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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Main Spell Setup
Threats & Synergies
I ban gwen at the current juncture. Virtually impossible to exist on the map, and she can even outscale sion. Look to proxy and buy force of nature.
Champion Build Guide
Proxy is Win
Proxying is the most essential aspect of playing sion in the top lane. Not only does it put you in a position where you get to avoid bad matchups, it also allows you to have a global impact on the game in these ways:
1. Farming Jungle Camps
Farming jungle camps is like farming minions twice, because you are taking the minions that are supposed to be for the enemy and also farming yourself. It allows you to catapult your jungler and therefore, the rest of the map.
2. Enemies Killing You
If they send 2, 3, 4 people for you while your proxying, and you get the wave, you are chilling the rest of the map should be benefiting from that.
3: Avoding Your Lane Opponent
As I dictated in the matchup pages, Sion has a lot of terrible matchups. If you don't have to lane, you will outscale most of the champions you are against.
For proxying, the best strategy is
Step 1: Cheater Recall after first 3 waves
Step 2: Come back to lane with Cull and Long Sword and push to try and get the proxy by level 4/5.
1. Farming Jungle Camps
Farming jungle camps is like farming minions twice, because you are taking the minions that are supposed to be for the enemy and also farming yourself. It allows you to catapult your jungler and therefore, the rest of the map.
2. Enemies Killing You
If they send 2, 3, 4 people for you while your proxying, and you get the wave, you are chilling the rest of the map should be benefiting from that.
3: Avoding Your Lane Opponent
As I dictated in the matchup pages, Sion has a lot of terrible matchups. If you don't have to lane, you will outscale most of the champions you are against.
For proxying, the best strategy is
Step 1: Cheater Recall after first 3 waves
Step 2: Come back to lane with Cull and Long Sword and push to try and get the proxy by level 4/5.
Why We Die
Dying is only affective on Sion if you put yourself in good positions when you die. You should ask yourself every time you die: what did my enemy miss out on? Did they miss minions, xp, jungle camps, towers, etc. If they didn't miss anything, then it is a bad death. If they missed a lot, its a good death.
Where To Be On The Map
There is a lot of nuance to this, but I want to create a system for people who don't know where to be most of the time when they are playing. For Sion players, you should always be on the opposite side of the major objective that is up or coming up. This will allow you to be able to continue farming at a needed rate and will give you room to split push. So if you are ever confused where to be, go to the opposite side of the map.
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