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Runes: Jungle
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Unleashed Smite
Threats & Synergies
Bruiser tops are ideal
Bruiser tops are ideal
Champion Build Guide
An Ability Power-oriented build is better than a normal
While it provides more damage, AP also boosts the size of Ivern's shields, so the playstyle is not too unusual for those who are accustomed to the activity of playing Ivern with an uninspiring display of items such as
I firmly believe that a major factor that caused the infamous low playrate of Ivern is his seemingly inherent and inevitable reliance upon allied champions if the player seeks the unlikely possibility of winning. However, unbeknownst to most, this issue is largely fixed if only the summoner were to demand that Ivern bought, with his hard-earned gold, the array of items showcased above.
Between playing jg or mid, jg is more optimal and better for solo carrying. Midd is still a very solid pick if you get autofilled or prefer playing mid.
Also link this in the pre-game chat
*Hit blastcone into Wolf camp and while your auto attack projectile is travelling, begin casting Rootcaller at the Blue buff. Pick up Wolves and recast Rootcaller onto Blue to pick it up.
After the first full clear you may improvise your pathing depending on where you want to go. Just focus on ganking pushed up enemy laners and taking drag/herald/baron if the enemy can't contest
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