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Early game ranged champ
You just don't want to trade him on equal terms, just poke and only engage when your jungle comes to help
Just Zed man, you might want to trade him at lvl 1 because he's melee but after that and especially at level 3 just don't trade and poke whenever it's possible
Consider taking Exhaust
Extreme mobility, big damage ratios and just overall annoying, a good Fizz will always win his lane against a Corki, then one-shot him after lane ends
Same as Zed, poke whenever's possible and try not to get one-shot
He'll run at you and press Q, mantain perfect distance and try your hardest to dodge his E, if you get hit by it you'll lose 50%hp
Her abilities are unreliable, as long as you don't get caught by her cc you'll be fine
That said, if you ged cc'd by sera she'll chunk a big amount of your hp
Insane lvl2 power spike, try to wear him down when he's lvl1 and retreat and poke him when he's about to reach lvl2
Always remember to not get hit by his W return
Another mobile assassin
In lane try not to walk on a straight line to AA her, and just overall try not to get charmed
If she has her R down you might want to fight her, only her W is reliable so don't get skillshoted
Anivia is easy to deal with as long as you don't get hit by her Q and don't afk right click her under her R
If he stuns (point and click btw) you he'll chunk 40-50% your hp so be careful with it's range and dash back when he uses his shield bash
His Q is his main source of dmg so try to dodge if you're not stunned
Avoid his charged Q's (shown at his resource bar) and dash back when he uses his E, if he hits his R on you escape ASAP, you'll die in 1 combo
Be careful when his Q is charged and try not to get hit when he uses his E, always try to dash his R, as long as you don't get hit by all of his cc you're ok
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