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Runes: Preseason 12 Lane Focus
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order AD-Lethality-AS
Attack Damage
Attack Speed
Threats & Synergies
Heavy dive that's difficult to peel. Enough damage to 1shot you before your team can lock her down.
Thresh is the Big Daddy. Aphelios Purple Q is perfect setup for Thresh Q. Thresh also allows you to farm in dangerous spots with his lantern to pull you back to safety. While any peeling support is good with Aphelios, Thresh is just so versatile he HAS to get the number 1 spot.
Thresh is the Big Daddy. Aphelios Purple Q is perfect setup for Thresh Q. Thresh also allows you to farm in dangerous spots with his lantern to pull you back to safety. While any peeling support is good with Aphelios, Thresh is just so versatile he HAS to get the number 1 spot.
Champion Build Guide

Every gun starts with 50 "moonlight" or ammo. Every Auto Attack(AA) costs one moonlight, and every time you use Q it will cost 10 moonlight of the respective gun. You can still use Q if you have less than 10 moonlight available for that gun, this (and AA'ing with one moonlight left) will consume the gun and automatically swap to the next gun in rotation.

NOTE: Can Blue Q to get a decent chunk of health off of a minion wave

All ults deal physical damage on impact prior to their effects

Look for that fabled LVL 2 powerspike and immediately hit ctrl-q to level your AD, then go in with Red Q and exit trade with Green AA's and Green Q.
Once Red is gone you can look for kills with Green Q into Purple Q to set up or follow up on your support or JG ganks.
With the changes to Lethal Tempo, it's become much harder to gain priority at LVL 1 into most matchups. Contest the push the best that you can, but do not feel too bad if you have to back off to avoid being LVL all-in'd. You can still put out decent poke damage in even lane states. Just be careful and don't take too much damage by trading into a pulling wave.
Start with 10 or less ammo on Blue, with White as secondary weapon. Blue Q as many targets (minions count) as possible.
Gun will swap to Red automatically, us Red Q right away, switch to White and get close to AA with 500 trillion chakrams and big big damage.
NOTE: If you are LVL 6 with this combo, you can use White Ult before AA'ing to get even more chakrams and damage.
It's acceptable to help out your team with objectives or sieges, but know that you are not yet the 1v9 God of this game. You have to position carefully and deal what damage you can while protecting your own life. Experience is the best teacher in this area.
Depending on team compositions you can be instrumental in finding mid game picks with your Purple Ult or Green-Q Purple-Q combo.
AGAIN it is very important that you consciously THINK about where you should go, how hard you should commit, and whether or not you are the win condition. Sure, you will eventually be a win condition, but it may be more beneficial to assist your 10/0 Jax in winning that fight over second dragon than going to top lane to grab a few waves and a tower.
Depending on team compositions, different gun combos are better here. At this point Red-White is usually pretty useless other than for ripping through objectives, as many champions can stick to and kill you before your Q channel finishes.
In most cases you'll want to fight around Green-White or Blue-Purple at this stage. Green-White can be massively useful if you can place a turret or 2 before a fight breaks out, and kite the enemies into the turrets to deal massive damage. Blue-Purple provides you with absolutely massive AOE damage and a bit of self-peel/disruption in team fights with Purple Q and AA slows.
NOTE: Your neutral objective clear speed is extremely fast with a Red-White into Green-White swap combo.
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