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Recommended Items
Runes: Runes
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Abilties
Granite Shield (PASSIVE)
Malphite Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
This can be a hard match up as Akali can dash in and out which makes it hard for Malphite to trade with her early. Later in the game she still has the ability to kill Malphite, but depending on how she builds malphite could blow her up if you can land your whole combo.
When Amumu and Malphite are level 6, it is very easy to setup and kill enemy midlaner.
When Amumu and Malphite are level 6, it is very easy to setup and kill enemy midlaner.
Champion Build Guide
In general you should stay safe before level 6 as you don't have an escape and can be easily ganked mid. But with the AP Glass Cannon Malphite build, why play safe.
I normally take ignite and look for early aggressive trades.
Could also take Teleport, more personal preference.
Depending on the match up mid lane early game could be difficult. Most hard matches are when the enemy is very mobile and has burst damage (Zed, Ahri, Akali..). In these you shouldn't look for too many fights, just farm up to level 6 while poking with Q when you can.
In lanes where your opponent isn't very mobile (easier if melee) makes it much easier to look for good trades with Q and E. You also have pretty good kill pressure if you take ignite level 1-3 as some people will underestimate your damage. I usually take corrupting potion first item as compared to Doran's Ring because it allows you to spam Q's more and try to kill with ignite.
If I get a kill in the early game I might be tempted to go for a Dark Seal to get more AP and snowball the lead I have. Since this is season 11 you can only get 1 mythic item I have been going for Everfrost first so I can continue to poke away at the enemy mid laner and still be tankier. This item still gives health and mana similar to Rod of Ages item that doesn't exist. You can also get make a case for luden's tempest with more poke an ability haste. A good idea is to build lost chapter first since it builds into both mythic items, and you can decide how the game is going and what you need. If you need more sustain, Everfrost will be better and with and active that does damage and roots them can also be useful to junglers ganking. When you hit level 6 you should be looking to use your full combo on the enemy midlaner after poking with Q (R,E,W,Q, ignite).
1. Look to kill mid laner every time your ult is up (or with jungle assistance)
2. Look to roam bot/top/or with your jungler find the enemy jungler and kill them to help effect the map.
If you have your first 2 items complete (Everfrost (or Luden's Tempest) and Zhonya's) I would continue to build AP items, as this is a glass cannon build. I would still build both in a normal game, just preference on which one you would like to build first.
You should also get Sorcerer's Shoes between the 2nd and 3rd item. Fourth item should be Rabadon's Deathcap.
5th and 6th item should be any of these items, still testing them out so I don't have 2 that I will always go to.
I would look at either Horizon Focus, Cosmic Drive, or Demonic Embrace depending on what you need at the time. These are all new items, but you can still pick from old items like Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Void Staff, Mejai's, Lich Bane.
Try to force fights around objectives like baron/drag so the enemy team with have to group up in small spaces which makes it easier for you to ult.
I would finish my build (Everfrost or Luden's Echo, Zhonya's Hourglass, Rabadon's Deathcap, Sorcerer's Shoes) 4/6 items already complete. There are a couple of AP options that you could build.
Alternative items: These are some items that you could substitute in, and could work better than some of the other 4 items but mainly just choose 2 more items from the remaining AP items. I am still testing out items that will work the best from the new items in season 11 like Cosmic Drive, Demonic Embrace, Horizon Focus. Other items that are pretty much the same that you can choose from are the following.
Void Staff - Could be useful for magic penetration, but the main enemies you would be focusing probably won't build that much Magic Resist.
Morellonomicon - Another Magic pen item
Liandry's Torment - Liandry's could be useful but it is more for champions that deal magic damage over an extended period of time, where you are mostly burst damage with AP Malphite.
Mejai's Soulstealer - This might work, but to get the most out of MS you would want this stacked up. So you should be deciding whether you want MS or not early in the game (if you get a few kills around level 1-7 and MS relatively cheap) as this can help you snowball your lead. More of personal preference if you want to go this route for your last item, but I believe this should be 1st/2nd item or not bought at all.
Lich Bane - Lich Bane gives good AP, 7% movement speed, and 10% Cooldown,but you lose the purpose of the passive while building full AP glass cannon Malphite. The passive makes it so after using an ability your next auto attack will deal 75% base AD (+50% AP) bonus magic damage. Which definitely is useful, but in the late game you are going to either:
1. blow up squishes
2. not blow up squishes
The lich bane wouldn't/should,'t be that impactful late game. I can see a scenario that LB can be purchased earlier and you would get the passive's power after you ult on top of the opponents face, or you are still in laning phase/in a melee match up where you would realistically be auto attacking more than 1-2 times after gap closing with ult.
Quick Overview
Mobile and Burst opponents are the hardest matchups (Zed, Akali,Katarina, all have burst and can dodge your ult)
- try to poke with Q pre level 6 but be careful most will be stronger than you in the beginning (at least until you get ult and have kill pressure
- focusing on farming, even under tower if they have lane priority
Most other matchups you should be ok to farm in lane fine with your passive and poke the other laner with Q. Then mid game and late game just look for good ults. It is that simple.
For more information on specific champions look at threats and synergies. I will be adding more when I feel I have played a couple times against certain champions.
Thanks for reading my first guide!
I also will be putting up league of legends videos on my YouTube and maybe streaming league or other games, if you would like to watch. Thanks for viewing this guide!
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