Play safe, you never beat him in a 1v1 unless massively ahead. Rush bramble and bami's and farm, eventually you outscale in teamfights. Not worth banning but not a fun matchup.
Akali is an ok matchup, just don't die pre 6 and you shouldn't die to her after that if you buy a bit of MR. Great champ to rush Hollow Radiance into.
Take comet and demolish in secondary tree, punish his roams by taking plates, you outscale but you lose early very hard. Poke with q and comet, if you come out of lane farming even with no deaths you'll be ahead.
Camille is a very snowbally matchup for Cho. As long as you don't die early you outscale, and in teamfights you are much stronger, but if she kills you early the lane becomes extremely hard to play. Try not to fight her until 6, if you are even in farm and 0/0 you should win as long as you poke her a bit before you commit to an all in. Remember her passive doesn't block true dmg, so you can ignore it if she's in ult range.
Take comet, with a bit of jungle help you can kill her early, and as long as she isn't very ahead she can't kill you if you stack MR. They tend to build Seraph's embrace, so be careful with your ults, dont eat the shield.
No more quickplay, play ranked.
Ban it. Just ban it. I love Darius as a champ, but he beats you in a 1v1 at every point in the game, his healing makes it hard to get him in ult range, and even late game when he can't kill you quickly, a good Darius will abuse your lack of mobility and get his passive stacks on you, then dunk the rest of your team. Early game its even worse, if you step out of your turret he will ghost and run you down, just do yourself a favor and ban it.
Dr. Mundo
Mundo is a weird matchup, he can run you down late game, and is a pain with his q early, but as long as you dodge his q you can kill him early, from levels 1/5 especially he is very vulnerable, and your e shreds him. If you don't kill him early and your team doesn't have someone good into tanks like a Kog'maw or a Vayne the game becomes very hard. With some jungle help on your end though, you can dive him pre 6 and set him very far behind. Buy antiheal.
Scary french lady. She outscales, beats you in a 1v1, and will spend laning phase poking with grasp, your Q is very predictable, so she will always hit her parry unless you w before. She can run you down with q, and will take towers like you're not even there. Buy antiheal early and good luck.
Annoying early, go with the comet setup and prevent him from farming. His passive hurts, but once you start stacking health it becomes less of an issue, his speed up from barrels makes him hard to hit with q, so focus on farming, you both scale very well, so try to get your minion stacks in quickly since he shouldn't let you get close enough to use it on him.
Pretty easy lane, you outscale, he can be a pain in sidelane later in the game, but as long as he doesnt kill you lvl 2 with q e ignite you shouldn't lose to him in a 1v1. He becomes hard to kill at 9 when his passive allows him to heal back to full between waves, but its a pretty free scaling matchup.
Take comet, second wind and your passive should keep you healthy through laning phase, just be mindful of when he's transforming, as he can cheese a couple early kills if he catches you near a wall when his mega form is up. You outscale, and can kill him at 6 if you can hit him with a q and a w to prevent his jump.
You have enough sustain with passive for his q poke to not be an issue, you can kill at 6 and outscale him extremely hard, he can't beat you with full ap or tank, one of the easiest matchups. You might not have much kill pressure early, but you should be able to farm freely.
You outscale, as long as you buy some armor early you should be fine, he can be annoying to catch because of his e, but you should be able to come out of lane with good cs and a couple of plates if he doesn't have tp.
Go comet, dark seal q max into w max and pray to whatever god you believe in. Buying hp does nothing to stop her and MR doesn't help with her q sweet spot. You can cheese a couple kills early if you manage to hit a q when her w is down, but she will outscale you and shred you in both sidelanes and teamfights. Good ban option if your team has several tanks/bruisers that will get run over by her.
Annoying but not difficult, dont get hit by his e and you outscale extremely hard. Very boring lane, build some MR so you dont get shredded by turrets and his W, you should be fine. Worth telling your jungler to not gank, since you should be able to hold your own against him and a squishy jungler trying to help can get one shot if he hits his e.
Dodge her e or dodge the game, she heals a stupid amount and when you start growing her e becomes harder to dodge. You outscale, especially if ahead, so calling for some jungle help pre 6 can make this matchup significantly easier. Buy early antiheal, and run her down with q and e when she misses her e.
