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Akali is at 5 due to the fact that she can burst you and she has a invis... though if you put her behind, you do have the upper hand with this build
She can burst you, i find range very bad for this build. any range is a high threat unless they are not very mobile and you can gap close easily on them
Cant gap close on her, has an escape and is very bursty
Aurelion Sol
Sol is a 50/50 i've beaten this match up and i have lost this match up, the tip to beat him is dodge his stun, close in on him, e him into you and just starting getting those autos in.
5/10 games i've played this match up, and it was decent. if you can dodge his combo he doesn't have a escape and you can close in on him easily...once he gets ryalis it will be very hard.
This is a very hard match up, she can lock you down and burst you, also your ultimate to close on her is useless if she W's.. its very hard.
Fizz is a 50/50 as well.. since hes melee, its easier on you, but if he's fed or gets ahead this is when it becomes tough, you easily can outplay fizz if you play the match up right.
i've never lost against an elise doing this build.
Jarvan IV
jarvan is pretty scary since the new leth, just play around his E q and you will be set
Master Yi
way better dueler then you will be.
cho is just ******ed and should be banned.
jax counters this build 100% lol
ivern is an easy match up, beside the fact that he can counter jungle you very hard. but fighting wise you have the upper hand
ekko is burst, just like any other mage assassin but if he is jungling you win, just have to kite around his kit.
i've only played 3 games against a panth and lost 2 of them. he's very hard to duel and fight.
its not worth going this build
kayn is a 50/50 depending on what form he goes, you can still out play him and out fight him.
i've never had problems with hec yet he's not played much and dont see him very often but you can do very good dmg to him
dont do the build, don't even diana jungle.
grag is fairly strong as a tank and can do lots of dmg as well, its a hard match up late but early if you are ahead you should be fine
Kha wins but if you are not isolated you win lol
Nunu & Willump
stupid yeti....
has invis but this build destroys him
warwick is just stupid to play against and all but i found myself winning this match up a few times, though his attk speed is way more insane then yours
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