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Aurelion Sol OP :3 (outdaded PLEASE REVERT THE REWORK PLEASE :c)

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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard Electrocute
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Cosmic Creator (PASSIVE)
Aurelion Sol Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Post 6, you should wait for your jungler to gank you and make sure you land the full W.
This changes based on your laner. If they're an aggressive laner like Yasuo/Zed, stay back and only poke, however if you're into an Orianna/any poke mage, land your Q, full W, R them and ignite, that should be enough damage to kill them if you traded well enough during the game.
Using a big Q with E is nice, though difficult to hit consinstetly, so I recommend that you use your E to get behind them. It's better to have a guaranteed 0.5s cc than to have a chance to hit a 3.5s one.
Positioning will take hundreds of games to perfect, dodging, hitting multiple enemies with your abilites and lining them up for your R-Q combo is tough. You can either burst enemies of high importance and impact on the game or sit back and damage everyone slowly, depending on your build, team and the enemy team alike.
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