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Renekton Build Guide by FreezingLord

Top [D5] [8.20] Climb to D5 :D

Top [D5] [8.20] Climb to D5 :D

Updated on September 6, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FreezingLord Build Guide By FreezingLord 115,916 Views 5 Comments
115,916 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author FreezingLord Renekton Build Guide By FreezingLord Updated on September 6, 2018
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Press the Attack
Legend: Tenacity
Coup de Grace

Gathering Storm


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Hello, I'm Sandstorm aka FreezingLord. In this guide, you'll be served with a different way to play Renekton as people normally play it. Happy reading and good luck on your game!
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General Strategy

The play style you have in this build is much like an assassin, slide in and then slide out. If you're familiar with Riven playstyle you'll understand this build. Generally you'll be squishy until 20 mins mark. This build depends heavily on your macro play and not focusing on laning on top since you got a lot of mobility. Anytime you have a chance to get a kill with TP and ganking mid, you push the lane and go for it. Having kill in lane is harder since almost all top laner is a bruiser or tank. Have fun with the build and try it out in normal first since this is not a regular build you'll see.
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Combination 1 (Should be your standard):

Use teleport when you are sure your team get a kill or objective. if you're behind, of course use teleport for your own advantage by using in on your lane. Against enemy that brings ignite, push a few waves, get around 450 gold, go back, buy another long sword or doran blade, and tp back to lane. This way you get more combat power to fight the ignite.

Combination 2 (Early Domination):

People underestimate ignite damage early game, if they don't take resolve tree, it's so easy to get early kill with doing the full combo and auto after every ability.
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Combo Guide

Without Titanic
Burst all in before 6:
-> auto -> -> -> auto -> -> -> auto

Burst all in in after 6:
-> -> auto -> -> -> auto -> -> -> auto

Burst all in with flash:
-> -> -> -> -> auto -> -> -> auto

With Titanic
All in before 6:
-> auto -> -> auto -> -> -> auto ->

All in after 6:
-> auto -> -> -> -> -> auto ->

All in with flash:
-> -> -> -> -> auto -> -> -> auto
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Animation Canceling

There are a few animation canceling you can do, they are:

Auto ->

Auto ->

Auto ->



-> -> Auto (Your auto will be executed after after Q)

-> -> (your E will cancel ult animation, your ult will cancel W animation. You have to master this)

Auto -> -> any ability
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FreezingLord
FreezingLord Renekton Guide
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[D5] [8.20] Climb to D5 :D

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