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The only way you win in this lane is to dodge his Q knockup. Anyone that gets ahead in this lane will rule the entire laning phase.
Full combo should give you a win in 1v1. Bring ignite and hexdrinker if you're not confident in this lane.
I recommend taking W first if she takes Q, taking Q first if she takes W. Wait for her shield to wear off before using your ability and you will always win the trade.
If she W, go in with E and W Q and E back for short trade. Don't use any of your ability when she has passive. Just auto till the shield wears off, then use ability. You win lvl 6 all in. Getting botrk is also a good idea in this matchup.
A good Fiora will bring grasp and play safe until she complete a full item or two. Ignite is really useful in this lane. Bramble vest and tabi also works.
Just like when you play riven, you have no kill potential without ignite and ult. You have to wait until your ult is ready then you should win all in. After he got triforce, he'll just wave clear and you basically have no lane pressure. Outscaled just like in fiora lane, but better early game. There are only two types of GP, bad one and good one. Bad one will feed your croc and good one will make you suffer.
Only fight him when he's close enough and has no rage. Don't double dash to him unless it's a kill.
Your Q can't one shot his turret. You win all in level 6 if you don't get poked too much. Bring doran shield and pot
All in with ignite you win. He has better sustain so you can't really take trade. Taking doran shield will give you a better sustain in lane.
A good riven won't give you a chance to use empowered W without her having shield . Can kite you as well. All in fight you lose. If the riven is just slightly bad in mechanics, you will always win. Don't take extended trade. Don't trade without fury. Her ult has lower cooldown than yours, care.
Play this lane as you play against riven, short burst trade when he has no shield. All in when they have 30-40% HP.
Level 3 you win with 70 fury (Empowered Q and W.
E when he tries to E you and you win the trade
Annoying matchup. It's not that you don't have the damage, it's just that he can't be killed with his dumb E. Be careful on level 2 all in from him
Level 3 all in with 70 fury. Don't use any ability before the shield pop. Auto once, wait a bit and all in with no close to no minion in both sides. I don't recommend black creaver build in this matchup, go romanium build
If you get triple Q'd you lose. Getting tabi making zed unable to 100-0 renekton even if he hits all ability given the same amount of gold
BC Reaver Tiamat Botrk and one health item to survive his true damage. Play around his team instead of focusing 1v1. Too hard after he stack health
Level 3 you start winning in trades. Level 6 you win all in through his ult.
Dr. Mundo
Just build in that order and you win
Skill matchup, don't use any ability in his W, dodge is E with your E. Your E has higher cooldown so be careful.
Trade his Q with your W. if he uses W just disengage, if he has W on cooldown then you can go for a trade and win most of the time. You want some health in this matchup
Annoying matchup, he has way more dash than you making it easy for you to get kited. His W blind the **** out of you so you have to disengage if he manages to get his W after you E.
Mini game. After 6, if she misses her E just go all in and you win the fight with same level of items
You get outscaled, take advantage early. If she misses her E you win, if she doesn't you lose.
You get outscaled, take advantage early. You win if you dodge his E
This matchup is so aids. You deal more damage in all in but the poke makes you have disadvantage.
Hello, I'm Sandstorm aka FreezingLord. In this guide, you'll be served with a different way to play Renekton as people normally play it. Happy reading and good luck on your game!
General Strategy
General Strategy
The play style you have in this build is much like an assassin, slide in and then slide out. If you're familiar with Riven playstyle you'll understand this build. Generally you'll be squishy until 20 mins mark. This build depends heavily on your macro play and not focusing on laning on top since you got a lot of mobility. Anytime you have a chance to get a kill with TP and ganking mid, you push the lane and go for it. Having kill in lane is harder since almost all top laner is a bruiser or tank. Have fun with the build and try it out in normal first since this is not a regular build you'll see.
Combination 1 (Should be your standard):
Use teleport when you are sure your team get a kill or objective. if you're behind, of course use teleport for your own advantage by using in on your lane. Against enemy that brings ignite, push a few waves, get around 450 gold, go back, buy another long sword or doran blade, and tp back to lane. This way you get more combat power to fight the ignite.
Combination 2 (Early Domination):
People underestimate ignite damage early game, if they don't take resolve tree, it's so easy to get early kill with doing the full combo and auto after every ability.
Combo Guide
Combo Guide
Without Titanic
Burst all in before 6: -> auto -> -> -> auto -> -> -> auto
Burst all in in after 6: -> -> auto -> -> -> auto -> -> -> auto
Burst all in with flash: -> -> -> -> -> auto -> -> -> auto
With Titanic
All in before 6: -> auto -> -> auto -> -> -> auto ->
All in after 6: -> auto -> -> -> -> -> auto ->
All in with flash: -> -> -> -> -> auto -> -> -> auto
Animation Canceling
Animation Canceling
There are a few animation canceling you can do, they are:
Auto ->
Auto ->
Auto ->
-> -> Auto (Your auto will be executed after after Q)
-> -> (your E will cancel ult animation, your ult will cancel W animation. You have to master this)
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