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Runes: Basic runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Draw a Bead (PASSIVE)
Tristana Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Pokes a lot and also the amount of cc provides you with a chance to combo.
Pokes a lot and also the amount of cc provides you with a chance to combo.
Champion Build Guide
Hi, am Kicaj! I swap between ADC and supp a lot I like trying new things and this is actually a nice change with this patch. Try it yourself!!!
simple game plan
Play aggressively. You can poke from a distance and create pressure on bot. In late game try pushing while in the lead. If behind roam mid to close the gold gap. Don't be afraid to go into a fight. Trust your E and use R to get some extra E stacks before close combat (vs melee). Enjoy and GL HF. keep focus and have a good time while owning therift with this little jordle.
Play aggressively. You can poke from a distance and create pressure on bot. In late game try pushing while in the lead. If behind roam mid to close the gold gap. Don't be afraid to go into a fight. Trust your E and use R to get some extra E stacks before close combat (vs melee). Enjoy and GL HF. keep focus and have a good time while owning therift with this little jordle.
Play aggressively. You can poke from a distance and create pressure on bot. In late game try pushing while in the lead. If behind roam mid to close the gold gap. Don't be afraid to go into a fight. Trust your E and use R to get some extra E stacks before close combat (vs melee). Enjoy and GL HF. keep focus and have a good time while owning therift with this little jordle.
"Rocket Jump Rocket Jump is a reference to rocket jumping in FPS Arena games (like Quake) which allows oneself mobility by using a RPG or any other rocket launcher to accelerates one's jump.
Buster Shot Buster Shot is a reference to the attack used by Megaman.
Tristana has the fifth longest possible basic attack range in the game with Range icon.png 669 units at level 18, right after Kog'Maw Kog'Maw when he uses his Bio-Arcane Barrage Bio-Arcane Barrage, which grants him a 710 attack range, Jinx's Jinx's Fishbones Fishbones at rank 5, which grants her a 725 attack range, Twitch Twitch when he uses Spray and Pray Spray and Pray which grants him a total of 850 attack range, and Seraphine Seraphine when she have full stacks(20 stacks) of her passive, Stage Presence Stage Presence, granting her a grand total of 1025 attack range(25 per note). This does not count champions that can have theoretically infinite range with stacking.
Her dance references a typical soldier's stationary marching while singing a military cadence.
A side-by-side comparison can be seen here.
Tristana can attack the Baron Nashor Baron Nashor over the back wall once she hits Level 15 due to the extra attack range she gains from Draw a Bead Draw a Bea"
Buster Shot Buster Shot is a reference to the attack used by Megaman.
Tristana has the fifth longest possible basic attack range in the game with Range icon.png 669 units at level 18, right after Kog'Maw Kog'Maw when he uses his Bio-Arcane Barrage Bio-Arcane Barrage, which grants him a 710 attack range, Jinx's Jinx's Fishbones Fishbones at rank 5, which grants her a 725 attack range, Twitch Twitch when he uses Spray and Pray Spray and Pray which grants him a total of 850 attack range, and Seraphine Seraphine when she have full stacks(20 stacks) of her passive, Stage Presence Stage Presence, granting her a grand total of 1025 attack range(25 per note). This does not count champions that can have theoretically infinite range with stacking.
Her dance references a typical soldier's stationary marching while singing a military cadence.
A side-by-side comparison can be seen here.
Tristana can attack the Baron Nashor Baron Nashor over the back wall once she hits Level 15 due to the extra attack range she gains from Draw a Bead Draw a Bea"
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