Bad matchup, she rushes BOTRK and you can't ever fight her again, go for very short trades with grasp, consider rushing frozen heart to survive lane and have enough mana to fight safely. She can run you down if you can't flash her ultimate, so be mindful of that, as once she hits you with her ult or an e you lose that fight.
He beats you early, if you can q him when he jumps in you should be able to walk away from his e, and after that you win the trade. You outscale, just be mindful not to get cheesed early with an e flash.
Annoying early, rush frozen heart and he never does damage to you, you outscale extremely hard if he doesn't kill you early. Not a hard matchup, but a very annoying one until lvl 6.
You're both scaling tanks, but he does win a 1v1, especially if he can use his w to avoid your q knockup. Once in his ult if you can't instantly combo him with q w e into ult execute he destroys you, so be careful, as he wins the isolated 1v1. In teamfights you are stronger because of your AOE cc from q and w, and if he ults you away from the fight you should be able to survive until your team comes to help. Don't feed in lane and you'll be fine
Go grasp, she heals all arcane poke anyway, and grasp scales better. Annoying in lane, but the second you get some MR it becomes easier, you outscale hard and she doesn't have the damage to kill you.
She wins lvl 1 with lethal tempo, and post 16 she outscales you, but between levels 2 and 15 you are stronger, you can silence her or q her to prevent her ult for easy noms, so make the most out of those 14 levels before she becomes a monster. 1 q in lane if both of your ults are up should allow you to run her down with e slows and q. Silence her before eating to prevent her from blocking the damage.
Take comet, silence him in teamfights and kill him before he gets his ult off, annoying in lane but second wind and passive should be enough for you to farm even and outscale.
His remount and early damage make him very annoying, its very hard to guarantee an execute on kled, especially since he can use his dismounted q to dodge your knockup. Don't fight him early, he will win because of conqueror and his w attack speed. You outscale, especially in teamfights, but trying to 1v1 him is generally not a great idea at any point in the game.
Possibly the easiest matchup you could ask for, you win 1v1 at every point in the game, you scale better, he can pretty much never kill you and your e and grasp procs will shred him. You're also better at teamfights unless he lands a huge ult, since once his ult is down he is pretty useless, but your q does a similar job and can be used throughout a fight.
Horrible matchup, you lose long trades and he can shield your damage in short trades. Go comet and try to salvage as much farm as you can before laning phase ends. After 20 minutes or so just push sidelanes and never 1v1 him, eventually you outscale in teamfights, but he will always be an issue.
Don't die early, you outscale very hard, frozen heart makes her deal no damage. She might try to roam and invade your jungler, so be aware of her position, but as long as she doesn't leave lane with 5 kills you should outscale easily.
Scaling matchup, you win lane until 6, then play safe when his ult is up, and in teamfights you should be much more useful. Buy antiheal early and don't let him stack for free. You don't win 1v1 in the sidelane post 15 minutes unless massively ahead, so try to force teamfights where you're far more effective than him.
He beats you early, gets more healing the lower he gets so consistently getting executes with ult is hard. Post 6 he can just run you down with q and ult, and you can't do much about it. You outscale hard, but early the matchup is pretty unplayable, try to get as much farm as possible.
The worst tank matchup, his brittle damage being based on max hp hurts, especially if his team is mostly ad and you can't afford to stack MR. You both scale very well but he is better in 1v1 situations. Fortunately Ornn isn't a 1v9 champ like Gwen or Darius, so even if he's ahead its not an instant loss.
You lose hard pre 6, don't fight him. Take bone plating and you should be fine, post 6 when you can buy some armor the matchup becomes significantly easier. You outscale very hard and should be better in both teamfights and 1v1 post lane phase. His shield can be annoying, so remember to silence him before you ult to avoid getting denied a stack.
Weird matchup, you lose super hard early but after 2 items you should outscale. You don't lose the 1v1, but because of her e dash and w speed boost it becomes very hard to run her down, since hitting q is pretty hard. Do not get chunked level 1 so you can avoid getting flash stunned into a wall and one shot when she hits lvl 2. Her q is max hp damage so as long as you can avoid getting hit by both parts of it your trades should be even and will allow you to scale.
