GO TO BAN. They are ranged, mobile, have immortality, can dash over walls, and you need to at least try to take all their marked camps. The point here is catching them. You win that 1v1 normally. Make sure there is no one to help them. Think twice if they have R. You can knock them out from their ult with your E and R. You have good counter ganks vs them. So farm, take marked camps, catch and counter gank
Lee Sin
Will always invade you at your red or blue (5th camp). Do 3 camp clear into gank against him.
will invade you at ur blue or red buff. Do 3 camp clear into gank against him.
Will always invade you at your red or blue (5th camp). Do 3 camp clear into gank against her.
Will always invade you at your red or blue (5th camp). Do 3 camp clear into gank against him.
Will always invade you at your red or blue (5th camp). Do 3 camp clear into gank against him. take oracle lens to counter him
impossible matchup
Macro matchup. Prevent him from stealing your jungle and gank / countergank considering his utility
You never can 1v1 him, his Pillar can be also really strong tool vs you if you go for his carries in backline. Just try to avoid him by any costs.
Similiar to Trundle, you should probably never win 1v1 vs Volibear, try to avoid him in teamfights and focus down his carries. He falls super hard in mid/late game.
This one is almost the same as Kindred. Insane damage, ranged and mobile. Simple matchup to understand. If you dodge spear - you win, if you don't - you are the most doomed person in the world. Spear, ranged, mobile and can dash over walls. Really hard to play against. And she has fast clearing speed which makes her really strong in current jungle meta
He has high damage, armor, mobility and can dash over walls, so be careful
Dodge his W in Red Form. Vs blue form stack armor
Master Yi
Try so save your E to stop his meditation. He can dodge your E and R with his Q, so play it smart. Buy Bramble to counter him
Try so save your E to stop his meditation. He can dodge your E and R with his Q, so play it smart. Buy Bramble to counter him
He has all - damage, mobility, clear speed. All you have to do in this matchup is dodge his AOE stun and Q and play smart
You can’t duel him. Best you can do is ganking / counterganking and farm. Early game is hard, but after mythic and some armor in midgame you beat him
Try to bait her Unburrow with your E. You can duel, but carefully - she can just oneshot you
lot of damage, hard to catch. STACK ARMOUR
stack mr and defend ur backline
High damage and mobility. Try to dodge his E. But nothing special
Jarvan IV
Try to dodge his combo. You farm way faster and you will hard win after mythic
Try to dodge his combo. You farm way faster and you will hard win after mythic
Another champion you can't duel early. But there is a counter play. Bait him to waste his E and run out with yours. Then you can try to duel. And of course don't use Q into his spell shield
Take Oracle Lens, smite his boxes, detect the real one and kill him (his clone takes +50% more damage, so you can easily detect the real one with your Q). Just always keep in mind that you can't go into jungle with low HP and always be aware of his invis and high damage (talking more about peeling and pinging your allies)
Insane duelist, but you still can duel carefully. Try to dodge her Q
Be aware of his invis, it is just annoying sometimes
Xin Zhao
Be aware of his invis, it is just annoying sometimes
Nothing specific, just stack armor. High damage assassin, hard to play against if she gets some kills
You can dodge her R with your R. And try to kite out of her Q true damage
Poppy can have some burst damage in early and midgame, so don't underestimate her. And be aware of her W, it can stop your E dash (not running part, so you can just press it without jumping). It can be just annoying, but nothing more
Nothing specific, just stack armor. High damage assassin, hard to play against if he gets some kills
She can't really invade or gank efficiently. Just build MR and be aware of her burst. Not a threat if not fed
Really scary in teamfights with his R. Ping your allies to not stand where he can possibly R
The most regular matchup. No special tips and tricks. Just keep dragons warded and track her
Skarner with Predator/Phase Rush + tank mythic is not a threat. Just be aware of his R
Keep dragons warded, track him, dodge his E and you win
The sad mummy. Good teamfights, yes. But he can't do anything to you in jungle. You just smash him from 100 to 0%
Nunu & Willump
Good with great ganks, objectives and tankiness. But not a threat for you
Good with great ganks, objectives and tankiness. But not a threat for you
Good ganks and teamfights, but not a threat for you
Try to dodge his E. Tanks are not really problem for you. But Zac is really strong teamfighter, so he is more of a threat for your team
do I really need to say anything about this champion
Great for ulting in with massive shield and then insane taunt while you're in enemy back line
Gives insane movement speed and can put bombs on you while you run into enemy team, super good synergy due to his movement speed and ult
Surprisingly super strong due to his ult and additional sustain from Q heal and W armor shield. Great way to sustain a team fight
Super good with hecarim making him stay alive and able to slow enemies. Also, gives insane sustain with her shield and ult. And can also give movement speed to secure hecarim E on enemies
Super good for taking crabs and applying early pressure to close out games quick and easy. Allows easy ganks to be made
Super good for taking crabs and applying early pressure to close out games quick and easy. Allows easy ganks to be made
great synergy with E + R while you're in enemy team which can easily clean up the whole fight with his combo
Super strong to R you when u go into 5 people in team fights. Also has great follow up for ganks with the crowd control.
do I really need to say anything about this champion
Great for ulting in with massive shield and then insane taunt while you're in enemy back line
Gives insane movement speed and can put bombs on you while you run into enemy team, super good synergy due to his movement speed and ult
Surprisingly super strong due to his ult and additional sustain from Q heal and W armor shield. Great way to sustain a team fight
Super good with hecarim making him stay alive and able to slow enemies. Also, gives insane sustain with her shield and ult. And can also give movement speed to secure hecarim E on enemies
Super good for taking crabs and applying early pressure to close out games quick and easy. Allows easy ganks to be made
Super good for taking crabs and applying early pressure to close out games quick and easy. Allows easy ganks to be made
great synergy with E + R while you're in enemy team which can easily clean up the whole fight with his combo
Super strong to R you when u go into 5 people in team fights. Also has great follow up for ganks with the crowd control.
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