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i'm playing [[elise] since she's released.
She's one of the strongest AP Top/Mid Laner.
Spider Swarm
In Human Form, Elise's spells will ready a spiderling when cast on an enemy. When Elise transforms she summons her Spiderlings to fight by her side. Spiderlings deal physical damage and take reduced damage from multi-target abilities.
Tips and Tricks
Spiderlings cannot be directly controlled, though they will prioritize Elise's target when attacking, and leap to the target of Venomous Bite
If Elise transforms back into Human Form after having summoned any Spiderlings, any Spiderlings that were alive will be retained and will return if Elise casts Spider Form again
Elise deals magic damage plus 8% of target's current health as bonus damage. Damage against monsters is capped depending on level.
Tips and Tricks
Neurotoxin deals more damage the more health an enemy has, so always try to use it at the beginning of a fight instead of near the end
Don't use it to zone your opponent until you've invested a few points into it
Venomous Bite
Elise lunges forward and bites her target, dealing magic damage plus 8% of target's missing health as bonus damage. Damage against monsters is capped depending on level.
Tips and Tricks:
Use Venomous Bite when your target's health is low to deal as much damage as possible
Spiderlings will attack the target of Venomous Bite
Volatile Spiderling
Elise releases a venom-gorged Spiderling that explodes after 3 seconds or when it nears a target.
Tips and Tricks:
Volatile Spiderling will explode when it reaches its first target, which can be either a champion, a creep, or a monster
Make sure the way to your target is clear before using Volatile Spiderling, as other wise it might instead go after an entirely different enemy!
Volatile Spiderling grants vision of a small area around it[/list
Skittering iiFrenzy
Elise and her Spiderlings passively gain Attack Speed. On activation, the Attack Speed of Elise and her Spiderlings is increased for 3 seconds and Elise is healed by 4 health on every attack.
Tips and Tricks:
Skittering Frenzy can be used to clear a minion wave, burst down a champion, or help destroy a tower
Skittering Frenzy has no cast time and resets Elise's attack timer when activated
Elise fires a web that stuns the first enemy struck for 1.5 seconds.
Tips and Tricks:
Cocoon is a skill shot, so always remember to lead your target before using it
On enemy cast: Elise and her Spiderlings lift up into the air and then descend upon the target enemy.
On ground cast: Elise and her Spiderlings lift up into the air, becoming untargetable for 2 seconds and revealing nearby enemies. She can then cast Rappel again to descend upon a nearby enemy.
Tips and Tricks:
Use Rappel to chase down fleeing enemies or escape by jumping into the air next to a jungle camp
Rappel can be used to dodge Karthus's ult, Requiem if timed right
Spider Form / Human Form
Elise transforms into the Godzilla of spiders with new abilities. While in Spider Form, Elise deals bonus magic damage on each attack and gains 10 bonus Movement Speed as well as bonus Armor and Magic Resistance.
Tips and Tricks:
Unlocked at level one and it costs no mana to transform
All abilities in Spider Form cost no mana to cast
Transform to roam the jungle faster or for some added survivability
Her Human Form and Spider Form abilities have seperate cooldowns
If your Spiderlings die, use your Human Form abilities to regenerate them
Spider Form's bonus damage does not affect turrets or o
Spider Swarm
In Human Form, Elise's spells will ready a spiderling when cast on an enemy. When Elise transforms she summons her Spiderlings to fight by her side. Spiderlings deal physical damage and take reduced damage from multi-target abilities.
Tips and Tricks
Spiderlings cannot be directly controlled, though they will prioritize Elise's target when attacking, and leap to the target of Venomous Bite
If Elise transforms back into Human Form after having summoned any Spiderlings, any Spiderlings that were alive will be retained and will return if Elise casts Spider Form again
Elise deals magic damage plus 8% of target's current health as bonus damage. Damage against monsters is capped depending on level.
Tips and Tricks
Neurotoxin deals more damage the more health an enemy has, so always try to use it at the beginning of a fight instead of near the end
Don't use it to zone your opponent until you've invested a few points into it
Venomous Bite
Elise lunges forward and bites her target, dealing magic damage plus 8% of target's missing health as bonus damage. Damage against monsters is capped depending on level.
Tips and Tricks:
Use Venomous Bite when your target's health is low to deal as much damage as possible
Spiderlings will attack the target of Venomous Bite
Volatile Spiderling
Elise releases a venom-gorged Spiderling that explodes after 3 seconds or when it nears a target.
Tips and Tricks:
Volatile Spiderling will explode when it reaches its first target, which can be either a champion, a creep, or a monster
Make sure the way to your target is clear before using Volatile Spiderling, as other wise it might instead go after an entirely different enemy!
Volatile Spiderling grants vision of a small area around it[/list
Skittering iiFrenzy
Elise and her Spiderlings passively gain Attack Speed. On activation, the Attack Speed of Elise and her Spiderlings is increased for 3 seconds and Elise is healed by 4 health on every attack.
Tips and Tricks:
Skittering Frenzy can be used to clear a minion wave, burst down a champion, or help destroy a tower
Skittering Frenzy has no cast time and resets Elise's attack timer when activated
Elise fires a web that stuns the first enemy struck for 1.5 seconds.
Tips and Tricks:
Cocoon is a skill shot, so always remember to lead your target before using it
On enemy cast: Elise and her Spiderlings lift up into the air and then descend upon the target enemy.
On ground cast: Elise and her Spiderlings lift up into the air, becoming untargetable for 2 seconds and revealing nearby enemies. She can then cast Rappel again to descend upon a nearby enemy.
Tips and Tricks:
Use Rappel to chase down fleeing enemies or escape by jumping into the air next to a jungle camp
Rappel can be used to dodge Karthus's ult, Requiem if timed right
Spider Form / Human Form
Elise transforms into the Godzilla of spiders with new abilities. While in Spider Form, Elise deals bonus magic damage on each attack and gains 10 bonus Movement Speed as well as bonus Armor and Magic Resistance.
Tips and Tricks:
Unlocked at level one and it costs no mana to transform
All abilities in Spider Form cost no mana to cast
Transform to roam the jungle faster or for some added survivability
Her Human Form and Spider Form abilities have seperate cooldowns
If your Spiderlings die, use your Human Form abilities to regenerate them
Spider Form's bonus damage does not affect turrets or o
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