She pokes you in lane, go second wind, but falls off a cliff late game if she doesn't get kills. She will try to roam post 6, so use the time she's away from lane to get plates and scale for free. Quinn can't really kill you after you buy frozen heart, but still its not a great idea to fight her 1v1, since she can avoid your q easily and e if you manage to close the gap. Look for teamfights around objectives and peel for your backline, they're the ones who will actually be able to kill her late game.
Don't die to him pre lvl 3, and you win lane. Easy bruiser matchup, you have enough sustain for his short trades to not be much of an issue, just be careful of missing your ult execute when he activates his own ult, but aside from that its an easy matchup. Buy antiheal
You lose early, but as long as you don't fight him in bushes where he can avoid your q easily you should win 1v1 post lane phase as long as you didn't feed early. Buy frozen heart early to mitigate his damage for cheap, and he shouldn't be able to kill you after that. Do not ult if he hasn't used w or he has the stacks needed to get the empowered version, since he will gain a good chunk of hp.
Lots of movement, hitting q can be hard if she's not silenced, she destroys you early and late game she can run away easily with her dashes and wall hops. She needs kills to outscale you, so as long as she doesn't leave lane with 3 kills or 50 cs up you should be able to catch up and outscale late. Her mobility makes her annoying to fight early, and once she snowballs its very hard to stop her from running over your backline.
Annoying early, once you stack MR he never kills you, but an early Liandry's purchase can make this lane very annoying. Horrible laning phase but you outscale late, so just run comet and salvage the farm you can. Once you're both around 2 items you should win 1v1 as long as you itemise correctly. Your items are cheaper, especially with a hollow radiance abyssal mask core so even if slightly behind, you should be able to catch up and fight him even.
Farm lane. Buy hollow radiance for MR and easy wave clear. If they're going Ryze top they most likely have no frontline, or just a support tank, so playing front to back should get you an easy win in teamfights. He does beat you 1v1 just because of his movespeed and root, so avoid fighting him as he will slowly run you down.
Free matchup. She can't really kill you, you outscale, and your e will shred her. Build merc treads so she can't chain cc you in fights and you'll be fine.
He beats you early very hard, and late game he can ult you into your team, so watch your positioning in teamfights. If he doesn't build BORK you should be able to 1v1 him late game, and if he can't ult you into your team you should be more useful in team fights. Remember to silence his w to prevent him from shielding your ult.
His q deals tons of damage to you, especially if he gets the empowered version. He wins 1v1 early, but you outscale. He won't really run you over in lane, but if he gets a few good ults off your team can be massively behind before you can scale.
Just farm, your passive sustain is good enough to get cs even if he proxy farms after a couple levels. You outscale very hard, don't run after him and you'll be fine. If you see him run at your backline, silencing him will prevent his flip, allowing your team to burst him before he throws your adc into his frontline.
Extremely easy matchup. You do everything he does but better. You scale with HP better, have more damage, more consistent cc, and you win 1v1 at every point in the game. You can cancel his q with both q and w, and your e max hp damage shreds him. Also eating his zombie gives you a champion stack, so even if you don't get the kill, you can still get an ult stack, allowing both you and your jungler to get fed off the same kill.
He heals for a stupid amount, scales well and will take your ult off cooldown to eat minions and get tanky for free. Not ban worthy in toplane, but definitely a good ban if you're playing mid. His w makes close up fights very hard to win, so going for a comet setup to poke him out will help you survive this lane better. Fortunately not a very common toplaner, but still an annoying matchup when you have to play it.
Tahm Kench
Do not fight him early. If you go even in lane you outscale, but he will always be a pain in both sidelane and 1v1. Early on his q healing and on hit damage will make him win both long and short trades, and once he gets his ult he will try to spit you into his tower. Remember to silence him before going for an ult because of his e shield.
Ranged, builds liandry's, has a move speed steroid that makes it extremely hard to land q on him, so not the easiest matchup. If you hit a q or two post 6 you can w flash him and go for the kill, but his poke and shroom damage can be very annoying. Go comet and an early hollow radiance to make lane easier, you outscale in teamfights, but 1v1 he will always be able to poke you while dodging q. Buy sweeper.
