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Janna Build Guide by TikalKeria

AP Support Janna

AP Support Janna

Updated on March 8, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TikalKeria Build Guide By TikalKeria 5,893 Views 0 Comments
5,893 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TikalKeria Janna Build Guide By TikalKeria Updated on March 8, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



Hello, my name is TikalKeria, and this is my guide to aggressive support Janna.

Janna is my main support and the first champ I ever played, incidentally.
I used to go all defensive and simply sit in bushes and ward while my carry farmed, until one day I discovered the power of going AP support. Your CC hits much harder against the low level opponents and often nets a kill, especially if the jungler comes to gank.

I'm going to assume you know how to support/play Janna and be somewhat basic with this guide, because I wouldn't recommend being AP support unless you know Janna well and how to be aggressive with her.
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AP based runes, with the exception of keeping the Gold Quints. This is aimed at giving you nice poke and damage output.
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9/0/21 taking magic pen in offense but then going support utility.
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If they have no jungler, start with dorans ring, otherwise do the normal support faerie charm route.

The early core is
Philo stone, boots of speed, and catalyst.
If you have to b before catalyst, get a doran's ring.
If you're losing your lane hard, heart of gold or kage's lucky pick can be picked up but usually I only get philo because I need to rush catalyst.

You can get Shurelyas before Rod of Ages, but the sooner you get Rod of Ages, the better.
Pick up CDR boots around here too.

After that your build is SITUATIONAL. The item pictures I put up above are SITUATIONAL.
get Aegis if no one else is getting it (sometimes tanks get it). You can get Rabadons for extra damage, Abyssal or Will of the Ancients to help out your casters, Zeke's Harold if your AD carry needs a boost, Locket of the Iron Solari is a good all-around support item.

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Skill Sequence

Generally you max E over W but often times I put a couple points in W before maxing E for extra poke if we are doing well. Max Q last. It's mostly for the knockup and you don't typically hit full cast time Qs.
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Summoner Spells

Situational as well. Ad carries lately have been taking Heal, and if so I take either Ignite or Exhaust. Ignite especially if no one else is taking it because of the healing debuff. Ignite can ks sometimes though so be careful :S

The other option I'd recommend is Heal. CV is not nearly as worth it after the nerf and if you're being good and warding constantly its unnecessary.
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Team Work

Generally what you do is harass the enemies constantly. W then insta-Q for a nice harass/cc. hopefully after doing that your Ad carry with start hitting them. Toss an ignite, and that could be a kill.
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It's a very effective way of playing Janna and I'd recommend it to anyone very familiar with her :P

sorry for the brief sucky guide x3

but that's really how basic it is :P

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League of Legends Build Guide Author TikalKeria
TikalKeria Janna Guide
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AP Support Janna

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