max is the favourable way to go right now since, during laning phase, it will allow you to punish the enemy harshly with poke. Points in this ability, aside from increasing the very damage, will also make the slow more potent and this will make engaging skirmishes bot easier. |
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You can opt to max E first if you believe you won't be able to safely poke the enemy bot lane - i.e. you're against Pyke and Draven, for example. In that case, you might as well double down on E max and try to stay safe. |
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As with most if not all other champions, you put your first rank in R at lvl 6, and rank it up whenever it's possible - lvl 11 and then 16. |

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Spellthief's Edge This item grants a few useful boosts as well as a unique passive which will reward you with gold when you poke the enemy ADC/support. |
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Health Potion Health potions can be very helpful as a squishy support, especially in case when you make a bad trade, have been ganked or you've just been in lane for a long time. |
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Warding Totem This is the trinket you start games with. It'll be your only source of wards until you get Eye of Frost reward, which is your #1 priority. Alternate using this trinket with your ADC so there's never no vision bot lane. |

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Ionian Boots of Lucidity Cooldown Reduction is a very valuable stat on Janna so I like to pick up these boots in general. |
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Boots of Swiftness/Mobility These mesh really well with Janna as she already has a lot of movement speed. Swifties will increase the damage your autos and W do due to your passive indefinitely whereas Mobis are weaker in that regard because they lose their movement speed boost during fights. However, Mobis makes you much faster in genereal, which makes warding and roaming easier and more efficient. |

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Redemption Redemption is an invaluable support item. It's an AoE heal, whose only drawback is that it takes 2 seconds to charge up. You can use it during a fight as you'll be able to heal your entire team if it's placed appropriately, you can use it after a fight in case you are going to push objectives such as Dragon or Nashors and you can even use it after you've died, and aid your team from the afterlife; so to speak. It's got very long range so you can also use it to save an ally who might be low and retreated or dueling someone. |
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Ardent Censer Censer is an item which grants a lot of useful stats as well as a passive which enhances your shield and heal so that they grant allies on-hit damage and attack speed. Shielding an ally will also give you the same boosts. This is a must-buy when you have an attack-based ADC a la Twitch, Xayah, Kai'Sa, Vayne and so forth and so forth. |
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Mikael's Crucible Mikael's Crucible is a very good item for Janna. In addition to the great and completementary stats, you receive an active which is similar to ![]() |
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Athene's Unholy Grail When you do damage to enemy champions, a percentage of the damage you deal will turn into blood stacks which will then improve your next shield by granting it a heal on whomever you shield as well. The stats, the AP MR and CDR, are very good on Janna as well. Don't buy this and Mikael's, since the passives cancel each other out; by which I mean, only one of passives will work and not both. |

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Shurelya's Reverie Great item for Janna in terms of all the gained stats. The active can be very helpful for engaging or disengaging team fights. The movement speed buff synergizes with Janna's W, her passive and other movement speed items.. It's a great item all in all for this champion. |
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Locket of the Iron Solari Locket of the Iron Solari is one of the best items to get as a support. The active grants a powerful shield to all nearby ally champions. It's an item best bought against enemy teams with a lot of magic damage (as it provides you with 60 MR) or a lot of AoE abilities. It's stronger the more health you have. |
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Banshee's Veil Strong AP/defence item that grants loads of AP and MR. Good against teams with a lot of magic damage, a fed AP carry or with a lot of CC because of its unique passive; a spellshield. It'll block an incoming ability, useful against Blitzcranks and Threshes. Only drawback is the high price. |
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Twin Shadows Great item for Janna since it gives you CDR and AP which are both very helpful to you. The passive sets out two ghosts which seek out enemies then slow them. It can be useful as an engage tool, but more often you'll want to use this for chasing enemies and scouting. If you're in an unwarded area you can cast Twin Shadows and then they'll find enemies if they are around. If not, you know it's safe. |

