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Jax Build Guide by SaltyDose21

Middle Jax Guide

Middle Jax Guide

Updated on July 3, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SaltyDose21 Build Guide By SaltyDose21 2,232 Views 0 Comments
2,232 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SaltyDose21 Jax Build Guide By SaltyDose21 Updated on July 3, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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Hey everyone. First guide on here ever. I hope you can at least learn a little bit, or enjoy the guide regardless.
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Summoner Spells

I'm usually comfortable with just going with ignite and flash, but you can also go with flash and ghost, if you're usually the type of player to prioritise cc over kills then go with teleport, this can also be useful if no other player in your team has teleport.
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I usually max out E first, since this is the ability in Jax's arsenal that can usually turn a team fight around, or even a 1v1, then max out your q as this is your main engage ability. Go ahead and max out e and finally R lastly.
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Early Game

Engage your enemy only when you have your 3 abilities learned. Try and use W if you're going in for a Q engage, as this max's out the damage you can do. Poke your enemy until lvl 3, prioritise cc, push out the wave, if you're able to get a decent amout of cc and therefore gold, I suggest roaming bot to get a kill if the enemy bot team is pushed up, you can also get some jungle farm to increase the gold, if your jungle doesn't mind or is ahead.
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Mid/Late game

Once you get the first turret or your team does, engage your mid laner more often if they're solo, you wanna keep the pressure, and because Jax has his counter, and can take a hit, you're usually fine if you get ganked or if the 1v1 doesn't go accordingly. Ending the game with Jax if you haven't got many kills can be tough, play to your team's strength's, usually, you can counter most mid laners, because you're tanky, so if you try and get a kill, make sure you target your mid laner first.
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Final thoughts

Jax can be a pretty fun champ, if you can use your E effectively, you shouldn't have a problem winning your lane, try and call for a gank only when the enemy mid laner is relatively low or is winning cc quickly, champions like Yasuo, Kass, LeBlanc, are usually gonna be a threat to you in terms of cc. Remember, engage only when you're lvl 3. Furthermore, you can ask your jungler for a lvl 3 gank, as you can stun the enemy with your e. Lastly, champions like Akali that are AD shouldn't be too much of a problem as long as you can keep the pressure.
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the guide
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SaltyDose21
SaltyDose21 Jax Guide
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Jax Guide

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