Runs you down with lethal tempo, his ult does magic max hp damage so if you stack armor he will still hurt. You can usually run away if you hit a q, but his w move speed makes it hard. A good tip is to q his feet when he starts auto attacking you, since he will auto and q you, making him stand still for a good second or so, which should allow you to hit q and run off. Lategame he just destroys your turrets and makes you squishy with his ult in teamfights, so try to save your tp to match his, or he will run down your lanes one shotting turrets.
Don't fight him level 1, if he gets 2 random crits you can lose lane right there. For some ungodly reason his ult can be used through cc and silences so don't try to ult him if his own ult is up. Aside from that though, just buy frozen heart and you'll be fine, he only does physical damage through autos, so stacking armor makes him useless. Late game he does become somewhat of an issue if he can run your backline down, but after 1 item you should be able to fight him easily. Watch your sidelanes and don't let him take towers.
You never beat him 1v1, his lvl 1 with awakened r does stupid amounts of damage, and he can shield your ult. You outscale and become stronger in teamfights, but his movespeed and shields make him very annoying to deal with at every point in the game.
This matchup seems horrible and unwinnable at first, but it's really not as bad as it seems. Rush tabis and frozen heart and he can't kill you, but since his execute is based off your max hp, be aware that even if you have 2k hp left, you might still be in execute range. He is much stronger levels 1-3 and level 9 is a huge powerspike for him. You outscale late game, but his midgame is extremely strong. Same as with singed, if you see him approach your backline, silence him or q him out of his e so he can't get an execute and a fear off. Urgot's pressure in teamfights is mostly that AOE fear and his legs, so denying the fear helps. You should win 1v1 in sidelane post 3 items if you aren't very behind.
It's Vayne top. She can dodge your q with her q, can go invisible to avoid your ult, scales like a monster and will deny you xp and farm. Go comet and get as much farm as you can. The only reason this matchup isn't f tier is because of d ring, dark seal and 1 adaptive shard allowing you to one shot casters, which gets you free farm, and the fact that their entire team is most likely pretty squishy, so you should have a better comp for team fights.
You out sustain his damage while being tanky enough to not die to his all in, he scales well but so do you, he never beats you in side lane if you stack MR. Get antiheal and enjoy a free farm lane. If you W him early in team fights you can easily cc chain him and burst him quickly.
This matchup heavily depends on if he runs grasp or lethal tempo, with grasp you should be able to win lane by dodging e and taking short trades so he can't get the max healing from his w. If he goes lethal tempo don't fight him until lane phase is over, he'll be a pain in sidelane but much worse in teamfights. If he goes grasp he will scale better and be tankier, but his sidelane pressure wil be lower. You never win all ins but you're much stronger in teamfights.
Do not fight him level 1, he will run you over with lethal tempo and his on hit damage. His q is max health magic damage so he will still chunk you even if you build armor for his autos. You outscale, and can get a couple kills in lane if you poke him out and silence him before going for an ult, since he will try to ult you back or q to heal above the ult kill range. Never take extended 1v1 fights vs him. Buy antiheal
beats you early very hard with q, but you outscale very hard, just be mindful of his clone when ulting since he can use it to bait your ult when he's low hp, and once your ult is down, you lose a lot of your kill pressure.
Aside from lvl 1 you win this matchup pretty easily, he can't kill you after you buy frozen heart. Watch out for his early q damage with lethal tempo and ignite, and you should be fine. Also, its a weird matchup since whoever has more enemy minions typically wins, since your AOE spells will kill them allowing you to heal from passive, and will allow him to have more dashes to dodge your q.
Beats you in any extended trade, and his lvl 1 is stupidly strong, his w can deny your ult and his e, ult and 3rd q allows him to run you down. You can look for kills after buying frozen heart, but before that its pretty unlikely to win a 1v1. He doesn't have health sustain so looking for poke with a q w e combo can allow you to farm more safely since he won't have the hp to all in you. If ahead this matchup becomes extremely free since he can't stat check you with autos, but if behind this matchup is very painful. Buy antiheal if he rushes BORK
You can use his ghouls to heal with your passive, and using your e auto reset to break his wall quickly makes this lane pretty easy. A good tip is to use your ult at level 6 and onwards on his maiden to get a stack and get it out of the way quickly, but it does only count as a minion stack, so be careful to not do this more than 6 times between maiden and minions. With his new q it might be worth buying antiheal if he's going bruiser and the fights are drawn out. If you come out of lane ahead you should run over him late game. Do not let him split for free, he will end the game if you leave him alone. If his team has a good amount of magic damage it can be worth it to go hollow radiance to counter his ghouls stacking up together, but you should only do this if already ahead.
