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Recommended Items
Runes: Top Standard
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
[SP1] Standard
Ability Order Standard Go-To
Darkness Rise (PASSIVE)
Mordekaiser Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
He can ult out of yours (but I guess you already know this), he pokes you down, he heals, he's an annoying ****.
Play safe and hope for jungle help. Enstablish a lead before trying 1v1s
Rush Oblivion Orb then rylai
Champion Build Guide
This is a WorkInProgress Mordekaiser guide. I am no type of pro or really good player. I just enjoy Mordekaiser, in-game and lore.
This keeps track of matchups and builds that worked for me.
I aim to explain every matchup and tips on Morde, for Top and Jungle.
I am currently developing this page, soon in the detailed description you will start to find every single matchup insights. For now look at threats.
This keeps track of matchups and builds that worked for me.
I aim to explain every matchup and tips on Morde, for Top and Jungle.
I am currently developing this page, soon in the detailed description you will start to find every single matchup insights. For now look at threats.
DShield if EVEN+ matchup
- BUILD: [B#1] | Start with D-Shield and pot. Buy Bramble vest early and rush Rylai. After you close Rylai go for first piece of Jak'Sho, do not close it completly cause you would not have enough damage to brust him down at low HP. Go for Demonic then Jak and complete the build. Buy SteelCaps after Rylai.
- RUNES: [TOP WEAK LEVEL 1 MELEE] | Main runes are standard. Secondary go BonePlate and Revitalize to sustain in lane.
- SUMMONERS: [SP2] | Ignite is a must to allow early kills so that you can snowball
- Level 1-6: He is stronger, if he goes for a long shot axe then you can punish him, do not run away in a straight line and try to avoid the throw. Make sure to get pushed under your tower. Try to use E to pull it in your tower range and allow easy damage on him. Save W when is at least to half to heal up.
During these early levels a gank is vital to win the match, if you are strongsided make sure to spam ping the jungler, keep your HP up and with a gank or two your life will be easier. - Level 6+: now he has a built in QSS. You aim to force him to use it without you ulting. Never walk up past half of your lane at this point because even if he is behind he can run you down and kill you. Keep your R and TP and try to make plays outside your lane: e.g. walk bot and help drake and get a kill on the ADC or Support and then go back to your lane even stronger.
- TEAMFIGHTS: If at this point he is not giga fed you have accomplished your goal. In teamfight you shine, take away the ADC,Mid or Jungle (prio jungle if on an objective). If your team has another tank that can keep Olaf busy you get out of ult and with the 10% added stats you win. Try to keep him away from your carries since they are the only one who can kill him. Remeber if Olaf has nothing to beat up he can't regen HP.
- LATEGAME: Focus on other members of the team and keep peeling for your carry, at this stage of the game he would have enough damage to kill him. Do not foce a 1v1 in a split push cause he will win every single time.
- Level 1-6: He is stronger, if he goes for a long shot axe then you can punish him, do not run away in a straight line and try to avoid the throw. Make sure to get pushed under your tower. Try to use E to pull it in your tower range and allow easy damage on him. Save W when is at least to half to heal up.
- MY OPINION: The problem is not the mathcup itself but the Kit. Basically it will be a problem for your team and jungle since they have to help you and a lot of your splitpush potential is just cutted off.
This is my GO-TO ban with Morde, cause any other matchup even if you struggle in lane you will always be good on teamfight. In this case if you missplay just a little he can just outscale you with farm and be a problem later on. End of story: BAN HIM!
- BUILD: [B#1] | Start D-Shield and Pot, rush Rylai and Mercs for tenacity. Close the first 1200G piece of Jak Sho then rush Demonic Embrace. You need damage or he will statcheck you. End with standard Thornmail and Spirit Visage.
- RUNES: [TOP STANDARD] | Standard build for main tree, Tenacity is so important against Jax. His E is the key to his kit, kill that E and you win the matchup.
- SUMMONERS: [SP1] | TP is vital to keep pressure in lane.
