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Blitzcrank Build Guide by BUZZ KEKS

Jungle Blitzcrank - Jungle Season 5 - Two Builds - Attack Speed an

Jungle Blitzcrank - Jungle Season 5 - Two Builds - Attack Speed an

Updated on September 24, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BUZZ KEKS Build Guide By BUZZ KEKS 142,198 Views 9 Comments
142,198 Views 9 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BUZZ KEKS Blitzcrank Build Guide By BUZZ KEKS Updated on September 24, 2015
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BUZZ KEKS | June 20, 2015 7:39am
The Blitzcrank AS jungle build is of course more kinda a fun build.

But thx for just making an account to leave one comment :) u are awesome dude
MadMike96 | June 19, 2015 2:08pm
This build does not synergise with the majority of Blit'z kit, my preferred build for Blitz Jungle is Ranger's Trailblazer Cinderhulk, Iceborn Gauntlet, Warmog's Armour, Mercury Treads, Frozen Heart and Banshee's Veil. Tankiness, a small amount of AP for his damage, and 900 mana for his passive shield, 1550 health for cinderhulk, 30% CDR as his cooldowns are insanely long, goes up to 40% with Blue Buff
Cybersaint2k (1) | June 15, 2015 3:51pm
I made an account just to comment on this.

Blitzcrank is not a fantastic jungler. This must be said.

However, he's very flexible and after level 6 becomes a good clearer.

I would encourage you to look at after taking Cinderhulk (Trailblazer is best, he has no sustain) and Boots of Swiftness (this helps you with his top speed as well as nerfing his nerf) to NOT go with Trinity Force. It's a dandy item but it's too expensive and doesn't give him what he needs for his passive--a large mana pool.

You need Boots>Cinderhulk>Iceborn Gauntlet. Every time, Iceborn Gauntlet.

You get mana pool.

You get extra damage.

You get the slowing field.

After that, you build as you like to match the situation. I am starting to play him and he is a real threat that deserves more play. Thank you for your guide.
BUZZ KEKS | May 5, 2015 11:18am
Yes, ofc its always hard to gank a lane with hops/gaps. Your grab should actually help here. Or even your ult to silence them.
Mundo main | April 27, 2015 9:00am
I'll admit his ganks kinda suck against people with hops/gap closers but other then that you can land some nice hooks for your lanes.
Mundo main | April 27, 2015 8:47am
Well in truth I think that it is a very interesting thing and with this new jungle so many new junglers have made an appearance and I'm sad this build for blitz hasn't but I love using it it's so great to be an as blitz.
BUZZ KEKS | April 22, 2015 8:03am
Hey Mundo Main,
Thanks for your honest comment. I will try to update this guide with a guide for the new tank jungle item and maybe the standard ad item.
So what do you think about blitzcrank jungle in general?
Mundo main | April 13, 2015 1:55pm
If you want to talk about jungle blitz I'd love to your build sounds so fun.
Mundo main | April 12, 2015 6:26pm
Hey this is a great guide I love how original it is I am a blitz main and I just dislike greatly how he's supposed to be in the bot lane as a support and like nothing else but I love this build I'm going to start using it to do some blitz jungle it sounds fun and again thanks for putting the time to make this guide.
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