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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Damnation (PASSIVE)
Thresh Passive Ability
Pros / Cons
- With your "Q" you deal tons of damage with your first hit on an enemy
- Self shield with the lantern
- Many pull/push spells
- Very strong slow with ult
- Late game damage through skills (because of the souls)
- No escape skills (except ulti)
- Not the longest range
- High cooldowns
When you start with Boots and Pots you can dodge the most skillshots and if you are low on health you dont have to go back.
When you first go back buy Zeal, it gives you more speed and crit chance.
Then buy Vampiric Scepter and Berserker's Greaves. Just more attack speed and lifesteal.
The most important items are Phantomdancer, Bloodthirster and Last Whisper they buff your auto attacks really hard.
Iceborn Gauntlet reinforces your Q passive. Just do a skill and than do the first auto attack.
Then choose between Runaan's Hurricane or Statikk Shiv both items are good. Just choose.
When you first go back buy Zeal, it gives you more speed and crit chance.
Then buy Vampiric Scepter and Berserker's Greaves. Just more attack speed and lifesteal.
The most important items are Phantomdancer, Bloodthirster and Last Whisper they buff your auto attacks really hard.
Iceborn Gauntlet reinforces your Q passive. Just do a skill and than do the first auto attack.
Then choose between Runaan's Hurricane or Statikk Shiv both items are good. Just choose.
In teamfights don't go in first. Let the fight begin and attack from a distance. Don't let the enemys come near to you because you will be the main focus (if you are feeded). Your ultimate is also pretty good for teamfight because it slows the enemys by 99%. And if and enemy wants to run away just grab him with your Q.
- Your best skill. The passive is fu**ing amazing
- Your can grab enemys or port you to them
- It gives you a usefull shield
- Team member can use the lantern and rush to you
- The area where the lantern is, is visible
- You can collect souls with it
- The skill is not so important
- You can push the enemy back or pull him a bit
- It is usefull if the enemy is close to you (do your R and then push the enemy through a wall)
- Usefull in teamfights
- 99% slow, very strong
- Your best skill. The passive is fu**ing amazing
- Your can grab enemys or port you to them
- It gives you a usefull shield
- Team member can use the lantern and rush to you
- The area where the lantern is, is visible
- You can collect souls with it
- The skill is not so important
- You can push the enemy back or pull him a bit
- It is usefull if the enemy is close to you (do your R and then push the enemy through a wall)
- Usefull in teamfights
- 99% slow, very strong
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