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But thx for just making an account to leave one comment :) u are awesome dude
Blitzcrank is not a fantastic jungler. This must be said.
However, he's very flexible and after level 6 becomes a good clearer.
I would encourage you to look at after taking Cinderhulk (Trailblazer is best, he has no sustain) and Boots of Swiftness (this helps you with his top speed as well as nerfing his nerf) to NOT go with Trinity Force. It's a dandy item but it's too expensive and doesn't give him what he needs for his passive--a large mana pool.
You need Boots>Cinderhulk>Iceborn Gauntlet. Every time, Iceborn Gauntlet.
You get mana pool.
You get extra damage.
You get the slowing field.
After that, you build as you like to match the situation. I am starting to play him and he is a real threat that deserves more play. Thank you for your guide.
Thanks for your honest comment. I will try to update this guide with a guide for the new tank jungle item and maybe the standard ad item.
So what do you think about blitzcrank jungle in general?