You can't kill him, he heals so much and deals good damage. Also scales like a monster and is extremely tanky, try to shut him down early with jungle help, and consider early antiheal if he's playing aggressive.
Cho's engage is not fantastic as a primary engage, but is possibly the strongest in the game as follow up engage. Having a champ with good CC makes your job very easy.
Cho's engage is not fantastic as a primary engage, but is possibly the strongest in the game as follow up engage. Having a champ with good CC makes your job very easy.
Jarvan IV
Cho's engage is not fantastic as a primary engage, but is possibly the strongest in the game as follow up engage. Having a champ with good CC makes your job very easy.
Cho's engage is not fantastic as a primary engage, but is possibly the strongest in the game as follow up engage. Having a champ with good CC makes your job very easy.
Cho's engage is not fantastic as a primary engage, but is possibly the strongest in the game as follow up engage. Having a champ with good CC makes your job very easy.
Cho's engage is not fantastic as a primary engage, but is possibly the strongest in the game as follow up engage. Having a champ with good CC makes your job very easy.
Cho's engage is not fantastic as a primary engage, but is possibly the strongest in the game as follow up engage. Having a champ with good CC makes your job very easy.
Cho's engage is not fantastic as a primary engage, but is possibly the strongest in the game as follow up engage. Having a champ with good CC makes your job very easy.
Cho's engage is not fantastic as a primary engage, but is possibly the strongest in the game as follow up engage. Having a champ with good CC makes your job very easy.
Cho'gath q is an AOE knockup on a base 6 second cooldown. This one is self explanatory
Cho's engage is not fantastic as a primary engage, but is possibly the strongest in the game as follow up engage. Having a champ with good CC makes your job very easy.
Cho's engage is not fantastic as a primary engage, but is possibly the strongest in the game as follow up engage. Having a champ with good CC makes your job very easy.
Jarvan IV
Cho's engage is not fantastic as a primary engage, but is possibly the strongest in the game as follow up engage. Having a champ with good CC makes your job very easy.
Cho's engage is not fantastic as a primary engage, but is possibly the strongest in the game as follow up engage. Having a champ with good CC makes your job very easy.
Cho's engage is not fantastic as a primary engage, but is possibly the strongest in the game as follow up engage. Having a champ with good CC makes your job very easy.
Cho's engage is not fantastic as a primary engage, but is possibly the strongest in the game as follow up engage. Having a champ with good CC makes your job very easy.
Cho's engage is not fantastic as a primary engage, but is possibly the strongest in the game as follow up engage. Having a champ with good CC makes your job very easy.
Cho's engage is not fantastic as a primary engage, but is possibly the strongest in the game as follow up engage. Having a champ with good CC makes your job very easy.
Cho's engage is not fantastic as a primary engage, but is possibly the strongest in the game as follow up engage. Having a champ with good CC makes your job very easy.
Cho'gath q is an AOE knockup on a base 6 second cooldown. This one is self explanatory
Hello, I am MaesePerez, and for the past few months I have been maining tank Cho'gath top, which has allowed me to climb to emerald for the first time. I was quite sad to find out Cho'gath is consistently one of the least picked toplaners, and one of the reasons I believe this may be happening is because there are not many good guides for tank Cho'gath, as many of the guides are for AP Cho. I hope that by writing a comprehensive guide on Cho'gath this will help get our favorite void creature into the spotlight he deserves.
Why should you play Cho'gath?
