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cant really do anything if you get on him
expect his R but even still just return to yours and its neutralized. the only the he can really do is roam all over the place so when he pushes the wave do the same and then go where he goes to counter roam.
Twisted Fate
100-0. he can only gold card you so if he pushes even a little he's dead.just warn your team when he's 6 because he will be roaming every time it's up.
she has no escapes and her boulder field does not stop your W so she can't do really anything if you get on her just watch for her deadly roams.
really hard level 1-5 but as soon as you hit 6 he`s dead and can't really do anything about it. careful because his E stuns longer then farther it goes
he can`t really do much to you in lane remember that when you go after him ignite first to cancel his orange healing.but he does provide a strong late game try to get fed off him early so they won`t get there.
varus is very rarely seen mid but his poke levels 1-5 is insane try to play it safe then at 6 you can kill him remember he will try to stun you with R after you ult him.
try to avoid it because it will allow him to a lot of damage and escape.
kind of like varus very heavy poke levels 1-5 but at 6 try to get on him but remember fighting him under tower is not advised because his R will guarantee at least 1 tower shot so be very careful.but other than that hes very easy to kill and get fed off.
he has a very easy to dodge knock up but he can deal true damage when he gets 3 stacks so watch out and retreat to lose the stacks. just avoid abilities and this lane will be easy
he farms most of the laning phase and if he is not farmed up he`s quite weak. but he`s R will 1 shot champions below 30% HP because it's an execute ability be careful.just try to avoid his cage and prioritize him in fights because the cage becomes a problem in team fights.
super easy in lane just avoid the knock up because that spells your death.get as fed as you can because his late game is very annoying because his silence lasts very long and you won't be able to deal a lot of damage while silenced.and he gets super tanky and pretty much unkillable.
skill match up. it does favor him just a little in the early game but you will destroy him as soon as you get 6 it will be hard to hit your Q`s with his wind wand. it has a 20second CD so use your W and Q so he will wind wall then wait and go in with R so he can`t wind wall anything. play safe levels 1-5.
dodge. she is impossible unless she is new, her ult counters yours.she has an amazing late game that's a lot better than yours, plus she has a very strong poke levels 1-5 and she has a self-heal. I mean dodge or roam a lot to get some kills.
dodge dodge!!!. she has the best ult to counter yours. she won't take any damage and she heals so the assassination attempt is a fail plus her W is another root. you can't ever get on to her. just roam and don't feed her or it will only get worse
she is easy but her burst is insane even without any items. only go in for trades when she uses her 4th spell (her stun). Don't tower dive at all unless she has no charges because 1 stun under tower is GG. this is the kind of game you might want to get a qss or GA. don`t let her get ahead because she will 1 shot you or your carry.
can be very difficult because his R does make your R quite useless. but if you kill him levels 1-5 it will be such an easy lane. just get 6 first and ult as soon as you get it so he cannot get his R to counter it. when trading try to avoid getting hit Q both times and don`t let him prox his passive.
easy lane just be careful of his poke levels 1-5 because it might be hard to kill him. try to get as fed as possible because he is a hyper carry and will destroy everything late game.
she has an average poke that is easy to dodge but her passive gives her another life so you have no chance of killing her under tower unless it's down(it has a 3min CD remember).just throw your W out use E and Q and when she sends out her stun go to your W and AA her and repeat.
hate this lane because her new E stops movement abilities so you can't use or move to your W. if you get on her she will try to R you because it has a very long stun to turn around after ulting.
just poke her down til your R combo will finish her.
his passive has no effect on you so he's an ability down and the shield he gets off his Q is also useless. just remember he becomes super mobile at 6 so poke him down so you can kill him with R before he teleports away.
try to avoid getting hit by the wall the slow allows him to land his Q`s just remember he has a great late game just get super fed early and dodge Q` not underestimate his damage!
she has a strong poke if she can AA you after landing an ability it will really hurt. refillable is recommended. start to engage as soon as lux uses her Q (root) then go right in as she will have no direct cc.and never get hit by her Q or you will die without counter play.