Now that you're done reading about that boring stuff, you can jump into the real fun part - reading large, yes, exceedingly large, blocks of text. Although support is sometimes regarded as the 'easy' role, as I may have mentioned in the introduction, this is only partially true. You don't need to worry about a lot of things like CS-ing or I don't know.. mid lane match-ups or whatever other meaningless things other roles do... BUT, regardless, there's still a lot of "pre"-knowledge that you need in order to successfully play and win as a support. In fact, a lot of the knowledge has pretty much nothing to do with your role, or even just bot lane. For example, although as a support you don't last-hit or farm, you need to know a lot about farming in order to help your Marksman control the minion wave and get as many last hits as possible. So lets start off with that.
Controlling the minion wave is basically what it sounds like. You're meant to control the location of the minion wave. You can control it so that they're closer to your tower, to their tower, in the middle of the lane and so on. You control the minion wave so as to give your ADC an advantage and give the enemy ADC a disadvantage.
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![]() Freezing the wave refers to controlling the wave so that it doesn't move from a certain location. For example, you can freeze the wave near your tower and then the wave won't venture off near the enemy's tower, thus the wave will remain in a safe area where your ADC can farm without having to worry about the enemy bot lane engaging or their jungler ganking you. If your ADC is attempting to freeze the wave, you mustn't last-hit or attack any of the minions, lest you break the freeze. ![]() Pushing a minion wave is the direct opposite of freezing it. When you and your ADC want to push a lane, you should attack the wave with your AAs and you can charge your Q in a direction that will hit all the minions. But you still have to be careful not to take any last-hits by accident - you're only damaging the minions for the ADC to kill off faster and push the wave. An ideal time to push the wave is when the enemy laners have just recalled and you're about to recall. What does this accomplish? Pushing the minion wave down the lane will result in them eventually reaching the enemy tower and, hopefully, dying to it. With no laners nearby, the XP and gold will go to waste and your enemy will be at a disadvantage. This is also the safest time to push a lane because you're not at risk of being ganked. |

Unlike with pushing, where you're assisting your ADC, this something you do on your own. Holding the minion wave means you're stopping the enemy minions from reaching your tower. You do this by basically body-blocking the wave until your own minion wave catches up, or your ADC does so he can kill all the minions. You're not meant to kill any of the minions, just distract them so they can't reach the tower and die to it - making your ADC lose valuable gold and experience. Your shield comes in handy here.
Once your minion wave comes to the rescue, you need not block the wave yourself anymore. This will, however, mean that your minion wave will now attack the enemy's minion wave. So as to lose as little gold as possible, last-hit minions close to death, but don't attack them otherwise so they can live as long as possible and hopefully get killed by your ADC later!

Last-hitting under tower can be very tricky. Luckily, you don't have to do it! What a great role support is. You are still expected to help your ADC out though, so let's learn how.
Melee minions can take 3 tower shots before they die. Your ADC should let the tower hit the minion twice, then last-hit it. Therefore, when it comes to melee minions, you shouldn't assist in any way at all unless they're not at full HP when they reach the tower. In that case you'll need to try and help your ADC out with your AAs.
Caster minions will take two tower shots before they die. However, in order to get the last-hit your ADC needs to AA the caster minion twice after it has been shot by the tower. The tower's "auto-attack CD" is just under 1 second, and it doesn't give your ADC enough time to hit the minion twice before the towers attacks again. This means that with caster minions, until your ADC gets a BF Sword or something, you'll need to help. When the tower shoots the minion once, you should AA it and then your AD should. Another thing you could do is use your Q on just the caster minions when you're under the tower. Charge it for no time at all so it does the smallest amount of damage, and release it. That'll do just enough damage and help your ADC get the last-hits!

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← Click here to check out my general guide on Warding to learn all about it! . |