Well, if his beautiful model and fascinating lore weren't enough, there are many other reasons to play Cho:
This champ is easy to pick up, and can be a fantastic introduction to the tank class in general, since his passive Carnivore will allow you to take some bad trades early without losing lane entirely, as the early game healing is extremely good, and with his scaling and cc you will be useful in every game, regardless of lane outcome. (Do not quote me on this after going 0/15 in lane to Gwen and inting your games)
Cho is a tank that hard counters other tanks, such as Malphite or Sion so playing Cho'gath is a win/win situation, since if they pick a tank they most likely give you a free lane where you can scale and stack comfortably, and if they pick something like Vayne top to try and counter you, they most likely give up their main frontline, giving you an advantage in teamfights. Even champs like Ornn that are tanks and beat you in lane perform similar functions in teamfights but lack the one shot potential your Feast gives you, so you can function even when behind as a tank.
Finally, while you are a mid-late game champion, you are far more useful early than champs like Nasus or Kayle. Cho'gath can be extremely strong in early game skirmishes, especially against squishy champs, since your Rupture, Feral Scream and Vorpal Spikes are all AOE, and thanks to your flat 6 second cooldown on Rupture, you have one of the best cc uptimes in the game, so you are extremely strong in 2v2 or 3v3 skirmishes for scuttle or first grubs. So it isn't unlikely to get a double kill before 10 minutes, helping you completely bypass your weak laning phase.
Pros and Cons
+ Fantastic scaling + Good 1v1 potential for a tank + Good into both squishy champs and tanks + Great objective control with R + Very strong AOE cc on basic abilities
Cho'gath is a fantastic teamfighting tank, with a simple Q W combo being enough to disable multiple enemies for up to 3 seconds, which combined with your ult can allow you to one shot the enemy carries with no counterplay after q is hit, which can be done easily with some team setup or from out of vision. He is a scaling monster that can scale for free, since his rank 5 Q can one shot casters with minimal AP investment (1 adaptive shard, Doran's Ring and Dark Seal), so once level 9 is hit, you can scale safely, a luxury other scaling champs would kill for. His 1v1 potential is also good, and unless fighting a bruiser or an adc with Blade of the Ruined King, your 1v1 in sidelane is quite favorable, and you can stat check many of the champions that beat you early, such as Jax or Kled if you didn't fall behind.
- Weak early game - His counters are very common champs - Gets kited very easily by ranged champs - No fast or point and click cc as a tank - Big hitbox makes you easy to hit with abilities
Unfortunately, our beloved void creature isn't perfect, and has some weaknesses that must be kept in mind. While he doesn't have many hard counters, those he does have are extremely prevalent, such as Darius or Mordekaiser which makes him hard to blind pick. Your cc is all skillshots, and even if they have large hitboxes, q especially is very slow and most champs with a speed boost or a dash can avoid it easily. He also loses lane against many champs, and even if he outscales most of them, some champions who thrive on early leads such as Kled will take the free lane and terrorise your team in the mid game. Finally, anyone that builds Liandry's Torment, especially if they have more max hp or burn damage, such as Lillia or Brand will be an issue in any game they are in.
Many of you have probably noticed that one of the most iconic tank items, that seems to have a great synergy with Cho'gath, is missing from the recommended item section. This is of course, Heartsteel, and out of my past 100 games on Cho'gath this season I believe I have built it twice.
Now, I understand that this seems counterintuitive, since surely the HP stacking tank wants an HP stacking item, right? The issue with Heartsteel is that it is perhaps the weakest first item purchase in the game, its components are expensive but give no tangible power boost, and even with completed item, your strength doesn't increase until it has stacked up. This item, in my opinion, is very situational, and I only build it if nobody on the enemy team has %hp damage or builds an item that grants this form of damage. In the modern league landscape this scenario is already rare, but it doesn't stop there. Cho'gath outscales many of his bad matchups, and at around 1 item can make some bad matchups very favorable, such as Jayce. However, if Heartsteel is your first item, you continue being weak until your second item, making your already bad early game even worse, and the tradeoff being better scaling after 3 items or so, which by that point your R is already giving you enough HP that you'd benefit more from resistances anyway.
Aside from this, there are a few tips related to items that are important, such as always getting an early Bami's Cinder to help with waveclear, prioritising enemies with %hp damage when itemising resistances, such as building armor over mr even if Irelia is their only ad champion, since the hp from armor items will help against magic and true damage, but Irelia purchases Blade of the Ruined King and therefore only armor helps mitigate her damage]]. Cho'gath has intrinsic health scaling, so any item based on HP such as Abyssal Mask or Unending Despair is very strong on him, and prioritising resistances over HP is important, since you are already getting free HP from ult.
