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Very annoying champ as she can ground you,which stops you from using dashes.Also when you dash onto her she can instantly stun you with her ult if you are facing her which makes it kind of hard to all-in her.Get double Mr in your rune page
My least favourite matchup.Poke her a lot early game,but try not to run out of mana.Start corrupting pot and take the safe laning rune page.Dashing onto Illaoi is very dangerous as she can easily out damage yo with Ult and tentacles.If you ever think about an all-in,make sure to kill her tentacles first
Biggest lane bully ever!!!!!He can force trades even if you don't want to trade early on.When going for an all-in bait out his hook first.If you don't kill him with your full combo and you try disengage,he can hook you back and probably kill you.Take double armor in your rune page and buy a Morellonomicon to reduce his dumb healing.
Dodge her stun and you win.She will most likely use Q to farm,as most Irelias do.So,if you see a low health minions,just know that she will probably dash to it.When she does,poke her,or even go for an all-in if she does't have stun ready.Also,don't fight her when her passive is stacked up
1.Stoopid champ!!!!!!All he does is play safe early on,get stacks and then run you down while sling you and beats you.You don't have enough damage early on to stop him from farming and he can out sustain all the damage you do to him with his passive.Call for jungler and if he doesn't come hardpush the enemy wave and try roam to mid to snowball other lanes.Also if you think that hardpushing waves under his tower will prevent him from stacking, you are wrong!!!This guy can stack like a boss under tower XDD
A good Camille can be hard to deal with.DO NOT STAY CLOSE TO WALLS.It just gives her an easy opportunity to stun you and trade.Be careful once she completes her Tri-Force.Her Q will deal insane amounts of damage.Take advantage of the fact that she get mana hungry early on.
Trade with him when his fury is down.He relies on lucky Crits early on to beat you.Poke him early levels and try get lvl 6 before him and attempt an all-in.If you've been poking well early on,you should kill him easily.Before attempting the all-in,make sure his E is down.If it's not,you can try and stop his dash with your E but its hard to pull off
Has very unpredictable CC as he can leap from the bushes to CC the enemy laner.
Very strong early game.He can help you survive early laning phase which is all that Diana needs.He can also easily kill someone if he comes to gank due to his execute.He might even give you a couple of kills to snowball:).Also his stun is very easy to land as it's point and click
Has very unpredictable CC as he can leap from the bushes to CC the enemy laner.
Very strong early game.He can help you survive early laning phase which is all that Diana needs.He can also easily kill someone if he comes to gank due to his execute.He might even give you a couple of kills to snowball:).Also his stun is very easy to land as it's point and click
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