she is a lane bully and has some sustain in lane with her Q. try to never get hit by her charm because t hat will force you to burn your pots or have to very careful when diving her because her R and charm will be able to stop you from killing her and she may just kill you. always try to fight her after she uses charm, kinda like lux. but remember that even if you do get on her she will always be able to R away just try and get her low then go in for the all-in.
really does depend on the player because a good Diana will start with her shield while new ones will start with her Q poke.just try to avoid melee combat until levels 3+ because she can outtrade you because she has a shield. just run when she turns it on then re-engage as soon as it goes off. try to avoid getting hit by her Q at level 6 because it resets her R if you can't avoid it just R her so you are not hit and you should win.
hello, my name is GeneralJohn27, I am currently in NA gold, I am also a Zed main. This is my first guild so all criticism and support are appreciated.
With all the nerfs to Lethality and Youmuu`s GhostBlade, Zed has been in quite a weird spot in the meta.i recently found a new build which has been working for me despite the nerfs, because you no longer get the youmuu`s but instead, you get Deaths Dance. I know lethality buffs are coming and I will adjust the guild if I find that these buffs change anything.
for me these runes are pretty standard; 9 attack damage reds for the bonus AD it provides, 6 seals of armor for armor with 3 seals of scaling hp for hp in the late game, 9 glyphs or MR for magic based match-ups because most mid laners are Ap.
my masteries are standard with 1 change I take bounty hunter because I prefer to have a stronger late game and not get blown up super easily.I recommend sorcery because ability damage is very good on Zed because his main damage is in his combo and he really does not need ferocity (attack speed).take wanderer is you want to roam and savagery is you have trouble CSing.
Pros / Cons
Pros / Cons
good laning phase
great 1 shot potential
can snowball very well
has few hard matchups (though some may be annoying)
very rewarding if you put time into him
can make amazing plays
weak to cc
hard to play correctly late game
can be blown up easily
exhaust hurts your 1 shot potential and overall kit
useless if behind
very few skins and most are not that great
zed plays a very important role in team fighting he has a great burst but not much after it so what you want to do is you should try to get on the back lane from the sides or behind but preferable not run straight up through the fight unless that is the only option.your goal is the kill their HIGHEST damage dealer, not just the adc. Let's say they have an 8-2 gangplank and a 3-2 ashe your target should be gangplank and not ashe because he will deal the most damage but after killing him diffidently turn on ashe to remove the next biggest threat.and as you do this their team may just turn on you but that is ok because your bronze team should go while everyone on you and its a free win. even if you die for it, you killed 2 and that means your KDA will still look good.
zed can make some great combos which lead to the most satisfying out plays his bread and butter is the W + E + Q this allows for some nearly undodgeable poke and great harass in lane. another combo is R + W + E + Q start by engaging with R then quickly throw out a W + E then they are slowed and finally end with a triple Q if they all hit it's nearly impossible to survive because the damage you will deal is unmatched. allowing Zed to almost 1v1 anyone
after patch 7.14 hit live lethality has returned to the meta which is amazing for Zed players. This will allow Zed to snowball so much harder than ever before this is why I recommend Youmuus first item because it gives out of combat movement speed so you can roam faster and engage better with the active plus is supplies lethality so it is a very spicy pick. next is the dusk blade because you gotta stack that lethality to just 1 shot people and now its passive is when you are out of sight and you AA some one it applies a 99% slow for a second which makes it that much easier to land your combos. Next get trinity force or black clever because each supply a decent amount of health and both have good passives get trinity force if you are very ahead it gives the same health as the new Edge of night but with the sheen prox you won't even need your full combo to kill people and the movement speed is nice. black cleaver is nice because it gives a decent amount of health and the armor break just helps your team more in team fighting.get boots somewhere in between this depending on the game.The last 2 items are totally based on the game need health? get Titanic hydra because its active will make your damage out of the roof. need MR? get a maw of malmortius because its passive shield is super helpful. and to finish off just get a guarding angel for the extra life because for the KDA and the cooldowns on your abilities will tick while you're reviving so you can kill them all as soon as you come back.
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