Playstyle and Tips for Lane
This is your weakest point in the game, but that doesn't mean that smart decisions can't help you get through it smoothly, and even dominate in the right circumstances.
Your all-in potential is bad, the only ones you win are vs tanks like Malphite or Sion, so try to get quick trades with Rupture and Grasp of the Undying, and only go for the kill if your ult is up or the enemy is extremely low. Your main priority is farm and getting your 6 minion stacks, so avoid using your ult on champions unless you are being forced to fight, keep in mind that using your ult on minions on cooldown is the most consistent way to scale. The exception to this is if a grub fight is going to happen soon, since you will either need it for the fight or to steal a grub, since you can get 1 epic monster stack from each set of 3 grubs.
Play safe, and try to maintain a freeze, since you can slowly heal from the minions with your passive, your real strength will become apparent after lane phase is over.
One last tip for lane, while you are a weak champion early, especially in all ins, you do have good sustain, so when fighting someone like Riven, with no sustain, taking a trade where you lose 20% and she only loses 10% of her hp can be positive, since especially in early levels, since you can slowly whittle her down while maintaining yourself relatively healthy.
Mid-Late game playstyle
Congratulations, you (hopefully) didn't feed early, you have a couple items under your belt, and you're ready to see how strong your pick really is.
You are a very strong teamfighter, and if ahead you can easily hold off the entire enemy team for several seconds, and even kill them yourself if you manage to land your abilities on a squishy target, allowing for a quick execute with Feast. In an ideal scenario, your team's primary engage will make the first move, allowing you to ensure a q hit, and after that the champ kind of plays itself, remember to use your e as an auto reset and tear them apart. Save your ult for priority targets in a teamfight, its not worth it to ult the Maokai after he blows his engage, but killing the fed Vayne as soon as the fight starts can make a huge difference.
Not every comp is ideal, and sometimes you will have to be the only engage, in which case you should try to fish for a q hit on an enemy, and unload your damage when they get knocked up. A somewhat niche but effective combo is the W flash combo, which can allow you to catch the enemy backline by surprise, allowing your team's assassin or mage to one shot them before the silence wears off and they can use their disengage spells. Remember to use your W to deny important abilities that can solo win a teamfight like Samira ult, throwing a silence on her not only denies her ult, but also her windwall, allowing you to burst her before she can kill your backline.
Aside from teamfighting, sidelaning is also an option, but the former is definitely preferable. As long as you are not in sidelane against a fed Darius or a ranged champ with %health damage such as Varus, you should be fine, but your objective in side is not to take towers, but to deny the enemy from taking yours by pushing out waves. Your lack of movement means getting caught usually results in dying, so staying on your side of the map is better. Your tower damage is also very low unless demolish is up, so prioritise pushing waves, getting a demolish proc if the enemy team isn't nearby, and going back to safety.
Finally, Cho'gath is one of, if not the best toplaner to assist junglers, since your objective control is unbeatable, which can allow you to not only help your team secure objectives when your jungler is dead, but also get hp from it. There are few things more satisfying than walking into baron pit, tanking the enemy time for 5 seconds, ulting baron at 1.5k hp and leaving while the enemy Kayn tries to use his pathetic 900 damage Smite. One thing to keep in mind while playing Cho is that since you have great burst but low dps, if your team comp has 2 sources of dps you can take 2 objectives very quickly. Let's say you kill the enemy jungler, you and the adc can quickly take dragon while your jungler and midlaner, assuming one has good dps on objectives, like a Tristana, can quickly take herald, turning a single kill into a massive lead.
Conclusion and final remarks
Of course, every matchup has several quirks and intricacies that you will slowly discover as you learn Cho'gath, but I believe this guide has set a good base that can help new and veteran players alike pick up Cho'Gath, and discover how criminally underrated of a champ he really is.
If after reading this guide there is a specific matchup that you would like advice on, or a specific scenario you would like help with, do not hesitate to shoot me a PM or leave a comment on this guide.
Thank you so much for making it to the end of the guide, and hopefully this has inspired some of you to pick up Cho, as he is a great addition to any toplaner's champion pool.
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