- Level 1-6: You are stronger if you play correctly. After 13.14 his E has a 15s cooldown early levels, since most Jax will max W you have a 15 sec window to poke and punish him. Once you unlock E you can have more risky trades. Do not waste your pull unless he jumps on you and he starts spinning. If you are about to get stunned press W and Q, these two abilites connect even if you are stunned. Poke him down enough and then you will kill him easly.
- Level 6+: After 6 it is harder. His MR ramps up after he ults and his damage at this point is big even if behind. Keep poking him as usual. Half HP ult him and you will kill him.
- TEAMFIGHTS: He is a manace in teamfights for yours squishies. Keep an eye on him and if he goes in and no body is there to stop him, then press R. Keep him away from your team damage. Even if you just delay him enough to have your team there once you exit you basically shut down everything he can do.
- LATEGAME: He scales insanely well, no matter how hard you won early. If your team has no CC to stop him you can't do much. In ult he will melt you down if he's full build
- MY OPINION: Jax is a really hard matchup to play as Mordekaiser. But if played correctly you can shut him down enough early to give your whole team a leading edge. Be patient and bait out his abilites to win, go for long trades, your passive will help. Focus him if he aims at your carries/mages,go far as ulting him. A good Jax will never engage first and will focus your backline, if you stop him from doing that you did your job.
- BUILD: [B#1] | Standard build, rush Rylai and Boots. Buing boots early in this matchup is good so you can keep running him down. Then go for normal build as explained above. Do not bother to buy armor since he does broken true damage.
- RUNES: [TOP RANGED] | Main runes are standard, if enemy team has few CC you can skip TENACITY and go for ALACRITY. Second Wind is for Q poke, even if GP is classified as a melee I think Second wind help more, Revitalize is stanard for shield and healing.
- SUMMONERS: [SP1] | TP is vital to keep pressure in lane.
- Level 1-6: He is going to run First Strike. Try to poke him with Q before he does it but do not walk up too hard sice he can kite you better (assuming he starts with Q). Farm and try to get level 2 prio, once you unlock E use it to toggle off his FS. Bait his barrels and walk in if you are confident to blow it up before he does it. At level 3 your real power spike begins. You can trade with E+Q+AA and then run him down for all the lane. Tank with W his Q and/or his barrels. Before he gets 1 or 2 items the barrels won't do much damage and W is more than enough to tank them.
- Level 6+: Golden Rule: NEVER - ULT - GP. Post 6 do not waste your ult on GP, if Jungle cames then use R on Jungle or keep it for objectives. There is only one istance where you can ult him: if you get it low enough and you need a little bit of damage to kill him, chances are that he will waste his Orange to heal up, then you can Ult. Since your R does a little amout of damage when you cast it you can kill him even if he has W up if he's really really low.
- TEAMFIGHTS: You win. GP has a massive amount of damage but if your team is even and supposed you won lane against GP he's squishy enough for your team to take down while you R the carry or the frontline. As usual use your R to block anyone of the other team Jungle if objective, ADC or High AP mages. But if you hear him eating his orange you can ult him and get a free kill. GP at this point in the game has already a lot of damage and for sure is able to put you half HP in a long 1v1 or if you are splitting. If you split do not challenge him under tower like in the early game cause the Slow + Barrel Damage + Ult can kill you in the blink of an eye.
- LATEGAME: He wins hard. If he manages to get full build he's a walking powerhouse of damage even if the GP is bad. He will not be your focus but as stated before try to focus more annoying or strong members of the enemy team.
- MY OPINION: It's hard to find a good GP, I have never had the chance to fight one. I'm sure he is a hard pick into someone that onetricks him or knows how to kite well. That said if you manage to get 1 kill or 2 in early game you win lane and most likely the match. He's in the extremely hard category just because if you find a good GP you'll have a very bad day.
- BUILD: [B#1] |
- RUNES: [TOP WEAK LEVEL 1 MELEE] | Main runes are standard. Secondary go BonePlate and Revitalize to sustain in lane.
- SUMMONERS: [SP1] | TP is vital to keep pressure in lane.
- Level 1-6:
- Level 6+:
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