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Draven Build Guide by ApolfHutler

ADC (90% WINRATE MASTER) Updating the guide soon ,13.05.2021 , slendoooo on

ADC (90% WINRATE MASTER) Updating the guide soon ,13.05.2021 , slendoooo on

Updated on July 6, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ApolfHutler Build Guide By ApolfHutler 85 14 196,475 Views 5 Comments
85 14 196,475 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ApolfHutler Draven Build Guide By ApolfHutler Updated on July 6, 2022
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Runes: 1

1 2
Hail of Blades
Taste of Blood
Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter

Legend: Bloodline

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Cleanse


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

(90% WINRATE MASTER) Updating the guide soon ,13.05.2021 , slendoooo on

By ApolfHutler

As seen here, i got master tier on euw with 9 loses only while playing all games as draven, my other accoount is this one.
Who am i
Hey, i'm Slendo,euw grandmaster draven one trick , peaked at 477 lp in season 10, and i want to create this guide just because i see 99.999% of draven players playing draven wrong , building wrong items ,etc.
If u have any questions about my playstyle or anything like that.
Just watch my stream right here
Why this build? Why this runes ? Why cleanse instead of heal?
Explaining the build

This is the highest posible DPS build you can build for Draven.

Kraken's slayer's stats are good enough by themself, but in most builds u lack ATTACK SPEED , which this item's mythic passive offers

Sanguine is one of the most underestimated items in the game, with this + kraken u can 1v1 any solo laner and get a huge lead of it

Collector works really great as a 3rd item as preparation for Infinity Edge, but u could also go LDR if enemy is too tanky

Essential item, this would be ur 2nd spike after kraken + sanguine.

Ldr is a really good item to counter tanks with much bigger health bars than yours.

Attack speed boost work really REALLY good with kraken slayer's passive

Explaining the runes



Conqueror is one of the 2 usable runes on draven , u can use it really well and abuse the bonus dmg passive inside of teamfights, or when u play vs tank jg/support.

Hail of blades is one of the most aggro runes in game, use it early to punish ur enemy botlaners and snowball the game from that

Triumph is 1 of the most "high risk high reward" type of runes in the game, it helps u by a bit to snowball getting u +25 gold per kill ,and it helps u clutch some flights with the healing after a kill.

Essential to take in current meta, so u make sure ur R's don't let enemies live with 5 hp.

Scaling rune, works really great with sanguine since , sanguine + this is basically old Bloodthirster healing.

Taste of blood is the rune that wins u trades early game, should be taken in both rune pages.

Rev hunter got patched at start of preseason and now it has omnivamp, meaning ur q's count as bonus healing too , really good rune.

Eyeball collection is another scaling rune, once u reach 10 takedowns u will have +18 AD for the price of nothing.

Explaining the spells

Flash is an essential spell on draven since u will not have any other dash or insane stuff like that in ur kit.

Most people always ask me why i take cleanse over EXH/HEAL , well its simple , in current meta 9 out of 10 games people get EXH+IGNITE on botlane, and with cleanse u can cancel both of them.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author ApolfHutler
ApolfHutler Draven Guide
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(90% WINRATE MASTER) Updating the guide soon ,13.05.2021 , slendoooo on

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