Now we'll delve into the actual playing of Janna. Janna is a support champion that excels at peeling and protecting her team and ADC. Her kit consists of 3 forms of CC and a unique shield which grants AD and absorbs damage. This is actually a cheap reiteration of what I said in the introduction, but it's worth a reminder before we jump into what she can actually do in laning phase.
Well, in the past, she was a textbook passive baby-sitter type of support. Basically, what did she do? - and I'm saying this for all the people who didn't play season 2-6... - well, nothing! You would get into lane, kinda sit in the bush and shield your ADC every so often. But NOW, after her soft champion update, she has a bit more agency and responsibility in the lane.
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That is not to say that Janna's lost her previous shield-maiden function. Although the shield was slightly changed - it decays now - it can still be used in the same way as before. Another reiteration: the basic two-word thing her shield accomplishes is enhancing trades. In bot lane, trades win lanes and with Janna you're bound to win most of your trades because Janna's ADC will do more damage to the enemy ADC and also take less damage - all due to her shield. Because of how impactful the shield is, you should always stick close-ish to your ADC and always be ready to pop your shield on him when it looks like he's about to exchange blows with the enemy ADC. It can also be beneficial to use the shield on yourself, but not just when you're in danger, as people are wont to do. You should also utilise the shield to trade with the enemy support. It'll improve your trading just like it improves the trading of your ADC. You'll take little to no damage, but your AA will be enhanced and you'll be doing a lot more damage. |
During the early stages of laning phase, I recommend that you utilise your AAs and poke the enemy support or ADC. When it comes to poking the ADC, the best time to poke is when they're killing a minion. If they've AAed a minion, their AA goes on a sort of cooldown and they can't retaliate if you attack them then. When it comes to the enemy support, using your shield and a ward you can continuously poke them while they're trying to hide in the brush. Poking the enemy support is a good idea because if they're low, they can't engage on your ADC. Furthermore, it makes it easier for you to engage if the enemy support is low on health.
And be sure to follow up a quick W when you go in for the AA-trades, because, as it is maxed first, it'll do a wallop of damage to the enemy. In fact, if you can, try to W and then unleash an array of AAs onto them while they're slowed. This sort of constant harass is very difficult to repel.
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You go about engaging with Janna in several ways. The most straightforward engage is done by charging up your Q for half a second while being practically in melee range of the ADC. Being so close means you don't have to charge it for a long time - which gives the enemy less chance or none at all to dodge your incoming knock-up. I don't recommend trying to charge the Q from long distance. It seems like a good idea, but the longer the tornado travels, the more opportunity the enemy will have of evading it. Even if you charge it out of their vision, they'll be able to dodge it once it's in their vision range, since it's rather slow moving. Another thing you can do is use your W - Zephyr. You can use it to either slow your enemy before you Q them - so that they have a smaller chance at dodging it, or you can use it after your Q, so they have a tougher chance at getting away after they've been knocked up. |
Before you get your Eye of Frost reward you're generally safe-ish from jungle ganks as most junglers don't tend to gank bot lane before level 6. After level 6 you'll have your Eye of Frost and your ultimate, and it'll be pretty easy to deal with ganks. On the off chance that you are ganked before level 6, you still have a good chance at getting off safely if you use your skills properly to disengage the fight.
The most important thing to remember when being ganked is to remain calm and not panic. If you panic and use your abilities improperly, your chances of escaping shrink. When you get ganked, you must think fast but in a calm fashion and assess the situation. If the enemy has a dangerous dash, be ready to try to interrupt it with your Q, otherwise try to hit the Q on the most dangerous target, either the one that does the most damage or has the most CC. You need to watch out for skillshots, like if you're against a Morgana and are being ganked, be careful not to get hit by Dark Binding. Another thing you must pay attention to is the location of your ADC and be ready to peel for him and save him if you can.
You disengage fights with your Q (the knock-up will temporarily stop your enemies from advancing), your W slow and with Exhaust. After lvl 6, you also have your ultimate which is incredibly good at disengaging. It's basically a no brainer on how to use it - when a threat is nearby you and you've exhausted your other resources, pop your ultimate when they're in range. If it's your ADC who is in trouble, come close to him and pop your ult.

Around 15 minutes into the game, laning phase ends and you're thrown into mid game. It may happen earlier, sometimes even later, but generally mid game begins around the time the first tower(s) go down and the teams start leaving their lanes and grouping up more.
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When should you take the tower bot lane? Usually it's best to take it as soon as you are able. Taking the tower bot lane would mean that you'd be releasing pressure off of other lanes, because you'll become a higher priority on the enemy jungler's gank list. This sounds bad, but if you're being ganked a lot by the enemy jungler, it gives top lane and mid lane an advantage. In additon to that, you'll be giving a small sum of gold to everyone on your team. It may also be beneficial to delay taking the tower. Whenever you do take bot lane, the smartest next move for you to take is usually heading up to mid lane and sieging that tower there. You could also trade lanes with the enemy top laner and try to quickly get the top turret before rotating mid and gearing up for bigger and better team fights. Another important thing to mention is that taking the very first tower of the game will grant an extra amount of money to the slayer. So if you are able to secure the money for ADC, go for the first tower every time. |
Grouping around more and more will mean that team fights are going to occur. Teamfights can be really messy and they can sometimes go either way. Your job is to disengage, peel and protect. You should always attempt to disengage unfavourable fights. If your team is even or behind the enemy team, for example, and the enemy team outnumbers you and engage, this is not a good time for your team to fight. Whatever attempts they make, you should try to counter.
Peeling is forcing an enemy away from their target. For example, if in a team fight an Irelia jumps on your ADC, you can peel her off by knocking her up or away, Exhausing her or slowing her with W. These things will keep the Irelia away from the ADC and will put her in a vulnerable situation as well. Janna is a great peeler and in team fights it's smart to try to stick close to your ADC so that you're always available for peeling enemies off.

That concludes my guide! Thank you all for reading and I hope you found the guide helpful! Drop an upvote if you did! If you have any comments, suggestions or questions (including anything related to the aesthetics of the guide) please feel free to post here or send me a private message. I will read everything and reply to questions and criticism. Good luck and have fun on the Rift!
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