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Renata Glasc Build Guide by Xintero

Support [14.1] Best Renata Support Guide for Low-Elo from Low-Elo

Support [14.1] Best Renata Support Guide for Low-Elo from Low-Elo

Updated on January 26, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Xintero Build Guide By Xintero 17 2 62,069 Views 0 Comments
17 2 62,069 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Xintero Renata Glasc Build Guide By Xintero Updated on January 26, 2024
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Runes: Meta Renata

1 2 3 4 5
Shield Bash
Bone Plating

Relentless Hunter
Zombie Ward

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3
Flash+Ignite [Usual]
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None
I thought it would be cute and funny or whateva to make a guide for my low elo girlies. I am not trying to say that I think my guide is better than the higher elos, but it's better to look at a guide from someone who is in your shoes! I've only played League of Legends since January so I don't have much time on this game like others. I would still like to think that my Renata gameplay is good and hope to maybe climb ranks with her in the future.
Renata Glasc - The Chem-Baroness
LEVERAGE (Passive): If you've played other champions, like Milio or Lux, then you are probably familiar with a passive like Renata's. She mark her enemies and deal 1-2% (+2% per 100 ability power) of the target's maximum health in bonus magic damage. This means that only your teammates can activate your passive, so try communicating that with your teammates.
Handshake (Q): Renata's Handshake is a short range hook that grabs people and roots them for 1 second. You are able to recast this hook, and drag them in any direction where your mouse cursor is. If you hook an enemy, recast, and hit another enemy champion, it will stun both of them for half a second. This ability also scales on magic damage and deals 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 magic damage.
Bailout (W): Bailout is such a fun and unique ability on League. With it's cooldown, its important to know when to use this ability. While it does give some buff to the champion you use it on, they can die before the timer is up. Part of this reason is what makes Renata a bit difficult to play, because many low elo players (like me) don't know when it's the best time to use Bailout and also on who. You generally want to give this at the start of a teamfight on your most fed person that benefits from attack speed. Emphasis on MOST FED, you want to try keeping them alive. If everyone is not doing the best, try saving it right before they die, which will activate it.
Loyalty Program (E): Renata's Loyalty Program gives shields to allies depending on your AP (ability power). If an enemy is hit with this ability, it damages surrounding enemies for 65 / 95 / 125 / 155 / 185 and also slows them 30% for 2 seconds. This does cost a bit of mana, so try not spamming this ability early game. You want to save some for your Bailout. I'll talk about game phases later in this guide and how to use this.
Hostile Takeover (R): Hostile Takeover can be a game changing ult. It makes them beserek for 1.25 / 1.75 / 2.25 seconds and causes them to attack the nearest unit, prioritizing their allies, while giving them 100% attack speed. If there's a Jinx or Varus in the enemy team, this will quite literally DESTROY the squishes! I like using her ult behind a wall or in a bush, that way enemies don't flash to side step it, because it can be a bit slow when travelling. Another way of using this early game is to land a Handshake and recast on their ally, and immediately ult. A lot of people in low elo can't react fast, so the chances of them flashing away is slim!
+ Can change the outcome of a teamfight
+ Great poke with Leverage and Loyalty Program
+ Really fun to play with Bailout
+ Great survivability and with Loyalty Program
+ She's mother
Renata Glasc is a great support, in my opinion. During laning phase, poking with her can be really easy, and does extra damage if your ADC pokes them after you. This procs your Leverage. You can also poke with Loyalty Program, but be mindful when using it, because you can run out of mana quick. Once you start getting into fights, having Bailout ready, can give your ADC some really good buffs, and if they die, no problem! Just try securing a kill before the timer runs out. While Hostile Takeover can be predictable, try using it in cheeky ways! Hide in a bush or behind a wall, and watch your enemies fight each other >:) This can really change the outcome of a fight!
- She can get outranged, therefore, outpoked.
- Her Handshake isn't the best "hook"
- She's very squishy, if you don't build her tank.
- Not the easiest to play
- Really slow
I'll admit that Renata's Handshake isn't the best "hook" in the game, if we're comparing it to other supports (EX. Thresh's Death Sentence can go through walls and has a longer reach.) There are other supports who are also better at poking, meaning, she can get outranged and outpoked. While Renata's abilites are easy to understand, it's landing them that makes it difficult. Landing or missing a Handshake can determine if you and your ADC survive or not. One of the other things I've noticed was how SLOWWW it was getting to lane...
Early Game:
At the very start of the game as a support, I like to immediately head over to the bush pointed at the picture. This gives me vision of any ganks coming from this direction, and prepares me. If I saw any enemy approaching, I immediately ward and move away. Generally, the jungler will move to the other entrance of the jungle, so if you stand here, you'll be prepared for any unwanted intruders. If you start on blue side, the stand in the bush under the blue buff.
After you have helped your jungler out, head over to lane, and get in a bush. You want to get priority over these, so the enemy support doesn't get control over it. This will help you with your poking. Try applying your Leverage on the enemies, and instruct your ADC to land an auto to proc it. It's important to communicate with your teammates with Renata's abilites. Many people in low elo have no clue what her abilites do, and it can be confusing.
Before you start playing, ask your ADC if they know what Renata's "W" does. If you've played Renata before, I'm sure you've used your Bailout on a teammate, and when they die, they decided to run away thinking they got away, instead of trying to get a kill. This is why it's important to let them know what it does.
On your first back, if you haven't already, get a Sweeping Lens. If you decided to take Zombie Ward rune, then it's important you get this item ASAP to help you get the bonus it gives you. It also denies vision for your enemy, and helps your jungler gank without having the enemy back off. If you have enough, also buy a Control Ward, and place it in the bush mentioned before to prevent any enemies from entering the jungle or ganking you under tower.
Mid game:
Hopefully, you and your ADC got the turret! My bronze self and teammates now go to the mid lane if the first turret hasn't been destroyed. If your midlaner is still sticking around, let them know to start pushing bot lane! This is when you start roaming a bit more (you should be roaming before then). After all, you are the team's support, not just your ADC. I like to be there when objectives are up (Ex. Rift Herald, Dragons). If the enemy has already started on one of the objectives, and you have Hostile Takeover up, try using it directly at the objective, and they will fight each other, instead of whatever they are focused on. This can give enough time for your team to assemble and potentially get the dragon/rift/baron. If you haven't already, check the "Abilities" section, as it gives more info on how to use them during fights.
Late game:
This section is going to be a bit vague. Most of the stuff that can be applied in mid game, can be applied in late game, and also take consideration on what I said in the Abilities section. Just remember to ward with Shard of True Ice and use your Sweeping Lens to get your vision score up. Having good vision score is very important as a support. If you don't have the most vision score in your team by late game, you are not warding or sweeping enough. You want to be warding in enemy jungles and you jungles to give vision on where the enemy is. Having vision can be game changing as well.
Of course, there is still so much to add, but this is basically most of the things you need to know as a low elo girly! If you have any questions, just let me know, and I'll be happy to help. I will be continuing to update this in the future, so make sure to come back and check the guide out time to time.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Xintero
Xintero Renata Glasc Guide
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[14.1] Best Renata Support Guide for Low-Elo from Low-Elo

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