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Ahri Build Guide by xDivineYuri

Middle Ahri , The Nine-Tailed Fox. Don't You Trust Me?

Middle Ahri , The Nine-Tailed Fox. Don't You Trust Me?

Updated on April 15, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xDivineYuri Build Guide By xDivineYuri 1 6 6,498 Views 17 Comments
1 6 6,498 Views 17 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author xDivineYuri Ahri Build Guide By xDivineYuri Updated on April 15, 2013
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My Identity :)

Greetings Summoners ,
I am your MOBAFIRE Guide , xDivineYuri. Just Call me Divine instead. Well.. This is my first time to make a guide so please.. do not write bad comments under my guide or in the discussion thread :) If you want to Know me more.. Just go to my profile and message me.. Well Anyway Let's Start with the Introduction.. Don't forget to subscribe! Thank you :)
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Ahri is a Mobile Mage Assasin. Utilizing skill shots , Dashes , and Clever Positioning. Ahri Excells taking up a single target and disrupting the enemy's team. Ahri is good at middle game by harassing opponent , you can conquer the lane and make your opponent gapped .. Ahri is very squishy at early game but if you build some defensive items , She can stay longer. Ahri is a champion who is hard to chase when her Ultimate is cooldown and Ahri has a High range skill shots that prevents opponent to fight at high health. Ahri is a good ganker too once she got her ultimate she can roam to the bottom and top lane.
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

My Runes is flat Ability power , and a slight mix of a Magic penetration. This rune setup makes my enemy or opponent more squishier.
I call This setup "Paradigm Shift" this means "Sudden Change"
I do not build Magic resist and Armor runes to Ahri As I said earlier she is a champion that is hard to chase.

Greater Mark of Ability Power - This runes will help you at your early gaming. It will give you a nice Ability power at the start of the game

Greater Mark of Magic Penetration - This will make your squishy opponent more squishier and ignore some Magic Resist.

Greater Seal of Ability Power - This will help you to gain a nice Ability power.

Greater Glyph of Ability Power - This will be the 2nd most helpful runes because it gives a medium amount of Ability Power in start of the game.

Greater Quintessence of Ability Power - This is the most important and helpful rune. It gives a massive amount of ability power.
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Summoner's Wrath - It Improves my Summoner's Spell. Specially Ignite , It gives 5 Ability power While on cool down. It only give 5 Ability power but it is much Helpful.

Sorcery - Gives 4% cool down reduction and it enable Ahri to harass her opponent.

Blast - This gives a little help.

Havoc - Give over all damage dealt to your opponent.

Arcane Knowledge - This gives you Penetration together with your
Greater Mark of Magic Penetration runes and your Item Sorcerer's shoes. It give a lot of penetration. It will make you opponent squishier than ever :)

Mental force - gives 6 Ability power.

Spellsword - Gives and extra Magic damage According to the Ability power you have.

Archmage - This is the most important masteries in AP carriers. Gives 5% Ability power. Also added at the Rabadon's Deathcap over all it gives 30% increase in Ability power.

Executioner - Deal more damage when your health is 50%.


Summoner's Insight - Generally Decrease Flash's Cool down by 15 seconds

Meditation - Gives Mana regeneration together with Doran's ring.

Improved Recall - Reduce the cast time of recall.

Mastermind - gives 10% Summoner's spell cool down. Giving Flash's cool down 300 - 255 seconds and Ignite's cool down 210 - 180 seconds together with the Enchantment: Distortion it will give Flash 25% another cool down reduction over all 188 seconds.

Biscuiteer - Gives an Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation an extra potion that heals 80 health and 50 mana.
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This guide shows on what we build on Ahri It is not the most powerful build and it depends on whom your opponent is.


Generally we build Boots of speed. But in my Guide I build Doran's ring first , as I said Previously Ahri badly needed mana. Doran's ring purpose is to sustain or circulate Ahri's mana by taking up Creep Shots or minion shot. Health potion helps Ahri to stay longer in lane.Sight wardSight ward Give Ahri a chance to avoid team ganks.


Chalice of Harmony - Helps Ahri to sustain her mana and gives magic resist. It regenerates how mana is missing. Together with the Doran's ring.

Sorcerer's Shoes - It Gives movement speed and magic penetration.

Blasting wand - Gives Ability power to make high damage.

Negatron Cloak - Gives magic resist to avoid bursted.

Giant's belt - Helps Ahri to stay longer in Clash or in field.


Athene's Unholy Grail - It gives a lot of Help to sustain Ahri's mana whenever you kill or assist.

Enchantment: Distortion - In earlier explanation I said that Enchantment: Distortion is one of the most important item in AP carriers or Flash users.

Abyssal Scepter - This Give you magic resist and helps you to be bursted. It also helps For Tanky opponents this reduces enemy's magic resist.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter - This is your Defensive item and Utility by the effect of slow. Ahri will have a higher chance to chase out an enemy.

Rabadon''s Deathcap - One of the most offensive item of an AP carry.It give a lot of Ability power.

Deathfire Grasp - This effects suits Ahri's need , it gives High Ability power and at the same time cool down reduction. It is clickable item too! It will make opponent more squishy.
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Summoner's Spells


Flash - At early game you can use Flash as a escaping and chasing skill. Flash will be the most powerful skill you have at level 1 - 5. Together with the Spirit Rush Ahri is one of the champion that is hard to chase.

Ignite - One of your offensive skill. Ignite will serve as you Anti-Healing Enemy like Master yi Nidalee Also Volibear.


Teleport -This one of the useful skill for ganking. By Teleporting on your ally's ward.

Ghost - Gives 35% Movement speed and Chase opponents When Spirit Rush is cool down.
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Champion Spells

Ahri's Spells

Orb of Deception - It is Ahri's skill that Harass and Farm Greatly.I pick this skill at level 1 and max it by level 13

Fox-Fire - Fox-fire is Ahri's great damaging skills although it has small casting range it deals very large damage at single target.I take this at level 3 and max it by level 9.

Charm - Ahri sends out a heart that makes opponent walk toward Ahri harmlessly.This skill is use when you want to burst damage to an target. I use this skill to not counter or dodge my skill , This skill is also a clash starter. I take this at level 2 and max it by level 18.

Spirit Rush - Ahri dashes towards an enemy and damaging nearby enemies.In which this skill will be the escape and chasing skill.
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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Ranked Play

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Pros / Cons

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Creeping / Jungling

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Team Work

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Unique Skills

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